Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1794: transaction

Li Qiushui also sneered again and again: "I don't have the capital, so it's as if you're good to go. In the 36th hole and 72 islands rebellion, the strength of the Lingjiu Palace has been lost by half. Now you are not here, and the dragons of the Lingjiu Palace have no leader. At that time, those island owners’ caves attacked the Misty Peak, and Lingjiu Palace might have done a good job with only one remaining."

Tianshan Tong's grandmother snorted: "What kind of climate have the people of the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference achieved? The Lingjiu Palace is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so how can they be injured."

"Who knows how to blow up the atmosphere." Li Qiushui rolled his eyes.

"It's alright," Song Qingshu interrupted the quarrel between the two of them. "After all, you two have poor bargaining chips, so let's give me the Lingjiu Palace and the forces of Xixia, and I will take Wuyazi Where can I tell you now."

Li Qiushui smiled and said, "The son is too greedy."

"If it were before, the conditions for any one of you would be rich enough, but now you also know how much of your power is water." Song Qingshu said lightly, "and one of you is my captive and the other is saved by me. It’s not too much of a request."

"Well, as long as you take me to see Wuyazi, I have no objection." Tianshan Tong Grandma thought that she would have enough majesty in her life, and it would be meaningless to stay on the Miaofeng Peak in the emptiness, loneliness and coldness, plus this skill. It faded, making her a little discouraged.

Li Qiushui nodded and said, "Yes, but you have to agree to one of our requests."

"What?" Song Qingshu was extremely happy at this time. The problems that had plagued him before were solved. It was easy to behead Li Liangzuo before, but he had no foundation in Xixia. Killing Li Liangzuo would have another "Li Liangzuo". He came out, still making wedding dresses for others, but now that these two people have the foundation of influence, it is different. He has enough confidence to control Xixia.

"You must go with us." Li Qiushui said.

Song Qingshu frowned: "No, the situation on Xixia's side is changing rapidly. I don't have time. I can tell you where he is. Go and find him yourself. Are you afraid that I will lie to you?"

Li Qiushui sighed, "If we go to him, why do we have to make this deal with you? Since he was rescued by Su Xinghe back then, we can just ask Su Xinghe directly, why do we need you?"

"Then why?" Song Qingshu wondered.

Tianshan Tong's grandmother said in a tacit understanding: "Have you forgotten that Wuyazi has been paralyzed for many years now? Of course we don't want to see a disabled person, we naturally want him to return to his original shape."

Song Qingshu was speechless for a while: "I'm not a doctor. Why are you looking for me? Are you not good at medicine? I heard that you can change human eyes." Whether it is the Nine Turns Xiong She Wan or the Broken Muscle Bone Pill, both It is the top elixir and poison in the world, and the Lingjiu Palace in the original book even changed the eyes of Ah Zi after blindness. This kind of medical skills is beyond this era.

Tianshan Tong's grandmother replied: "Lingjiu Palace's medical skills are indeed good, but as far as I know, Su Xinghe has an apprentice named Xue Muhua who is one of the four great doctors in the rivers and lakes. After so many years, Su Xinghe must have asked God doctor Xue to treat Wuyazi. After being injured, Wu Yazi is still quadriplegic. Obviously, even the genius doctor Xue can't do anything about it. Most of the Lingjiu Palace can't save him."

Song Qingshu wrapped the quilt for Li Qinglu, and while he began to put on the clothes brought by Tianshan Grandma, he said: "You can't save me, how can I be saved?"

Li Qiushui sighed quietly: "I don’t know if the son is true or not. I heard that the son had his veins broken at the lion slaughter conference. Later, he also went to the four great doctors for treatment. Unfortunately, the four great doctors were also helpless. I thought you were dead. I didn’t expect that after a period of silence, the army suddenly emerged. Not only was the injury healed, but the martial arts also became the top of the rivers and lakes. So if anyone in this world can cure Wuyazi, it is the son. ."

Song Qingshu was startled. Only then did he think of all the things he had done back then. It was hard to learn the "Shenzhaojing" before he changed his fate. Thinking of this, Wuyazi is really similar to his original symptoms. Of course Wuyazi must have more. Seriously.

"Moreover, you can also have a Yang finger. As far as I know, Dali has the effect of reviving the dead. You can definitely cure Wuyazi with two prongs." Tianshan Tong's grandmother had fought against Song Qingshu before, and naturally knew that he would have a Yang. Refers to things.

Song Qingshu replied: "Since you have heard of the effect of a yang pointing to reviving the dead, naturally you also know the side effects of doing so."

Tianshan Tong nodded: "Yes, many years ago, I had a relationship with Master Yideng. I heard him say that using a Yang finger to save people will lead to extremely weak and unable to use force within five years."

Song Qingshu snorted: "Since you know that you think I will agree to it now?" His internal strength is so high that he has already resolved the ills of Yiyang pointing to save people, but there is no need to tell them about this. Used to sit on the floor and start the price.

Li Qiushui said softly: "Of course we know that the son has sacrificed a lot, but isn't the bargaining chip we gave is also rich enough? You must know that the forces that got me plus the Lingji Palace are already worth half of the country's power. "

"Half a country?" Song Qingshu smiled openly, "If it was half a month ago, it would be almost the same." At that time, Li Liangzuo had not launched a coup.

Li Qiushui smiled slightly: "Of course I know that our current bargaining chips are not as valuable as before, but didn't I give you a granddaughter? Qinglu is recognized as the number one beauty in the entire Xixia Kingdom, unparalleled and unrighteous, so that princes from all over the world will rush The existence of an all-powerful nation can be worthy of it."

"Toffee~" Li Qinglu couldn't help but anger, and at the same time, she felt very complicated. She was actually given away by her grandmother as a bargaining chip, and it was for an irrelevant man-you must know that Wu Yazi has no blood relationship with her.

At this time, Tianshan Tong's grandmother also spoke: "If you are not enough, I still have an apprentice there, who is the saint of the Lingjiu Palace. Not only is she beautiful, she is also a princess, and she is much more noble than Li Qiushui's granddaughter. Up."

Li Qiushui stopped doing it immediately, and curled his lips disdainfully: "What kind of princess is the descendant of the Chai family?"

Song Qingshu's heart moved. They were mostly talking about Fu Minyi. Of course, she used Tang Saier's name to walk the rivers and lakes in the Central Plains.

Tianshan Tong's grandmother glared at Li Qiushui: "After all, she is a descendant of Master, do you dare to be disrespectful to his old man?"

Li Qiushui's face changed slightly and hurriedly said, "Of course I dare not disrespect his old man. I mean, what qualifications do you have to betroth her to someone?"

Hearing the conversation between the two and reminiscing about the news previously received from Tang Saier, Song Qingshu secretly pondered, it seems that the founder of the Xiaoyao School, Pan Lang, is indeed the descendant of Chai Rong and has taught three brilliant apprentices. At the same time, he secretly laid out, but it was a pity that the infighting between several apprentices completely wasted his efforts.

Tianshan Tong snorted: "If the master is alive in the sky and knows that the husband-in-law I choose for her is such a talent, he will definitely agree to it. By the way, Song Xiaozi, I have four personal maids, one My compatriots, they are also sweet and lovely, and I will give them to you."

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