Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 178: Hongyan Zhanjian

Chapter 178 The Red Face Fights the Sword

With the cold water around him and the fiery body in his arms, Song Qingshu felt that his whole body was as hard as iron.

"Aren't we too fast? We didn't know each other before today..." After a long, suffocating kiss, Song Qingshu only felt that everything was so unreal. For a moment.

"What a duplicity man..." He Tie's blush was almost bleeding, his hands wrapped around Song Qingshu's neck, he sighed in his ears, and giggled.

"Your hand?" Song Qingshu asked suspiciously when he saw two arms that were as white as jade.

"Before the patriarchs of the He family took over the family, they would cut off their left arm and put on an iron centipede hook to practice the He family's unique skills. When I was a child, I was afraid of pain, and my mother loved me. The special iron centipede hook is used to conceal people's eyes and ears," He Tieshou said while unbuttoning Song Qingshu's clothes, while biting his lips, "This situation, don't you think these are very horrible things?"

Song Qingshu felt a warm, lubricated palm stretched into the lap of his own clothes, and it had been deliberately suppressed like a flood floodgate, and could no longer stop it. He stretched out his hand and hugged the tender body in front of him tightly, as if he was going to rub it into himself. The body is average.

"This is like what a man should do," He Tieshou was half-wake and half-dreaming at this time. He stuck out his tongue and licked his lips with a smile, "Love me..."

Fingers brushed the smooth skin on the opponent's back, feeling the exaggerated waist-hip curve, Song Qingshu was completely lost.

After a sweet cry, Song Qingshu finally fully tasted the softness and moistness of He Tie's hand...

I don’t know how long it took, He Tie hung his hands on Song Qingshu’s chest, his eyes blurred and shy, his forehead and nose were filled with fine and dense sweat, "My poison has not been completely resolved..."

"More? How many times have it been..." Song Qingshu was a little lost. He had lost his skills due to internal injuries. Now his body is weak, and he has gradually felt incapable of being able to do so.

"The concubine body will not make the son embarrassed." He Tieshou showed a charming smile, took a breath, and slowly sank into the water.

Song Qingshu only felt her body tighten, her eyes suddenly opened completely round, and she closed her eyes quickly and relaxedly, putting on a pleasant expression on her face.

After a long time, He Tie floated his hands on the surface of the water, wiped the water stains on the corners of his mouth, and said with a faint smile: "The concubine said that the son must do it..."

"The body of the twenty-eight girls is like a crisp, with a sword on the waist to cut a foolish husband. Although there is no head falling, it secretly makes the bone marrow dry." Song Qingshu murmured, her expression became fierce. "After speaking, I pressed it up, the water splashed layer by layer, and the sound of fairy music resounded in the pool again, and Yue'er seemed to be shy and hid in the clouds.

Seeing He Tieshou who had put on his dress, turned around and left, Song Qingshu said depressedly: "You just left?" Chapter 178 Hongyan Zhanjian

"Why, do I still need to be responsible for you?" He Tieshou turned his head and said coldly, the previous gentleness has long since vanished.

Song Qingshu's breath was choked. Some were not used to such a big gap. He chuckled and said, "Although every man has a headache, I still want to remind you that we have done so many times just now. What if you become pregnant? do?"

He Tieshou's body shape, when Song Qingshu was thinking that there was a play, she turned her head and smiled: "Don't worry, I will force what you left in my body with internal force."

After a stunned effort, He Tieshou was already in a daze. Song Qingshu muttered: "It's an eye-opener. There are such natural and pollution-free contraceptives in martial arts. Okamoto 003 is so weak compared to it... …But the others are okay, but those who eat into the stomach... and then spit it out from the mouth, are you really a big man?"

All the way back from Sheng Beast Tan, Song Qingshu always felt unhappy, although theoretically he took advantage, but why He Tie Shou's attitude gave him the illusion that he was a human-shaped cucumber thrown away when he used it up.

"Big Brother Song, are you back?" When the door opened, Zhong Ling on the bed managed to open his eyes, and said with sleepy eyes, "Hey, why are you soaked all over?" When she saw that Song Qingshu was covered with water, I sat up all at once.

"Well, I didn't notice my feet just now when it was dark, and I fell into the pool." Song Qingshu chuckled, "Don't worry, I have already sent someone a set of clean clothes."

"My mother said that if you don't change your wet clothes right away, it's easy to catch a cold. Brother Song, take off your clothes soon. I... promise you don't look at it." Zhong Ling looked a little anxious.

"I am a big man, even if you are seen by a little girl." Song Qingshu said with a smile, "Okay, go back to sleep by yourself, I will deal with it myself."

"When the Five Poison Cultists come to send clothes to Brother Song, can Brother Song lie on the bed with me for a while?" Zhong Ling's expression was twisted, obviously quite embarrassed.

After Song Qingshu's thoughts turned, she quickly understood what she was thinking, she must be worried that the Five Poison Cultists saw the two sleeping in separate beds, and finally reported it to Lan Fenghuang to know.

"Is Blue Phoenix so terrible? You are too courageous." Song Qingshu was quite speechless.

"That woman is fierce," Zhong Ling wrinkled Qiong's nose and snorted, "Since she is going to lie to her, she must have everything ready."

"I'm already very sleepy, but I didn't have this time to change it for a while, I went to bed first, and when someone knocks on the door later, you can help me get my clothes in." Song Qingshu yawned. Feeling backache and back pain, I can't wait to fall to sleep immediately.

"Then you go to bed!" Zhong Ling said hurriedly.

"That's what you said!" Song Qingshu felt that she was very worthy of her if she left her without eating. He was too lazy to be polite to her, and walked with the 178th chapter of the red face with sword.

When he got to the bed, he took off his wet clothes and pants and wiped it off with a veil. Then he got into the bed and fell asleep. "It smells so good..." This was Song Qingshu's last consciousness before falling asleep. .

Zhong Ling flushed with shame, put down her hands covering her eyes. She was curious for a while and took a sneak peek between her fingers. When she saw something that shouldn't be seen, her heart jumped wildly when she saw Song Qingshu. After the sound of sound asleep, he barely breathed a sigh of relief.

"Bang bang bang~" Hearing the knock on the door, Zhong Ling hurriedly ran to open the door, deliberately stepped aside to show Song Qing Shulu who was sleeping on the bed to the five poison maid at the door, Zhong Ling turned his head at will, pretending to look at it. The appearance of the roof, it is estimated that the other party is almost looking, and then reached out to take the clothes she sent.

After closing the door, Zhong Lingqiao blushed and sipped secretly: The woman had such an evil smile just now, and she certainly didn't think of any good things, but that's okay, it's easier to fool Lan Fenghuang.

Putting his clothes on the table, Zhong Ling re-made the bed he had just cleaned up. He slept on it for a while, only feeling panicked. He turned his head and glanced at the bed, seeing that Song Qingshu was sleeping deep, he hesitated for a moment, and got up. He tiptoed over, dragged his shoes and socks, and lay down on the bed.

It's a pity that the pillow was occupied by Big Brother Song alone. Zhong Ling gave him a bitter look, then took the other's hand and placed it under the back of his head. She immediately felt a lot more comfortable, and in her heart, the abacus was also quite good: Brother Song Sleeping so heavily, I must wake up late tomorrow, be careful, get up before he wakes up, forgive him for not knowing what happened, huh...

It's a pity that things backfired. After a day of worry and fear, Zhong Ling finally relaxed and fell into a deep sleep. Song Qingshu worked all night, but after all he was young and quickly regained his vitality. In the morning, he only felt his arms numb. After opening his eyes questioningly, he noticed that Zhong Ling was hugging himself like an octopus, with his head resting on his head. On his arm, there was a small slobber.

When Zhong Ling woke up, he found that Song Qingshu was sitting at the table eating breakfast, his face flushed with shame, he pulled the quilt and covered his head, "It's a shame, Zhong Ling, you dead girl, it's a shame. It's..."

"Sister Ling'er, Dali characteristic bait bait, do you want to eat it?" Song Qingshu smiled.

"Huh, people often eat this at home. What's so strange." Zhong Ling knew that hiding was no way, so he jumped out of the bed.

"Oh, I forgot that you are from Dali." Song Qingshu was taken aback and reacted.

"Song son, did you have a good rest last night?" A smile came from outside the door, and Song Qingshu saw Zhong Ling's expression change. He looked up, and it was indeed Blue Phoenix.

"I couldn't have a better rest, it's just a little tired." Song Qingshu thought of the scene of the water pool battle last night, really tired.

"I heard what my subordinates said. I heard that the young man was so tired that his whole body was soaked with sweat." Lan Fenghuang revealed the 178th chapter of the red face with sword.

With a weird smile, before Song Qingshu could answer, he came to Zhong Ling and stretched out his hand with a smile: "Bring it."

Zhong Ling pursed his mouth, unwillingly took out the white towel stained with the blood of Song Qingshu from his arms, and handed it over.

Seeing the bright blood stains on the white towel, Lan Fenghuang leaned over to Song Qingshu's ear and said, "Master Song really doesn't understand Lianxiangxiyu, can you handle such a small girl?"

Song Qingshu almost spit out a mouthful of soup from his mouth. Who was Nima who forced a good prostitution yesterday and forced Zhong Ling to accompany him by various means. If he hadn't been upright, he would have jumped into the Yellow River.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. The Eastern Leader has invited Young Master Song to gather at her residence." Noting the expression on Song Qingshu's face, Lan Fenghuang Gege laughed.

"Then what should she do?" Song Qingshu worried that as soon as he left, Zhong Ling was taken by Lan Fenghuang to an unknown place.

"Oh, it really deserves to be a couple hundred days' grace in one day, little girl, you are such a good way to let Song Gongzi's love for you only one night." Lan Fenghuang gave Zhong Ling a surprised look and smiled. "Since the son likes her, she naturally continues to stay here to serve the son."

"This woman is full of nonsense and annoying." Zhong Ling was sulking secretly, but he didn't dare to show it.

Song Qingshu finally calmed down and followed Lan Fenghuang to Dongfang Muxue's residence. As soon as they met, she hadn't spoken yet, but Dongfang Muxue glanced at his face and suddenly furiously said: "Lost spirit, weak limbs, Blue Phoenix, isn't it? What a good thing you did!"

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