Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1805: Return to the Central Plains

Song Qingshu looked cold, and said faintly: "Last time I spared you for not dying, who gave you the courage to speak up in front of me?"

"You!" Xuan Cheng's face turned red in an instant. He was the most important person in daily life, and he was the first person in martial arts in Shaolin Temple. He has always been obsessed with the world's number one master. Now he is so scarred by the opponent. , He can be described as disgraced. But thinking of the last time the masters of Shaolin Temple had a great battle with this thief, the whole army was almost wiped out, and now I still have lingering fears, so my lips trembled for a long time, after all, I didn't dare to refute anything.

Seeing him acquiesce, the people around him were in an uproar. There were many martial artists in the inn. They knew that Xuan Cheng was the first person in Shaolin in two hundred years. He was nearly killed by a young man. How sacred is this young man?

Even Ku Rong and Yi Deng couldn't help looking a little. Although they knew that Song Qingshu's martial arts was high, one had only played against each other a few years ago, and the other was just listening to rumors. He didn't expect his cultivation base to be so high now.

Kumazhi is also the boss with a pair of eyes. He and Xuancheng have also fought each other, knowing how amazing his skills are. If he hadn't cheated himself, he would never be good at the other party's hands. I didn't expect such a character to be killed by Song Qingshu. ?

"By the way, I'm very curious, I remember the last time you were broken by me, the meridians of the Vajra Body were broken, why can you stand here alive and well?" Song Qingshu couldn't help asking.

"What, it's not bad to break the King Kong?" This time, even the terrifyingly high Tianshan Tongmao and Li Qiushui were shocked. King Kong's goodness is known as one of the three great skills of Shaolin from ancient times to the present. Manpower can break the defense, now listening to the meaning of these words, it seems that it has been broken frontally? Also smashed the other side's meridians?

Li Qiushui was a little skeptical. Xuan Cheng was standing here now. It really didn't look like the meridians were injured. Only the Tianshan child grandmother on the side nodded secretly. She had fought life and death with Song Qingshu, knowing how terrifying his true cultivation level was.

"Amitabha Buddha," Xuan Ci called out the Buddha's name, and then continued, "I would also like to thank Master Yi Deng for his help, and he will not hesitate to spend his energy to treat Xuan Cheng with a Yang finger."

Last time the masters of Shaolin went out to chase Xiao Feng and his son, but a Song Qingshu came out halfway, and they nearly wiped out their entire army alone. The scene is still like a nightmare when I think of it. When I just came in, I saw that Xuancheng actually wanted to make a difference. Quickly go to tease the demon, he almost didn't scold the Wu Chi Junior Brother to death. Worried that Song Qingshu would be in trouble again, so he hurriedly tied Master Yideng and Shaolin together. There is one of the five unique Southern Emperors. Master Ku Rong of Tianlong Temple, and Duan Yu who knows the Six-Medition Divine Sword, he felt a little relieved.

Master Yideng did not know his calculations, and replied after hearing the words: "Thanks to the help of the unknown holy monk with the help of the world, otherwise it would be difficult for the poor monk to rescue Master Xuancheng." Unfortunately, it was only temporarily saved, if not. ...In front of their enemies, it is naturally inconvenient to disclose the details.

At the same time, he was also terrified. When the people from Shaolin Temple found him, they asked him to treat Xuancheng with a yang finger. He was so sad about Liu Guifei’s illegitimate son, but now he is already a compassionate heart. What's more, Shaolin Temple and the Duan Clan of Dali have always had a good relationship, and this time they also gave a very generous bargaining chip. Naturally, he couldn't stand by.

It was only when I arrived at Shaolin Temple that Xuan Cheng had broken meridians. It was obvious that he was injured by extremely tyrannical internal force. He had a relationship with Xuan Cheng in the past. Knowing how high his martial arts is, I didn’t expect that someone would be able to kill him. After being hurt like this, I asked Shaolin Temple out of curiosity, but the other party kept silent about it, and he kept stubbornly reluctant to answer. Naturally, he would not force others to make it difficult. Only today did I know that it was the young man in front of Xuancheng that hurt Xuancheng.

"You actually saved it?" Song Qingshu frowned, thinking that if a Yang pointed to save people would be very irritating, why Master Yideng was like a okay person, but quickly realized that Huang Rong was injured in Qiu Qianren's iron palm. Next, Guo Jing took her to seek medical advice from Master Yideng, and later paid the Master Yideng with the Jiuyin Scriptures to help Master Yideng recover her skills. In addition, Shaolin couldn’t use all kinds of panacea this time, and there were people with monks such as sweeping monks. , It should not be a big problem to make up for his loss.

"Yiyang Zhi really is so magical!" Li Qiushui and Tianshan Tongmao were happy, knowing that they had to let Song Qingshu come together this time, just to let him save the paralyzed Wuyazi, but Yiyang Zhizhi cures. The injury was only heard before, but now that they saw it with their own eyes, they immediately felt relieved.

"It's not that easy," Song Qingshu suddenly remembered something, and said, "His meridians have been broken, and I'm afraid he won't be able to get it back with a single Yang finger. There should be medicines such as Heiyu Intermittent Ointment. You Shaolin really took refuge in Mongolia secretly."

Even Master Yideng couldn't help but glance at the people in Shaolin Temple. He did use some black ointment to smear Xuancheng's body at the beginning. Could it be that they have really tuned with Mongolian Antong?

Xuan Ci's expression changed, and he hurriedly said, "Master Song must not guess wildly. Our temple has a thousand years of age. He is already good at the art of pill medicine. Naturally, there are things similar to black jade intermittent ointment. Why should you go to Mongolia?"

Master Yideng nodded and said: "Yes, the elixir of Shaolin Temple is also a unique martial arts, and the Great Huan Dan is famous for hundreds of years, and the black jade intermittent ointment comes from the Shaolin of the Western Regions, and the Shaolin of the Western Regions was created by a traitor in the Shaolin Temple. Most of this prescription was passed down from the Shaolin Temple." He has a younger brother Tianzhu who is proficient in medical skills, and he has certain attainments in medical practice. He has naturally heard of Heiyu Intermittent Ointment.

Song Qingshu thought that he didn't rule out this possibility, but he thought that Shaolin Temple had this kind of elixir for renewing muscles and veins. At the beginning of his lion slaughter meeting, the muscles and veins were broken, but the sweeping monk said that there was no medicine to cure... Although he also knew that he was not worth it at the beginning. Shaolin spent a lot of time to save him, but the unhappiness in his heart still deepened a bit.

"Not only did Xuancheng recover, he was also blushing, and his complexion was better than before. It is really depressing." Song Qingshu secretly thought, and it is best for Xuancheng to provoke himself again, and he can justly send him to the west. Elysium.

The rules of this world emphasize that a teacher is famous. If he kills Xuan Cheng for no reason at this time, he will become the target of public criticism when he spreads to the rivers and lakes. It is really not worth the loss. This is to fight for some of the costs and concerns of the world, otherwise To be a demon who is both righteous and evil, there is not so much attention to it.

"Do it, do it quickly..." Song Qingshu looked at Xuan Cheng with a smile, and kept waving the flag for him in his heart.

Xuan Cheng didn't know why, but felt a bit cold behind his back. Coupled with Xuan Ci's transmission of information to warn him, he still didn't say anything to death.

It’s just that, everyone in Shaolin Temple is a little embarrassed. Because of the shadow of the last fiasco, they really don’t want to live under the same roof with Song Qingshu, the big demon. The ghost knows if he will kill him again; but if it’s so dingy With so many people in the rivers and lakes in front of the Duan Clan in Dali, the reputation of Shaolin Temple is completely gone. It is not for a moment to enter there, nor is it to retreat.

At this moment, a few people came in at the door, a handsome young man, and a rough old man, but the two bright and moving girls around them were the most attractive ones.

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