Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1815: Sorrow from the heart

Song Qingshu couldn't help but said, "The reason you want to travel is probably not to persuade them, but the main reason is that Huo Du is still nearby."

Huo Qingtong's cheeks blushed and he snorted, "What's wrong with killing two birds with one stone."

Wang Yuyan looked at Song Qingshu and said softly: “Big Brother Song, Sister Huo came to the Central Plains all the way, it’s very hard to run for the future of the people, so don’t embarrass her anymore.” She talked with Huo Qingtong and said to this. A strong heroine developed a lot of reverence, and she naturally didn't want her to be ridiculed by Song Qingshu.

It is rare to hear Wang Yuyan softly begging. Although Song Qingshu is not Duan Yu, he still feels a little better at hearing. Naturally, I am embarrassed to continue to embarrass Huo Qingtong.

Soon the group finished their breakfast and set off towards Leigu Mountain. The town where they had settled before was not far from Leigu Mountain. The group rode horses and galloped, and finally reached the realm of Leigu Mountain in the morning of the second day.

I went straight up the mountain road and walked to midday. The terrain got higher and higher. Finally, the horses could no longer go up. The group had to get off their horses and walk for more than half an hour. They came to one place and saw the bamboo trees and the forest. The scenery was quiet and beside the mountain stream. A pavilion is built with giant bamboos, and it is very ingenious. Bamboo is the pavilion, and the pavilion is the bamboo. At first glance, it is impossible to distinguish whether it is a bamboo forest or a pavilion.

Huo Qingtong was born in Xinjiang, and he couldn't help but admire the exquisite scenery. Even Song Qingshu and Wang Yuyan who grew up in southern China secretly admired this quiet design.

Standing in the pavilion stood two young men wearing rural clothes, walked in front of the crowd, bowed and saluted: "How many come to participate in the Zhenlong chess game?" At the same time secretly surprised, this group of men is handsome and unrestrained. The woman is charming and graceful, even that monk is a precious and solemn, is it a figure from heaven?

At their upright and full-bodied age, they couldn't help but secretly look at a few beautiful women. It's a pity that the looks of the women were so outstanding, as if there was an invisible light, they didn't dare to look at them.

Seeing all the small movements of a few people, Song Qingshu smiled slightly, thinking that when he was young in his previous life, he wanted to look at beautiful women in the same way but didn't dare to look at them.

The young man noticed his smiling eyes, and could not help but flushed, and hurriedly took out a firecracker from his arms and set it on fire. With a bang, the firecracker rushed into the sky. Ordinary artillery battles were once "pop", followed by a "pat" in mid-air, which exploded to pieces. After the artillery battle flew into the air, it was patted and patted three times in a row.

Li Qiushui frowned slightly: "It seems that he should be Su Xinghe's disciple and grandson. Wugong didn't learn very well, it was all strange and lewd skills." She was a little far apart, and the young man didn't hear clearly, otherwise he had to come out. Maintain the majesty of the Patriarch.

Soon a group of people came on the mountain road, there were more than 30 people, all dressed as peasants, each carrying a long sword in their hands. When I got close, I saw that these long objects were not weapons, but bamboo sticks. A rope net is tied between every two bamboo bars for people to ride.

The young man clung his hands and said, "My master is so pleased, everyone is welcome, just sit on it."

Everyone understood that this should be a bamboo sedan chair specially designed to deal with mountain roads. Li Qiushui snorted: "These people are slow, I don't have the time to spend with them." The whole person was like a wisp of smoke as soon as the voice fell. Flying up the mountain, the disciples dressed as peasants were stunned.

Kumozhi was also amazed: "Lingbo's microstep is really a light work of the first class in the world."

"You can't let the temptress catch up first." Seeing Li Qiushui was gone, Tianshan Tong's grandmother was worried that she would see Wuyazi first, so she hurriedly rushed to catch up with Wuyazi.

Song Qingshu's expression was wrong: "These two people are really impatient, let's go up." Since the two have already taken the lead and ran up the mountain, it is naturally impossible for them to take the bamboo sedan chair to follow behind. They can only move up. Qinggong followed behind.

Kumo’s intellectual skills are high, and he is as strong as flying on this rugged mountain slope. As a disciple of Li Qiushui’s careful training, his skills are also outstanding among the younger generation, so naturally there is no problem. .

Only Wang Yuyan doesn't know much about martial arts, and looking at this rugged and steep mountain road is a bit difficult. Although Li Qinglu is willing to help, but his skills are limited, there is no problem with it alone, and it is really not enough to bring another person.

In fact, Li Qiushui came across a similar situation along the way, wading through the mountains and water with Wang Yuyan in his arms. Unfortunately, seeing Wuyazi today, he left this granddaughter aside.

"Menglang, you can help her." Seeing the embarrassment of her cousin, Li Qinglu said to Song Qingshu.

Nowadays, on the rugged mountain roads, the so-called help is indispensable to hug and hug. In fact, Song Qingshu comes from later generations. Such physical contact is not a big deal. However, considering the conservative atmosphere of this era, and in the presence of Li Qinglu, it is really inconsistent. Sister-in-law has something too intimate.

But now Li Qinglu took the initiative, and Wang Yuyan's face turned red, but did not refuse, Song Qingshu naturally did not hesitate to come to her: "Miss Wang, I will take you up."

Wang Yuyan was a little daunted: "Thank you, Brother Song." At the same time, she felt a little weird in her heart. She always felt that he was taking advantage of him, so why should I thank him...

Song Qingshu's thoughts had already flown to Zhenlong's chess game at this time, thinking about why so many martial arts people appeared, and naturally he had no time to care about the girl's random thoughts at this time. He picked up her slender waist, and the touch of a Yingying grip made him unconscious. swing.

If it's Duan Yu, I'm afraid he's already having a nosebleed madly by now, right? Song Qingshu guessed maliciously, and at the same time, with a little toe and big sleeves fluttering, he took the lead. He didn't run in a hurry, but he was floating on this steep mountain road like a wind, without touching the ground, he immediately sank into the bamboo forest in front of him.

Huo Qingtong, who was behind, had always been dissatisfied with him. In addition, he had only heard about his martial arts, but had never seen him make a move. Now, seeing his light work like an immortal in the sky, I can’t help but secretly admire: this man Although I hate it a little bit, but Qinggong is really powerful, the whole Huijiang, no, even if it is counted as Mingjiao, I am afraid that Zhang Jiaozhu does not have this light...

Now that Song Qingshu has set off, Li Qinglu naturally followed up with Ling Bo's microsteps. Huo Qingtong had no choice but to use light work to follow up. It is a pity that although her martial arts are good, she can only be considered good. Song Qingshu, Kumozhi, who are at the top of the arena? Even though he tried his best and screamed out of sweat, he was still farther and farther away from the people in front of him, and soon they disappeared from sight.

Huo Qingtong has been carrying the important task of guarding the tribe over the years. Unfortunately, Mongolia is getting stronger and stronger, and the Hui tribe is getting weaker and weaker. She sees no hope at all. This time, she is also desperate and ran to the Central Plains to help each other, hoping that all countries will unite and fight against Mongolia. , But as the leader of one party, how could she not know that all countries are thinking about it for themselves, and the hope of uniting them is simply very slim.

Even if this is the case, she has been holding on forever, but now in the entire mountains, there is no more people looking at it. She seems to be abandoned here by the world, and when she thinks of the heavy burden on her shoulders, she can't help but feel a little sad from it, tears I couldn't help but lower the wheel from my cheek, and couldn't stop it.

"You don't need to cry if you can't keep up?" At this moment, a joking voice suddenly came from her side. Huo Qingtong looked up, wondering when Song Qingshu had already come to her.

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