Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1821: Yellow Hair and the Suffering Lord

Tianshan Tong's grandmother glanced at her after hearing this, "Shut up!" She saw through Li Qiushui's short thoughts on deliberately picking her up.

At this time, the old man with a childlike face just heard the conversation between the two, and ran over curiously, "Hey, your little girl is young, why is her voice so old?"

Tianshan child grandmother was on the fire, and said coldly, "Go away~"

But the old man with a childlike appearance became more and more curious, and looked around her in circles, "It's really amazing, amazing."

The petite figure has always been the reverse scale of the Tianshan child's grandmother, who most avoids the strange eyes of others, snorted, and slapped the old man directly. She was really angry. This trick has been used in the Tianshan six sun palms. effort.

"Oh~" The old man did not expect her to make a sudden move, let alone that this little girl's martial arts was so high, the small palm of his hand reached him in an instant, and in a hurry, he hurriedly transported the empty fist to parry and counted continuously. Only then did the move resolve the violent power in the opponent's palm.

Now he was frightened, and he hurriedly backed away more than a foot and pulled enough distance, but was soon replaced by greater curiosity, "It's fun and fun, we'll try again." He said, he wanted to rush over again.

"Zhou Botong, don't have branches." At this moment, another patched old man next to him slanted and blocked his way forward. There were no lack of masters in the court. He could see that his random stop was extremely clever, just blocking his companions. The route of the move will eliminate a battle invisible.

The old man Hefa Tongyan was anxiously scratching his ears and cheeks, but his companion blocked his way forward. If he wanted to find that weird little girl, it was impossible to fight with his companion first.

"Zhou Botong?" Hearing this name, everyone around him was shocked. The old naughty boy Zhou Botong is a figure worthy of the top five. Such a character suddenly appears here and has a decisive influence on the situation. Moreover, the old man beside him was not like an ordinary person in his gestures.

"Does Zhou Botong and Hong Qigong?" Song Qingshu also recognized them. He was dressed up as a beggar gang, with a bamboo stick and wine gourd. Who else could it be if it wasn't Hong Qigong, but I didn't know these two people. How come together.

The King of King Jinlun was a little discolored. The old urchin made a big fuss in the Mongolian camp. They did not suffer a lot. They did not expect to meet again this time. This man's martial arts is really a bit tricky.

The Shaolin monks were overjoyed. Abbot Xuanci saluted "Hong Gang, the old naughty boy is polite." Shaolin and the Beggar Gang have always had a good relationship with Quanzhen Sect. If you get these two top masters, how can you still use it? Fear of Song Qingshu.

"I have seen the abbot." Hong Qigong smiled and replied.

The old naughty boy on one side was about to bow when he saw Master Yideng standing next to the Shaolin monks. He immediately ran out as if he had seen a ghost. "It's not fun here, the old naughty boy is leaving first."

A group of people were stunned, and they couldn't imagine that with his martial arts, there was nothing to be afraid of in this world, but his appearance seemed to be frightened.

Fortunately, Hong Qigong has quick eyes and quick hands, and grabs him "What are you running, old naughty boy?"

"I...I..." Zhou Botong hesitated for a long time, his face flushed and he didn't say why.

Looking at him who had always been innocent and romantic, he showed such a cowardly expression, the people around him were unconsciously unconscious, the master Yideng in the distance put his hands together, and sighed quietly, "Amitabha Buddha."

I am afraid that only a few people like Song Qingshu and others in the field know the whole story. When Wang Chongyang brought Zhou Botong to Dali to pass on the innate merits of Emperor Duan, Zhou Botong taught Liu Guifei to acupuncture acupuncture skills. . He felt that he was greatly sorry Emperor Duan about this matter, and naturally saw him with a guilty conscience and wanted to run.

Song Qingshu laughed blankly, this is exactly the yellow hair and the bitter master in those indescribable animes of later generations.

"We still have work to do, why are you running?" Hong Qigong couldn't help but feel a little annoyed when he saw that he couldn't tell why.

"Senior Brother Xue, is that you?" Su Xinghe's disciple suddenly looked at the middle-aged man with eight characters next to them and asked.

The middle-aged man took the opportunity to break free from the control of the two of them, ran over, and knelt in front of Su Xinghe, "Unscrupulous disciple Xue Muhua, pay homage to Master."

Song Qingshu was startled. He didn't expect that this was Xue Muhua, one of the four great genius doctors in the world. He had broken his meridians when he traveled to this world, and he was thinking about seeking him for treatment.

Su Xinghe looked relieved, "You all came back one by one, good, very good."

Xue Muhua noticed the tension in the field just now, and couldn't help asking, "Master, what are you doing?"

Su Xinghe gave a wry smile, and the disciples nearby had talked about what had just happened. In their mouths, Song Qingshu deliberately made trouble and destroyed the relationship between them and Shaolin Temple.

Song Qingshu smiled openly, naturally disdainful of any quarrel with them.

But Xue Muhua rolled his eyes and shouted to the other side, "Aren't you looking for me to find out about Guo Jing's whereabouts? Old naughty boy, if you can help deal with the surname Song, I will tell you the whereabouts of Guo Jing."

Everyone was shocked. It turned out that they had captured Xue Muhua before asking about Guo Jing's whereabouts. Hearing the word Guo Jing, Jinlun Fawang and the others also had a lot of splendor in the eyes. You must know that Guo Jing is their old adversary, and the mission here this time has something to do with Guo Jing.

Song Qingshu secretly wondered if Princess Huazheng took Guo Jing to find Xue Muhua for treatment? I don't know how it is cured.

Suddenly I heard Zhou Botong yell, "Well, since the surname Song is the opponent of Emperor Duan, then I will vent my anger for him!" He just heard the deaf-mute people telling the situation, and knew that Yi Deng belonged to Shaolin Temple. Standing together, he almost fought with Song Qingshu. He felt ashamed, so he planned to help Master Yideng to make up for the debt that year.

He had just finished speaking, and the whole person had come to Song Qing's writing. There were no shortage of experts around him, but they were a little shocked, "What happened to Zhou Botong just now? How can I not see clearly."

Only Song Qingshu understands what's going on. After practicing the Jiuyin Scriptures and adding bug moves like left and right fighting techniques, Zhou Botong is actually the number one in the five must now. Apart from the fake death Wang Chongyang, he really fights other evils. Xidu Nandi Beijie was not his opponent at all.

However, Song Qingshu was so good at this time. Although the opponent's body skills were quick, it did not surprise him too much. He reached out and resolved the opponent's attack.

"Huh?" If at first Zhou Botong was to stand up for Master Yideng, then now he is really interested. After all, he is famous for Wu Chi, and he solved it when he saw that trick was downplayed by a young graduate. Now, the unconvinced heart surged up, and immediately used the left and right mutual fighting technique to attack him, and instantly it was the shadow of the fist in the sky. I don't know which place is real and which place is imaginary... (https:)

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