Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1823: All thoughts

The collision between the wind and the sword quickly disappeared, and Master Yideng folded his hands together: "Song Donor, this is after all the internal affairs of Shaolin and the deaf and dumb. It must be forgiving and forgiving."

Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows. He just had to deal with Zhou Botong, who was attacking with all his strength, and also deal with the stone that Xuanci lashed out. The sword energy he emitted was naturally weaker, not to mention the power of Master Yideng’s one positive finger. , It is normal to resolve it.

But seeing that Xuan Cheng had entered the house, he didn't have the mind to fight with people. He appeared at the entrance of the cave in a flash. Xuan Ci and Xu Zhu had been waiting there. Seeing him coming, the two of them had their best knowledge of their lives. Attacked the past.

Song Qingshu also had some headaches. Whether it was Xuanci or Xuzhu, both of them were first-class masters in the world. Now guarding this small hole, he would not be able to make it for a while. In desperation, he could only relax his arms and directly borrow The opponent's move was placed on the arms of the two of them, and they pulled them into the field directly, exposing the hole.

"Amitabha!" Master Ku Rong had friendship with the monks of Shaolin Temple and was a good friend with Wu Yazi. He was a little dissatisfied when he "troubled" the Zhenlong chess game. At this time, he saw Xuanci and Xuzhu's arms being held, worried about the two. People are in danger, so he hurriedly picked up a Yang and pointed them to Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu's face sank. Many people didn't even see how he made the move. They only saw Zen Master Ku Rong grunt, and he had already withdrawn from the circle of war.

Master Yideng had just realized how brilliant the opponent's martial arts was, and worried about what would happen to Ku Rong, he hurriedly took care of it, but he was very kind and did not attack Song Qingshu at this time. His tricks were all to defend the other party from continuing to deal with Ku Rong.

Song Qingshu naturally didn't have the time to talk to the Duan family. He was just entangled by these great masters. He couldn't help but lack skills. So he said to the Tianshan Tong and Li Qiushui beside him, "What are you two watching? The person from is in there. If you are late, don’t blame me for not reminding you if something happens."

Tianshan Tongmao and Li Qiushui were originally watching the theater. They weren't kind and good people, and they were only a temporary combination of interests with Song Qingshu. Especially Tianshan Tongmao, who had been poisoned by him. Yu Huai, wishing that more top masters would besiege him, so that he could observe from the side to see if there were any flaws in his martial arts.

But hearing his words, the two of them instantly became calm.

"No cliff!" The thoughts in their minds flashed off, and they rushed to the wooden house in a hurry.

At this time, Yuan Shixiao, Chen Jialuo and others were blocked at the entrance of the cave. They had a good relationship with Shaolin, so they planned to help Shaolin and make him owe himself a favor.

"Get away!" Tianshan Tong's grandmother shouted angrily, Tianshan Six Suns palm suddenly broke out, Yuan Shixiao's expression changed, and he hurriedly pushed Chen Jialuo aside, raised his palm to welcome him, and quickly blushed, and walked back two steps before he stood. Stabilized.

After all, he is the number one expert in returning to Xinjiang, although he is not as good as Tianshan Tongmao, but at this time, he defends on danger, and it is not so easy for the opponent to beat him.

On the other side, Li Qiushui is facing Yuan Ziyi and Chen Jialuo. Although these two are good hands among young people, where is Li Qiushui's opponent? Seeing Li Qiushui's sleeves swept away, he directly lifted the white anthurium and palm power. The two of them were hit by an internal force from the sloping ground, and their bodies were sore and numb. The other party took this opportunity to use the Lingbo micro-step flash drill. Entered the wooden house.

Seeing that his opponent had stepped forward first, Tianshan Tong's grandmother was even more violent, and his hands became more violent by three points. Yuan Shixiao suddenly became dangerous. If he hadn't leaned on the wooden house behind his back, he could save half of his defensive energy. At this time, he might already have hatred. On the spot.

Seeing Master in danger, Chen Jialuo and the two couldn't care about chasing Li Qiushui, and hurried over to help, Yuan Shixiao's pressure was lessened.

"It's really interesting. A group of people are rushing into the wooden house. Could there be any treasure in it?" On the Mongolian party's side, Yin Kexi laughed and rushed over here. Xiaoxiangzi Nimoxing and the others were unwilling to lag behind. Even the King of the Golden Wheel is a little tempted. After all, these are masters in the field, and they desperately want to rush in to prove that there must be something precious inside.

Su Xinghe and the others changed their complexions and hurriedly greeted them. Many of the disciples around him also helped out. It's a pity that Su Xinghe's own martial arts is about the same as Yin Kexi and his ilk. His disciples are even worse. I don't know how much. The people who were almost deaf and dumb fell to pieces.

Kumazhi chuckled: "How can such a lively thing be less of me, Brother Song, I will help you enter the house." After speaking, he rushed towards the wooden house. He was as curious as the King of the Golden Wheel.

"Ku Mozhi, don't want to hurt people." Seeing that he was going to pass by Master Yideng and Zen Master Ku Rong, Duan Yu suddenly became anxious, worried that he would suddenly kill him, and the Six Meridian Sword in his hand shot out.

Originally, Duan Yu’s Six-Medition Divine Sword was not effective at all times, and it was difficult to do as he pleases, but he was caught by Kumazhi, and he was always quite afraid of the other party in his heart, so naturally he also played twelve points of mental defense. Worried that the elders of the clan would be in danger, the Six Meridian Excalibur was issued in a hurry.

Kumazhi was taken aback, and while dodge his sword aura, he said angrily: "The smelly boy of the last name, when I catch you, I must bring you to Mr. Murong's grave and burn it!"

He was almost cremated in front of Murong’s tomb as a living sword before. Duan Yu was scared enough at the time. At this time, he was evoked by the shadow of life. How could he dare to be vague in his hand, the Six-Medition Divine Sword shot like a machine gun. Makes Kumachi embarrassed.

At this time Song Qingshu's voice came: "Ming Wang, his Six-Medition Divine Sword is not fully integrated. There is a big problem with the connection between the six-way swordsmanship, and you can stop him by grasping the gap."

Kumozhi was taken aback, and when he looked carefully, he found out that it was exactly what he said, and he screamed ashamed. When he was young, he heard Murong Bo praise the Six-Medition Divine Sword like that, and unknowingly gave it to the myth. The first reaction is to avoid it, but now thinking about it carefully, the Six Vein Excalibur may not really outperform my Flame Knife.

He made up his mind to stop blindly dodge, but looked at the gap and forced Duan Yu over.

Seeing the opponent getting closer and closer, Duan Yu couldn't help feeling a little panicked. The swordsmanship in his hand was full of flaws. Yu Guang, the master of Yi Deng in the battle circle, saw the situation here and couldn't help but say: "Single Mai sword technique, don’t switch six channels."

As one of the five must-dos, he has a unique vision, he saw the problem at a glance, and immediately found a way to deal with it.

Duan Yu stopped for a while and Shaozejian for a while and Shangyang sword. From the beginning to the end, there was only one line of swordsmanship. In this way, there was really no gap, and Kumozhi tried several times and did not get closer.

"It turned out to be really effective!" Duan Yu smiled, but with this distraction, the Six-Medition Divine Sword in his hand suddenly became miserable. What a character Ku Mazhi, instantly grasped the flaw and deceived him, and slammed it on his shoulder. Deducted.

Duan Yu wanted to use Lingbo's microsteps, but the other party had already taken precautions and sealed off his escape routes. Seeing that it was inevitable to avoid him, Yi Deng and Ku Rong beside him were also shocked, but it was a pity that one clone was lacking in skills. , One was seriously injured and it was too late to save him. (https:)

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