Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1825: Kitoku Senkin

As soon as he said this, Huo Qingtong's face blushed, and he was about to say that it was not what you thought, but felt that he didn't need to explain, so he stood there for a while, not knowing what to say.

"You lost your wife and lost your soldiers?" Song Qingshu took Zhang Wuji a quick glance, "Your proposal is not bad."

Huo Qingtong couldn't help but stomped his feet and glared at him slightly: "Song son~"

Zhang Wuji snorted, obviously a little dissatisfied: "I have another important business today, and I will settle this account slowly in the future." After speaking, he walked to the deaf-mute door.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly. Although the two are enemies, they have a tacit understanding that doesn't need to be stated. Now he still needs him to carry Mongolia, so he won't share his birth and death with him.

Seeing Zhang Wuji leaving, Song Qingshu bowed his hands to Hong Qigong and Master Yideng: "Thank you for your reminder." Thinking of Zhang Wuji not letting go of any chance to take his own life, Song Qingshu suddenly felt a little unhappy, but on the other hand, he still needed him. Containing Mongolia in the Western Regions, and there is no way to kill him, is it so cheap for him?

Suddenly, his eyes fell to Huo Qingtong's tall and graceful figure, Song Qingshu seemed to have thought of something, and the mood that was a little frustrated instantly improved.

Hong Qigong waved his hand at this time, and said: "Your martial arts is very high, even if you didn't remind you just now, you can hide." He is open and upright, unwilling to accept the non-existent merits, and at the same time secretly thinks about the fact that the opponent suddenly disappeared and reappeared. What exactly are the moves three feet away from the side.

Master Yideng is thinking about another question: "What's the matter with the black vortex in front of Master Zhang just now? Is the universe moving?"

Song Qingshu explained: "It is indeed a great shift in the universe, and at the same time it is mixed with the star-absorbing method, so it can dissolve my sword aura to a certain extent."

When Zhang Wuji fought with Ah Qing, she was injured by her innate sword aura. The sword aura had been entangled in the meridians. In desperation, she had no choice but to ran to Heimuya to capture the star-absorbing power-fa to dissolve the innate force. Jian Qi. Looking at him now, I don’t know how many masters’ internal forces have been absorbed by the star-absorbing method. Wugong is no less than that of the triumphant period, and because of the attribute of the star-absorbing method to dissolve true qi, it can even dissolve sword qi. It's really a headache.

However, there is no absolute thing in the world, just like Taijiquan uses softness to defeat strength. If the value of strength exceeds a certain range, softness is of no use. The same is true for his ablation of sword energy, only a part of it.

"Sudden Stars-Dharma?" Master Yideng looked surprised. Obviously he didn't expect Zhang Wuji to learn the skills of this magic teaching, but after thinking about it, Mingjiao was originally the magic teaching in everyone's eyes. This is not surprising.

"By the way, why is Gang Leader Hong appearing here this time?" Song Qingshu finally found the opportunity to ask. Two Wujue grabbed Xue Muhua and didn't let it go. It seemed that they had even heard them mention Guo Jing just now?

Seeing his modest attitude, Hong Qigong did not hide it: "That's it. Rong'er and Huang Yaoshi found me some time ago and asked me to help find Guo Jing's whereabouts. Rong'er has given birth by herself, and Huang Yaoshi has to take care of it on the island. She is lack of skills, so she entrusted me and the old naughty boy to inquire about Jing'er's whereabouts. We got the news that someone took him to see God Doctor Xue for treatment, so we asked them together. Who knows how God Doctor Xue refused to say, and said yes. In an emergency, we had to come to Leigu Mountain, Songzhou with him, but we did not expect it to be so lively."

Hearing his answer, Song Qingshu thought of the remarks made by the King of the Golden Wheel. In general, it should be Hua Zheng who brought Guo Jing to Xue Muhua for medical treatment, but the news leaked out. The Mongolian people came to Hua Zheng and Hong Qigong and Zhou Botong came to look for it. Guo Jing.

Suddenly he beamed with joy and asked: "Rong...Is Mrs. Guo giving birth to a boy or a girl?"

Hong Qigong glanced at him unexpectedly, wondering what you are so happy to do to give birth to a child, but he still replied, "I gave birth to a pair of fetuses with dragons and phoenixes. My daughter is named Guo Xiang and his son is named Guo Polu."

The error correction ability of the world plot is really strong. Guo Xiang and Guo Polu were still born. Thinking of their surnames Guo, Song Qingshu suddenly smiled bitterly. What's the surprise of this. What is the surname of her child if it is not Guo?

I couldn't help but think of Guo Jing. I don't know how his injuries are. The key figure in all this is Doctor Xue.

Song Qingshu looked into the field and saw that King Jinlun Fa and others had already fought with Zhang Wuji, and voices from both sides were heard from time to time:

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell. You broke in. If you stay in Guangmingding, we really can't help it, but you appear here single-handedly, just to take your head to the prince to ask for merit."

"It's not ashamed to say anything, what can you do to me with a few of you guys?"

I saw Zhang Wuji tumbling and leaping among several people, with one enemy four, and finally caught the wind. As for Huo Du, he was hit hard by Zhang Wuji when he first met, and he had already withdrawn from the battle circle.

Song Qingshu secretly nodded. In the original book, the Golden Wheel Pharaoh, together with Nemo, Xiaoxiangzi, and Yin Kexi, almost besieged Dacheng Guo Jing. Although Zhang Wuji's martial arts is high, the Golden Wheel Pharaoh has now become a dragon-like Prajna skill, and he faces more pressure than At the beginning, Guo Jing was even bigger, and the two sides couldn't tell the outcome for a while.

I glanced into the wooden house, and there was a faint sound of fighting inside. I think it was Li Qiushui and Xuan Cheng who had handed in. If Xuan Cheng was in his heyday, I would be really worried, but Xuan Cheng had his veins broken in the first place. Although he has been rescued now, how can he recover his previous skills so easily? Naturally, there is no need to worry about Li Qiushui.

So her figure flashed and she came to Xue Muhua's side: "Mr. Xue, what is going on with Guo Daxia now?"

Xue Muhua had seen Shimen confront him before, and he snorted when he heard the words, and turned his head directly, obviously unwilling to tell him.

Song Qingshu frowned. Just as he was about to make plans again, suddenly there was a soft cry from the wooden house. He couldn't help but his face changed slightly. He heard that it was Li Qiushui's voice. Could it be that she had an accident inside, who could hurt him? she was?

It was too late to think too much, let go of Xue Muhua, and rushed directly into the wooden house. The three Yuan Shixiao and his apprentices were already choking to the Tianshan child grandmother, and they couldn't help but groan secretly when they saw him.

Fortunately, Xuan Ci Xuzhu and the others rushed over to support, but it was a pity that Song Qingshu walked fast enough, and also showed Ling Bo stepped into the room.

Seeing him using Lingbo's microsteps, Tianshan Tong's grandmother said angrily: "I've seen you eyebrows every day, it turns out that **** passed this life-saving martial arts to you."

As the offensive intensified, Yuan Shixiao and others could no longer stop them. They were injured and scattered to the side. Tianshan Tongmao also rushed in.

Zhang Wuji's eyes outside swept over the situation, and soon he had a plan in his heart, and he jumped out of the battle circle directly using the great movement of the universe, grabbed the nearby Xue Muhua, and ran away lightly. (https:)

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