Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1831: The end of the song

Someone next to him asked curiously: "Who is it?"

Tianshan Tong's grandmother and Li Qiushui glanced at each other, and did not speak, Wu Yazi thought for a while and shook his head: "This is the secret of the inner door, and it is really inconvenient to talk to outsiders."

The most taboo of the world is to inquire about the internal affairs of the martial arts. Hearing what he said, it is hard to ask anything.

Song Qingshu pondered on the sidelines, waited for these people to leave, and then asked them slowly, because of their relationship with Tianshan Tongma and Li Qiushui, they would not lie to me.

Wu Yazi sighed quietly at this time, looked at Xu Zhu and others and said: "So that person is in your Shaolin Temple, so it's no wonder that he can break my Zhenlong chess game..."

Tianshan Tong snorted: "Although we are a little sorry for him, but after so many years of friendship, he sent someone to seek Wuyazi's skills, it is too reluctant to miss his old feelings."

Li Qiushui also echoed: "Yes, if it's other things, if he sends a disciple, we can teach each other, but this behavior is not for the life of no cliff!"

"Don't say it!" Wu Yazi's face was full of guilt, "After all, we failed the master and his old man, and we are also sorry to him."

Tianshan Tongmao and Li Qiushui also showed sad expressions on their faces, and did not refute them. The people in the room knew their identities. They were so surprised that they stood at the top of the rivers and lakes. What do you owe?

Xu Zhu suddenly said: "No matter what, we have cracked your Zhenlong chess game. Senior should fulfill his promise. Is it because he wants to be a wordless person?"

"This..." Wuyazi was a little embarrassed for a while.

Song Qingshu said calmly at this time: "I don't know what Senior Wuyazi promised?"

"He..." Xu Zhu was about to answer, but he was speechless for a while, although everyone knew that Wuyazi was desperate this time to choose a closed disciple to give him initiation, but the other party did not tell the world after all.

Who knew Wuyazi said at this moment: "I really plan to choose a closed disciple to clean the door for me."

Song Qingshu almost couldn't help but scolded his pig teammate, but he also understood that he was arrogant, unwilling to lie, and also unwilling to interfere in the matter with Tianshan Tongmao and Li Qiushui, but he did not count. Event: "Dare to ask who is the portal that Senior Wuyazi wants to clean up?"

Wuyazi's face is a bit ugly. After all, this is a big hatred in his life. It is really Wuyan to say it again in front of so many people. Fortunately, Su Xinghe said, "Didn't you say it before? It's the old constellation Ding Chunqiu. ."

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "This is a coincidence. Not long ago, Ding Chunqiu was killed by Tong Grandma himself."

"Ding Chunqiu is dead?" As soon as the words came out, the audience was shocked. You must know that Ding Chunqiu's single discussion of martial arts is not that great, but his poisonous skills are really incomparable, and no one in the room wants to provoke such things. The big devil, who knew how to die like this?

After all, what happened not long ago in Xixia, the people in Central Plains may not get the news so quickly.

"Yes, he fell into my hands and was killed by my own hands." Tianshan Tongmao said bitterly, as if he was still a little confused.

"He actually died..." There was a daze in Wu Yazi's eyes. He has been thinking about revenge for decades, and painstakingly designed the Zhenlong chess game. Who knows that the enemy is dead?

Song Qingshu said at this time: "Since the prerequisites are gone, the meaning of the Zhenlong chess game is gone, and Senior Wuyazi doesn't need to rush to empower his disciples to avenge him."

"But..." Xu Zhu wanted to say something, interrupted by Song Qingshu:

"Why, is it possible that the masters really covet the skill of Senior Wuyazi? You must know that he is so old, and he was seriously injured back then, relying on this internal strength to support him, if it is passed to others, it means that he will immediately Death, the behavior of the masters is against the compassion of the Buddhists, right?"

Hearing these words, even many neutral people in the room looked a little strange when looking at the people in Shaolin, Xuanci's expression changed, and finally he sighed: "Song donor is joking. Chess club friends, how can they have other thoughts."

This is no way. If Ding Chunqiu is still alive, he can still make a fuss about Wuyazi’s desire to avenge others. But now that Ding Chunqiu is dead, all his rhetoric is meaningless. The top priority is to restore Shaolin. The image in the hearts of everyone.

Wu Yazi said at this time: "I set the Zhenlong chess game this time. I really have the mind to accept a disciple. If Master Xuancheng is willing to leave Shaolin and switch to my sect, I will definitely put all of what I learned into my pocket. Instructed by each other." After all, he is not a fool, and there is no need to sacrifice his cultivation level when Ding Chunqiu is dead.

Xuan Cheng's face flushed red: "No need, goodbye!" He is the first person in Shaolin in two hundred years, how can he worship others?

Song Qingshu said with a smile: "This master of martial arts has gone astray. If he gives up his cultivation as early as possible, he may save his life. If it is later, I am afraid that he will not be able to do it if he only wants to eat Zhai Nian Bu at that time."

Xuan Cheng, who was walking outside, paused, and replied: "Please don't bother you."

The Shaolin people failed this purpose, and there is no point in staying here, and they immediately said goodbye to everyone.

Chen Jialuo and the others made good friends with Shaolin, and when they saw that they were gone, they thought that they had fought against Tianshan Tongmao and his party just now, knowing that there would be no good fruit to stay here, so they hurriedly followed away.

In front of so many people, Tianshan Tong's grandmother couldn't do anything, so she could only snorted to express her dissatisfaction.

When they left, Yuan Ziyi went to Rahuo Qingtong to leave. Huo Qingtong was thinking of looking for an opportunity to persuade Song Qingshu, but when he thought of Zhang Wuji's indifference just now and the indifference when he left, he hesitated and wanted to walk so close to Song Qingshu. There was indeed something wrong, so he left with them.

Seeing her eager expression when she left, Song Qingshu passed a message into the secret: "Miss Huo, goodbye, maybe next time you can... sleep me."

Although he didn't hear his pun, the girl's instinctive reaction made Huo Qingtong realize that he must be a little ill-intentioned, and couldn't help but glared at him when he left.

Master Yideng also put his hands together to say goodbye. Firstly, he wanted to know what happened to Hong Qigong and Zhou Botong, and secondly, he wanted to heal the injuries of Master Ku Rong.

Zen Master Ku Rong and Wu Yazi were close friends back then, but now they are injured, they can only leave first: "Brother Wu Yazi, I will look for a chance to see you next time."

There was also a smile on Wu Yazi's face: "We must sweep the couch to welcome each other."

Duan Yu's eyes were on Li Qiushui for a while, Wang Yuyan for a while, and he looked at Li Qinglu from time to time. There are three fairy sisters who are thinking about it, making him reluctant to leave. It is a pity that there is a dry and a lamp, and he can't help being willful. .

"Sister Shenxian, see you next time!"

Hearing what he said when he left, Li Qiushui sneered: "This fool, I don't know who to call again."

"Humph!" Wuyazi couldn't help but snorted, "I haven't seen you for so many years, you still like beautiful boys like this!"

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