Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1837: Secret Fun in the Boudoir

"What's the matter?" Song Qingshu picked up the cloth with some doubts, only to see a lot of small characters written on it, and the first line said "Beijing Magic Technique". The handwriting is timeless and powerful, just like the brushwork written on the outside of the silk wrapper. Later wrote:

"Zhuangzi's "Xiaoyaoyou" has a saying: "There are people with the sea in the north of the poor, and the sky is also. There is a fish, which is thousands of miles away, and there is no known how to repair it." Another cloud: "The accumulation of water in the husband" If it is not thick, the negative boat is also weak. Putting a cup of water on the col hall will make it a boat; putting a cup of water on it will glue, the water is shallow and the boat will be big.'It is the martial arts of the original school to accumulate internal strength. It is the first principle. The internal strength is strong, and all martial arts in the world are for my use. The north is the north, the boats are all loaded, the big fish and the small fish are all tolerated. Therefore, the internal strength is the foundation, and the tricks are the last. The following pictures must be diligent. Practice."

"Bei Ming Divine Art!" Song Qingshu was a little surprised. He didn't expect Wu Yazi to give away all the skills of housekeeping, obviously not wanting to be compared by the two masters and sisters.

"This is a good thing." Song Qingshu laughed blankly. He had learned about the martial arts of the Xiaoyao School from Tang Saier and others. However, Tang Saier's ability is limited after all. This cloth silk is such a large volume, which seems to be the same as the middle part of the original work. The picture scroll I got was the same, which recorded the essence of the martial arts of the Xiaoyao School. The martial arts of the Xiaoyao School are extensive and profound, and can be used as a reference to learn from each other.

Of course, with Song Qingshu's martial arts today, it doesn't really matter whether the Xiaoyao school has learned martial arts or not, but there are many confidantes around him, and his own martial arts is not suitable for women's practice, so he can use the Xiaoyao school's martial arts to teach them.

Slowly unfolding the silk scroll with his left hand, and suddenly "Huh", the heartbeat suddenly speeded up a few minutes, and in a moment I understood why Li Qinglu reacted.

But seeing a portrait of a lying **** woman suddenly appeared on the scroll, she was naked, smiling, the corners of her eyebrows and eyes, lips and cheeks were all coquettish.

"You still watch!" Seeing him staring at the woman in the painting, Li Qinglu couldn't help but groan.

Song Qingshu laughed and said: "This is just a magical secret book. The woman's body is used on it to indicate the direction of the true energy during practice. You can see that this thin green line starts from the left shoulder, crosses the neck, and runs diagonally to the right breast. Pass to the armpit, extend to the right arm, and stop through the wrist to the thumb of the right hand.

The other green line extends down to the neck, and goes down through the abdomen, to a few minutes away from the belly button. The acupuncture points on this road are "Cloud Gate", "Zhongfu", "Tianfu", "Xiabai", "Chize", "Kongzui", "Lieque", "Jingqu", "Dayuan", "Yuji", to the "small business" of the thumb, not surprisingly The cultivation method of Mingshen Gong. "

Although his mouth speaks frankly, but his heart is still a little rippling, this Wuyazi painting technique is really superb. Although it is a painting, the lotus arms are white and the curves are slim and moving. What is even more amazing is that her skin is faint. With a few traces of ruddy, it is no different from a real person.

Song Qingshu unfolded to the back, only to see the portrait of the woman on the long scroll, standing or lying, or showing the front of the chest, or seeing the back. The faces of the portraits were average, but they were either happy or sad, or gazing affectionately, or lightly angry. Angry, with different expressions. There are a total of 36 images, each with a thin color line, indicating the points of the acupoints and the exercises.

"The essence of Xiaoyao school martial arts is here, and this harvest is really not small." Song Qingshu took a look at it. The martial arts recorded above roughly include the various stunts of Wuyazi and Li Qiushui, but it lacks the "Bahuang Liuhe Only My Dignity" "Gong", "Tianshan Zhuangmei Shou", "Tianshan Six Sun Palm" and so on are only a few, but these are either I have known it, or there are on the wall of the secret room of Lingjiu Palace, the two are merged. The martial arts of the Xiaoyao faction are actually It's all set.

When he was lost, Li Qinglu suddenly stretched out her hand and snatched the cloth from the past: "Don't watch it!"

"I look at the problem from an academic perspective." Song Qingshu replied solemnly.

"But...but..." Li Qinglu's face flushed red, "The picture above is the old man, the Toffee!"

Song Qingshu was startled, wondering if he was familiar with it. It turned out that when Li Qiushui was young, she was three-pointers more gorgeous than she is now.

"Nonsense, where is the painting on this old?" Song Qing's writing is a little weird, thinking what this Wuyazi means, it's okay to send her own martial arts secrets, why let her wife teach it naked? I'm really willing to...

Not enough. He quickly reacted. Now Wuyazi’s limbs are dead, naturally it is impossible to paint. It must be his work when he was young. He wanted to repay me, but he couldn’t write the secret book again, so he could only take out the inventory of the year. .

Wuyazi is now more than eighty. It is estimated that these men and women have long looked away. In addition, he is fifty or so years younger, and it is estimated that he treats me as a junior, so naturally there is no taboo.

Moreover, Wuyazi is also considered a romantic celebrity. The behavior of these celebrities in this world is often a bit so... informal?

Although roughly guessing the reason, Song Qingshu still feels weird. Without him, no matter how young he is, he is still a man...

"No, you can't watch it anyway." Li Qinglu suddenly became a little excited, "He is really a jerk, how can there be such a thing!"

Song Qingshu hugged her in his arms wanton and affectionately: "Don't worry, I am definitely reluctant to take your portrait as a gift."

Feeling his intimacy, Li Qinglu breathed a little bit shortly: "If you dare to take my portrait to give away, I will...I will ignore you again!"

"I'm not that big-hearted," Song Qingshu couldn't help but said, "but it's a good idea to paint your most beautiful look while you are young."

All women have a heart for beauty, and Li Qinglu couldn't help but feel a little moved: "Menglang, do you still know how to do it?"

"No..." Song Qingshu was immediately embarrassed. He was going to record that these were all self-portraits with a camera at that time. Otherwise, how could an incident involving Teacher Chen be caused, "But you can find someone else to help."

"No!" Li Qinglu's face turned pale, "I don't want to be like this in front of other people." As she said, she glanced at the scroll by the side, her face turned red.

"Where did you want to go, of course, you are looking for a woman to paint," Song Qingshu said while thinking about someone she knew who was good at this. "Your cousin doesn't know martial arts, but she is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and it has something to do with you. Close again, I can find her..."

"I don't want it, it's a shame," Li Qinglu was startled, and glanced at him suspiciously, "I feel like you have something to do with my cousin."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "You think too much, it's impossible for me and her."

"Why is it impossible," Li Qinglu curled her lips, "I think you have a good relationship, and she also has a lot of affection for you, otherwise, a girl's house would spend the night alone with a man."

"That was to treat his grandfather." Song Qingshu couldn't help but laugh when she heard her tone a little sour.

"It's because she trusts you in her heart and she doesn't have any defense against you." Li Qinglu said with a smile, "Actually, you don't have to deny it. Anyway, I don't mind. There is such a soft and weak sister in the future. Can help me fight for favor in the harem without threatening my status, so why should I push her out."

Song Qingshu wants to believe that you are a ghost. In this regard, women don't believe anything. They are best at fishing: "Okay, you don't have to guess randomly, her mother won't agree."

"Didn't you say that you and her mother are friends? Why does she disagree?" Li Qing appeared confused, and suddenly thought of something, showing a smiley expression, "You won't give her mother to that. Right?"

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