Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1839: origin

After her narration, Song Qingshu finally understood what happened. The story is very old-fashioned. She ran away from home and met several monks on the road. Seeing that she was born beautiful and alone, she developed evil thoughts. Although she can martial arts, But there were so many people on the other side, and she quickly quit. Fortunately, a black-robed woman passed by at this time and helped her stop the crowd and let her escape first.

"How is the martial arts of the black robe woman?" Song Qingshu asked.

The girl thought for a while and replied: "Her martial arts is very exquisite, but it shouldn't be the opponent of those monks, so I was eager to find rescue soldiers."

Song Qingshu nodded, and suddenly thought of something, and took a closer look at the girl's face: "Girl, have we met before?"

"Is there?" The girl was taken aback, then her face flushed, "My grandma said that men love to lie to little girls. You are not the kind of person she said."

"Maybe I remembered it wrong." Seeing the girl staring at him with some caution, Song Qingshu couldn't help being dumb, but his words really seemed to be accosting, and it was a very clumsy kind of accost, but he did think this girl He was kind to him, but there were so many people he had met over the years, and he was not sure whether he had met.

Suddenly someone spoke in front of us: "Smelly lady, dare to ruin our good deeds!"

"Hurting some of our brothers, the martial arts side is very hot!"

"It's a pity that she's not as beautiful as the little girl just now, she's really **** mold."

"Why don't you go after the chick just now, leave this to us?"

"Come on, this vast desert is vast, where I am going to find that little girl, although this woman is not as beautiful as that person, but she has a little color, so let's talk about it when I'm done."


Hearing their foul language, Song Qingshu frowned. The monks here in the Western Regions have mixed good and bad. There are high-ranking monks like Ku Mazhi, and scum like the blood knife. By the way, the group of monks under the Royal Palace of Ruyang. It's not much better.

The two turned over a sand dune, and the sight on the other side came into view. Seven or eight monks were surrounded by a woman. The woman was wrapped in a black cloak and her face was originally covered with black gauze, but at this time it was already scattered. , She barely looks good, but at this time her eyebrows are filled with despair and anger. Now she is bloodied with one arm hanging down, and obviously has lost her combat effectiveness.

"Sister!" The girl beside her exclaimed anxiously when she saw the person.

The group of monks came over from the prestige and saw her clearly, and they couldn't help being overjoyed: "I didn't expect that little beauty would come back!" As for the man next to her, he has been automatically ignored.

When the black-robed woman saw her, she couldn't help but tremble with anger: "You...how did you come back!" The opportunities she had finally won are now all over.

"I'm here to save you." The girl said, riding a camel to rush over there.

"You can't even save yourself!" The black-robed woman has been thinking about waiting for a chance to stab her to death with a sword, lest she be inhumanly humiliated.

"Haha, don't worry about the two little ladies, we can't bear to kill you, and we have to play slowly." Several monks laughed extraordinarily presumptuously.

"I...I'm looking for a rescuer." The girl said in a panic, and while talking, she pointed to Song Qingshu next to her. At this time, the two had already arrived near the black-robed woman.

The black-robed woman took a look at Song Qingshu and saw that he was young and didn't look like martial arts, and she couldn't help showing disappointment.

The monks on the other side laughed wildly: "Just because of this little white face? It just happens that we are not divided into two women, see him with fine skin and tender flesh, let him be refreshed first..."

"Noisy!" Song Qing wrote Shen Rushui, raised his hand and shot out a few sword qi, before the several monks hadn't reacted, the blood was splashed and the anger was on the spot.

Originally, he rarely made heavy moves, but this kind of scum of wealth and **** would only harm more people if he stayed in the world.



The girl and the black-robed woman were immediately dumbfounded. In their eyes, the few monks with high martial arts have died like this? I didn't even see what was going on.

"Are you injured?" Noting that there was a big wound on the black robe woman's arm, Song Qingshu's left **** flicked continuously, and the acupuncture point near the woman's wound had been sealed, and the blood flow stopped. The sixth time she flicked her finger, she flicked. Zhen Qi shot into the "Zhongfu Point" at the base of her arm.

The black-robed woman yelled "Ah", and immediately felt a lot more comfortable all over, and immediately understood that he was healing himself with a deep internal strength, and hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you, son, for your help."

"I heard this girl say that you also met her peacefully, but you could risk your death to save her. This chivalrous sentiment is admirable." Song Qingshu suddenly noticed that her cloak was embroidered with a black eagle on her chest, with a hideous look. Can't help but startled, "The girl is from Lingjiu Palace?"

The black-robed woman was startled: "That's right..." Suddenly she noticed Song Qingshu's finger pull, and she couldn't help but startled: "This is..."

Song Qingshu raised the finger in her hand to her: "Tianshan Tong's grandmother has already passed me the position of the Lord, and still not see the new Lord?"

"This..." The black-robed woman was a little hesitant. Tianshan Tong's grandmother is superb. It stands to reason that unless she volunteers, it is impossible for anyone to get her ring. But Tianshan Tong's grandmother had a problem with her practice. It was very likely that she had disappeared before. If you are harmed by others, if the enemy takes his ring...

Seeing her suspicion, Song Qingshu had been prepared for a long time, and took out a letter from her arms: "This is written by Tongma, please take a look."

The black-robed woman took it, and quickly showed an expression of excitement: "It really is Tongma's handwriting. How is Tongma now?"

Song Qingshu replied: "Tongmao's magical skills have been restored, but she happened to run into the same mentor and stayed there. Knowing that Lingjiu Palace is now facing a crisis, she asked me to come back to deal with this side."

The black-robed woman has no more doubts: "Cheng Qingshuang, the deputy leader of the subordinate Jun Tianbu, knocked on the new lord.

"Get up!" Song Qingshu nodded secretly when she heard that she was Jun Tian's deputy leader. The power of Lingjiu Palace's direct line is Nine Heavens and Nine Families. A leader can be alone. No wonder she can deal with so many monks alone.

The **** the side was dumbfounded: "Sister, are you from the Lingjiu Palace? And you are... their leader?"

Seeing her look different, Song Qingshu asked: "Why are you so surprised, do you have an enemy with Lingjiu Palace?"

"No...no..." The girl lowered her head, her expression a little panicked.

Song Qingshu became more and more suspicious: "By the way, haven't asked the girl's name yet?"

The girl's face was reddened, and she whispered: "Big brother, I...My name is Axiu."

"Axiu?" Song Qingshu suddenly thought of someone alone, "Your last name is Li or Bai?"

The girl's eyes showed a hint of surprise, and she quickly shook her head and said, "No, big brother, my name is Shi."

"Surname History?" Unlike what he had expected, Song Qingshu was a little uncertain now.

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