Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1841: Beauty is justice

"The old lord has been passed on to be in the new lord, as evidenced by the lord's finger and his handwritten letter," Cheng Qingshuang said quickly, and then apologized to Song Qingshu, "Please also show the old lord's token."

Song Qingshu snorted: "I won't take this as an example. I don't want to have to verify my identity every time."

The women saw the jade pull finger in his hand, and then read Tongma's autograph letter, and then they believed this fact.

"Why are you here?" Song Qingshu asked.

"Return to the Lord, we went to look for the whereabouts of the old Lord in all directions. As a result, two days ago, we heard about the rebellion in the 72nd Cave of 36 Islands, so we hurried back to help." The old woman headed back.

Song Qingshu nodded slightly, and suddenly asked, "How do you call it?"

The old woman said: "The servant girl belongs to the Haotian Ministry, and her husband's surname is Yu. The old lord calls me'Xiaoyu', and the lord calls me "Xiaoyu"." Tongmao is more than ninety years old, so she can naturally call her "Xiaoyu". Song Qingshu couldn't call it that way, and said, "I will call you Granny Yu from now on."

Yu Po bowed to the ground and said with tears: "The Lord is merciful! The Lord will fight and kill, and the servants will accept it. I beg the Lord not to drive the servants out of the Lingjiu Palace."

Song Qingshu said in surprise: "Please get up, how could I beat you and kill you?" He helped her up quickly. The other girls all knelt down and begged: "The Lord is pleased." Song Qingshu was shocked and hurriedly asked the reason, only to realize that when the child's grandmother was extremely angry, he often spoke irony and was very polite to others. . When the boss of Wu and other cave owners and island owners came to Tongmao to send someone to beat and insult him, he set up a banquet to celebrate, and he knew that there would be no more trouble. At this time, Song Qingshu was courteous and courteous to Yu Po, and the women only said that he should be held accountable. Despite repeated warmth and comfort, the women are still anxious.

Song Qingshu had to complain, the quirk of Tianshan Tongmao was really a little abnormal.

"You send someone to call back the people from the other parts. Now that Lingjiu Palace is in trouble, they don't have to look for grandmothers anymore." Song Qingshu ordered.

Granny Yu replied: "Return to the Lord, Zhu Tianbu’s Shisao is not far away. In addition, Chi Tian, ​​Yang Tian, ​​Xuantian, You Tian, ​​and Cheng Tian can also gather in a few days, but Luan Tian Bu is here. Searching for the old lord in the extreme west, I'm afraid I won't be able to contact him for a while."

"It's okay, these people are enough, you go and gather others first." Song Qingshu replied.

The group rushed to the northwest, Song Qingshu alone was in front, and the other women only followed him at a distance. Song Qingshu knew that this was the rules of the Lingjiu Palace, but it was hard to say anything.

At this moment, there was only the girl named Axiu beside him. She glanced at the group of people behind and couldn't help but said, "Big brother, I didn't expect you to be the lord of Lingjiu Palace."

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Why, a little girl of you also knows Lingjiu Palace?"

Axiu sighed, "Lingjiu Palace is the overlord of the Tianshan Mountains for thousands of miles. How would I know it."

"Listen to your tone, you are also in the rivers and lakes?" Song Qingshu asked puzzledly.

Axiu's face was reddened: "I'm only half of the rivers and lakes at best."

"I think your martial arts are not high, but you are rigorous, you must come from a famous school, which school do you belong to?" Song Qingshu asked.

Axiu shook his head: "My martial arts are all taught by my grandmother, not from any school."

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "It seems that your grandma is a strange person."

After the two chatted for a while, Song Qingshu summoned Cheng Qingshuang to come over. After all, he didn't know anything about the situation in Lingjiu Palace, so he planned to inquire about it.

When Cheng Qingshuang left, the group of women behind quietly gathered around Grandma Yu, and whispered: "Grandma Yu, is this person really our new lord?"

"There is a letter written by the head of the head and the old lord, how can it be fake?" Granny Yu glared at the man.

"But... But Grandma Tong has always hated men. Most of the women in our Lingjiu Palace have been injured by men. Why would the old lord pass the throne to a man?" another woman said.

Granny Yu also had some doubts and could only answer: "We dare not speculate about the old Lord's mind."

At this time, another woman said: "What is more important now is the rebellion in the 72nd hole on 36 islands. They are crowded and crowded. I heard that they have invited many famous masters in the arena. We are going back this time. I don’t know if it will go smoothly. Put down the rebellion."

This remark aroused everyone's sympathy, and they became worried: "It would be great if Tongmao and her old man were there, and the old lord is superb, how can these clowns be opponents."

"The new master's martial arts should not be bad, since the old master is passed on to him."

"But the new Lord is young after all, and looks more like a scholar."

"Grandma Yu, can you see how the new master's martial arts is?"

Grandma Yu smiled bitterly: "I used to urge the arrow to sound, and speculated that martial arts should not be low, but during this period of time I carefully observed that the new lord did not see any martial arts skills in his body. Maybe his martial arts is too high and he has returned to basics Come on, it's no surprise I can't see it."

A group of women were instantly disappointed: "How could this happen? Except for the old lord and the saint, you are the number one master in the palace. You can't see it. He probably doesn't know much about martial arts anymore."

"It's a pity that the saint lost the news after arriving in the Central Plains. If she was there, we wouldn't be so passive."


At this time, Cheng Qingshuang, who was walking in front, turned pale, and said to Song Qingshu: "Master, I will tear the mouths of those Nizis." It turns out that they are at a disadvantage at this time, even if the voices of those behind are deliberately lowered, but by the wind , They can still hear it faintly in front of them.

Song Qingshu said lightly: "It's okay, they are just worried about the safety of the Lingjiu Palace."

"But the lord, you clearly have supernatural power..." The people present, she knows best how high this new lord's martial arts is, even a bit more advanced than the old lord. Now, seeing those behind them talk indiscriminately, Naturally, I was filled with righteous indignation.

"When I arrive at the Lingjiu Palace, I will see the difference," Song Qingshu said lightly when she saw what she had to say, "Could it be that you want me to perform martial arts in front of them now?"

"Subordinates don't dare." Cheng Qingshuang hurriedly saluted and pleaded.

"Okay, I'm about to ask, you should withdraw first." Song Qingshu waved his hand, "Otherwise, you are not allowed to talk to them."


After Cheng Qingshuang left, Axiu couldn't help but said: "Big Brother, you were so fierce just now. No, you can't be said to be fierce, but I just didn't dare to show off."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "You are not my subordinate. What are you afraid of? By the way, when you are near the Lingjiu Palace, you must always stay by my side to avoid any danger."

He still has a good impression of this tender and crying girl, and naturally does not want her to be surprised.

Axiu's face instantly covered with a rouge-like color, and she whispered, "Thank you, big brother."

Seeing her charming and shy appearance, Song Qingshu secretly sighed: "Sure enough, the value of the face is justice. If I change someone, I'm afraid it will be good to just save her. How can I take care of her like this."

Riding day and night, finally seeing a mountain peak in the clouds and mist on the northwest corner, Cheng Qingshuang said: "Master, this is the misty peak. This mountain is locked with clouds and mist all year round, and if there is nothing, it is called Make a misty peak."

Song Qing said in the book: "It seems that it is still far away. Let's arrive at a moment and a moment, let's go on the road at night." He originally planned to take the first step by himself, but he had never been to the Lingji Palace, and he really didn't know the way. In addition, there are many enemies on the peak, and there are a lot of troubles to go there alone, so I decided to take the people from Jiutianjiubu together.

All the women responded: "Yes! Thank you for your master's care for the slave servants of Jun Tianbu." Jun Tianbu's one guards the Lingji Palace alone, and the enemy is a widow. Now the situation is at stake.

After eating, ride a camel.

In the rush, many camels were killed on the way, and when it was at the foot of the Misty Peak, it was already dawn on the second day.

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