Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1844: Drive a tiger and devour a wolf

"Princess Murong teaches this arrogant man a lesson!"

"Young Master Murong is great!"

"Gusu Murong is well-known in the world, nowhere can Zhuo Bufan beat him."

One archipelago master Dongzhu, fearing that the world will not be in chaos, shouted one after another.

Murong had a complacent look on his face. He was meant to buy people's hearts this time, so who made Zhuo Bufan jump out by himself.

Zhuo Bufan stared at him for a moment, knowing that the biggest enemy this time is the person in front of him. As long as he hits him, he can imitate the Tianshan child grandmother and control the 72 holes of 36 islands: "I want to learn from Gusu Murong. The way of obedience is also applied to the body."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sudden brushing, pulling out the long sword, and the cold light flashed. Murong Fu had been prepared for a long time, and he moved a few feet out of thin air to move the opponent's sword to the ground.

Everyone could only hear a few chuckles, and the eight immortal table behind Murong Fu was divided into nine neatly arranged pieces, which collapsed to the ground. In this moment, he made two swords vertically, two horizontally, and four swords in a row, and he drew a "Tic Tac Toe" on the table. What's even more strange is that the nine wooden boards are all square, wide and narrow in size, and there is no difference in them. They are actually measured with a ruler and then slowly cut into general. Even though everyone in the hall hated him, they couldn't help but thunderous.

Zhuo Bufan failed with a sword, but he didn't pursue it. He just said coldly: "Mr Murong is such a big name, I'm still waiting for you to do what you do, why do you keep dodge?"

Murong Fu lightly replied: "This Zhougong sword is the unique skill of Fujian Jianyang's "Yi Zhi Hui Jian Men". The name Hui Jian Men has always been rare. I don't want your martial arts skills to be lost." Bei Qiao Feng Nan Murong The same fame is not covered, Murong Fu is only lacking in high-end martial arts, but he has a lot of martial arts of various schools of different schools, so he can recognize the origin of each other at a glance.

Zhuo Bufan's heart was stunned. He never expected the other party's eyesight to be so vicious. The origin of martial arts was revealed, and he couldn't help but feel timid by three points, but he changed his mind to think that my current martial arts are mostly obtained from the sword scriptures obtained in Changbai Mountain. On the contrary, the martial arts of this school do not account for a few percent. Why should I be afraid of him?

"Does Gusu Murong walk the rivers and lakes by mouth?" As soon as the voice fell, a green glow formed on his shoulders, and he went directly to Murong's re-attack. He abandoned the martial arts of Hui Jianmen for fear of being targeted by the other party. .

As expected, Murong Fu's expression changed, and the opponent's sword aura was really overwhelming. He hurriedly drew his sword to meet the enemy, and the two quickly formed a ball. The people around only saw two blurred figures, and they praised them with thumbs up. People martial arts.

Song Qingshu took a few glances and lost interest. Although the martial arts of these two people can suppress the people of Thirty-Six Islands and 72 Caves, they are still far away from the real masters. But what made him strange was that Murong Fu's martial arts was obviously better than Zhuo Bufan Gao, so why is he now faintly at a disadvantage.

He didn't know that he was the culprit. It turned out that every time Murong Fu faced Zhuo Bufan's sword qi, he couldn't help but think of the scene of fighting Song Qingshu. After all, Song Qingshu was best at sword qi, and he thought of the shameless face of several fights. , The momentum in his heart weakened a bit, one declining one, the other, and Zhuo Bufan was evenly matched.

When the two were fighting, a middle-aged beautiful woman in a light red shirt walked over with a smile: "The concubine has always been very curious about Mr. Murong’s way of giving back to him. I don’t know how you can do it. My throwing knife fights the stars."

At two flashes of white light, two flying knives passed in front of Xu Zhu. Murong Fu's internal strength is far superior to these monsters, ghosts and snakes. When he raises his hands, he is naturally extremely quick, turning around at will, and although the flying knife comes fast, he still dodges gently and skillfully. But seeing a middle-aged beautiful woman in a light red shirt with a move with both hands, she took two throwing knives in her hands. In her palm, there seemed to be a strong suction force, which sucked the flying knife.

Zhuo Bufan praised: "Fairy Furong's magical skill of flying a knife can teach people an eye-opener."

Everyone remembered that when they conspired to attack Misty Peak that night, Zhuo Bufan, Fairy Furong, and the Unfair Dao were all the same. Now they are beaten by more and less, and they can’t help but feel disgusted. However, these two people are not bad at martial arts. These island owners, Dongzhu, and Murong Fu had no friendship either, so naturally they would not come forward to take over for him.

Murong Fu said angrily: "Even if the two join hands, what fear does Murong Fu have!" At the same time, he secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, the injustice is dead, otherwise the three of them will join hands and he will definitely not be an opponent.

He had no way of retreat, but he got more and more courageous, with one enemy and two, without losing the wind.

Seeing that the three of them were hitting a real fire, the Wu boss on the side rolled his eyes and ran directly to buckle the woman in the yellow shirt just now: "Take us to Tongma's secret room!"

At this time, Murong Fu's three recruits were dangerous and they knew that they shouldn't fight anymore, but no one dared to withdraw their moves first. They could only watch the boss and others press the yellow shirt woman.

At this moment, a cyan figure flashed past, and in a blink of an eye he came to Boss Wu, who was greatly shocked, and hurriedly raised his palms to greet him. With a bang, his palms intersected, and he backed away humbly. After a few steps, I kept trembling all over.

"Boss Wu, what's wrong with you?" The people next to them noticed that Boss Wu was vain all over, and couldn't help being shocked. After all, Boss Wu was the top existence of their group of martial arts, and he actually lost to each other.

"Cold Bing Palm, your Excellency is Mingjiao Qing Wing Bat King Wei smiled?" Boss Wu's teeth trembled, and he looked at the blue clothes in front of him, like a ghost from hell.

Song Qingshu was startled, but he didn't expect that Mingjiao would actually blend in here. I wonder if Zhang Wuji was also here? He looked around and didn't see Zhang Wuji's figure.

"I thought you were all mobs in Thirty-Six Islands and 72 Holes, but I didn't expect to have some insights." Wei smiled and burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, these mobs in your mouth are joining hands, you are not an opponent." At this time, there was a long laugh at the door, and everyone turned around and saw that the tall man walked in slowly, although There is a mask on his face, but there is still a hint of chic air all over his body.

"Guangming right envoy Fan Yao?" Song Qingshu is even more strange now. Whether Wei Yixiao or Fan Yao are both the Mingjiao core high-level people, why are they here now?

I saw Fan Yao walk to the women in Lingjiu Palace and Shi Shiran saluted: "Ladies are polite, we Mingjiao and Lingjiu Palace are in the Western Regions. We have always made good friends. I heard about the people in 72 Caves on 36 Islands. In the rebellion, the leader specially ordered us to come and help."

The women looked at each other. Lingjiu Palace and Mingjiao had never had much friendship. The other party was obviously unkind when they came here. However, compared with these island master Dongzhu, they knew that the other party had bad intentions and had to rely on the power of Mingjiao.

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