Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1863: Khan Teng and Wang Teng

"Are you willing to speak the secret words now? My previous promise is still valid." Nian Liandan asked.

Li Liangzuo opened his mouth, but after all he didn't say anything.

Nian Liandan sneered: "It seems that you don't want to die in Yellow River. If so, then I will come here to commit a crime. It must be the happiest in the world."

When he walked to the couch, Nian Liandan turned his head and gave Li Liangzuo a wicked look: "By the way, I would like to remind you one last thing. If you want to go back, you'd better go early, otherwise I'll be halfway through, and you suddenly Say stop, I may not be able to hold it, I must say it thoroughly, even if you are done with you then, what you get will be a stalemate, hahahaha~"

His wanton laughter resounded throughout the bedroom. Although Li Liangzuo felt pain in his heart, he could not stop what was about to happen. He knew that as long as he said the secret words, waiting for him was definitely a dead end. Now the guardian of the secret words Secret, there will still be capital for negotiation in the future, which can be regarded as one's own first line of life.

It's just that this person is really hateful, and he has come up with such a vicious way to persecute himself, Wanqing, I'm sorry, I will definitely find a chance to avenge you in the future.

"Tsk tusk tusk, it is really beautiful and vulgar." Nian Liandan looked down at the lady on the couch, her face was smooth and crystal clear, her small cherry mouth was dexterous and correct, her red lips and snowy skin matched each other, and it turned out to be so touching at this moment.

As the head of the Huajian School, Nian Liandan doesn’t know how many stunning people have ever seen. Now although he looks young, it’s actually because of his profound skills. He is already seventy and eighty years old. It stands to reason that a heart is no longer alive, but Seeing the beautiful woman in front of him, he suddenly found his heart moved.

This feeling seemed to be the first time he saw his sweetheart when he was young. This feeling made him very uncomfortable. Suddenly a trace of anger rose in his heart. He didn't want to be captured by the woman in front of him. He wanted to become the master of this woman. Take her, conquer her!

The breathing between the nose became a little heavy, and Nian Liandan couldn't help it anymore, and reached out his hand to touch the girl's white and tender face.

Seeing that he was about to touch it, Nian Liandan suddenly yelled, his whole figure flashed, and he hid directly away from him. He raised his **** palm and looked at it, then looked at the entrance of the hall with a look of fear: "What is your excellency? who?"

A handsome young man appeared at the door, with two stunning beauties on the left and right, one tall and beautiful, the other charming and graceful. At that moment, Nian Liandan temporarily forgot the pain in his hand, thinking that today is gone. What kind of **** luck, unexpectedly met three such beautiful and refined women in a row?

The handsome man did not answer his words, he saw him stepping lightly, and he did not see how to run. The next moment he appeared on the side of the couch, looking at Mu Wanqing on the couch, and said in a deep voice: "Sister Wan, you are scared. Up."

The three people who came were naturally Song Qingshu, Yelu Nanxian, and Li Qinglu. Li Qinglu was already familiar with the palace and found it easily. As for the guards outside, they fell down before they could react.

Mu Wanqing looked at the man in front of him suspiciously, only feeling a little familiar, but couldn't remember who he was, and couldn't help asking: "Who...Who are you?"

Song Qingshu frowned and stretched out her hand to explore her pulse. She found that her pulse was stable, and there was no sign of injury. At this time, Li Liangzuo on the side opened the mouth and said: "She was caught by the Flower Soul Immortal Technique of Nian Lian Dan. Lost the mind."

Song Qingshu suddenly felt that he hadn't thought of it earlier and hurriedly helped Mu Wanqing up: "Sister Wan, look at me."

"Huh?" Mu Wanqing stared at the other party suspiciously, only to feel that the other party's eyes suddenly became pitch black like ink, and there was a shadow of light in the middle, like a starry sky.

"Hey, Brother Song, why are you here?" In the next moment, Mu Wanqing's eyes restored to clarity, and she looked at Song Qingshu, and said in surprise.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "I'm back, you don't have to worry about it anymore."

Nian Lian Dan asked suspiciously: "Who are you in the end, you can actually unlock my Flower Soul Immortal Technique."

Song Qingshu has time to turn around and look at him: "What kind of **** magic is just to plant a spiritual imprint on others with stronger spiritual power, just wipe it off."

"How could it be that simple? If you are not proficient in this way, even if your mental power is strong, you can't start," Nian Liandan snorted. "The way you just performed the operation, is it because the soul-shifting master in the legendary Jiuyin Scripture- law?"

Song Qingshu was too lazy to return to him, and asked directly: "Are you the Nian Lian Dan of the three great master craftsmen from outside the territory in the mouth of Zhu Shou?"

Nian Liandan stood with his head high, and said proudly: "It's this seat!" Suddenly remembering something, he asked: "Where is the bamboo old man?"

Song Qingshu said lightly: "I killed it."

Nian Liandan's pupils shrank: "Zhusou is my only junior. We have been in the same brotherhood for decades, and you dare to kill him, well, very good!"

"You don't need to be too angry. Since your brothers have such deep feelings, I will send you to reunion soon." Song Qingshu helped Mu Wanqing down from the couch. Seeing that her clothes were still in good condition, she couldn't help but loosen up. Fortunately, it came in time.

Nian Liandan sneered: "Young man, don't speak too much, do you know who I am?" Although he said so, his heart was extremely jealous, and the wound on his hand proved how much the opponent's sword aura was. He was fierce, and just saw him walk from the entrance of the main hall to the side of the couch just two or three steps.

This is also the reason why he hasn't acted rashly. Otherwise, with his temper, if he encounters someone who disturbs his Yaxing, he would have been ridiculed long ago.

"Isn't it just an old adulterous-worm?" Song Qingshu said disdainfully, and took a step forward. "Then do you know who I am?"

Feeling the momentum of Mount Tai's pressing oncoming, Nian Lian Dan took three steps before regaining his footing, his complexion changed drastically, and he was suddenly blessed to his soul: "A young man with such a high skill can make sword Qi and Jiuyin Scripture. Are you the Golden Snake King Song Qingshu!"

A hint of surprise flashed across Song Qingshu: "You actually know me?"

Nian Lian Dan calmed down his agitated innocence, and said coldly: "The Golden Wheel Fa King, the King Kong Sect Master, they blew you up to the sky, I think it's nothing more than that."

Song Qingshu was silent for a moment, and asked, "Compared with them, who has higher martial arts?"

Nian Liandan said proudly: "They are only worthy to serve by a few princes, but I am a master by Da Khan, who is higher and lower is clear at a glance."

Song Qingshu sighed: "Tie Muzhen has fought the world over the years, and sure enough, there are many masters on the Internet."

"Boy, you know you're scared, I don’t know where people like Da Khan are, and there are even a few people who are far beyond me. I came to Xixia to do business on the order of Da Khan this time, thinking about you and Ruyang Regarding the relationship between the palace, I can let you go.” Nian Liandan actually didn’t want so much nonsense, mainly because everything just made him unable to see the young man in front of him, and really didn’t want to conflict with him in this situation. I planned to move out of Mongolia to frighten him. It would be best if he could turn his fighting into a jade silk. Even if he couldn't, he could use words to make him hesitate. It will inevitably be a little hesitant to make a move later, and the masters are fighting here. First line.

Song Qingshu sighed: "The three great masters outside the territories are so famous, they are also such greedy people who are afraid of death. Today, even Temujin can't escape death here. No matter how much you say, it's useless."

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