Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1872: sacrifice

Qin Hongmian sighed faintly. He was destined to be so miserable and couldn't blame others. The only hope now is that Wan Qing will never be like himself in this life.

Seeing her look lonely, Li Qinglu couldn't bother her anymore, so as not to talk too much to stimulate her to regret: "I will prepare first, and someone will come and take the princess in a while."

Qin Hongmian stood by the window looking at the moon in the sky, and didn't say anything. Obviously, he was so bored that he didn't even bother to pay attention to the politeness of face.

Li Qinglu didn't care, and she retired directly back to the bedroom where Helian Tieshu was. At this time, Song Qingshu and the others had already done their own things in a mixed manner.

"It's getting late, I asked the Imperial Dining Room to prepare wine and vegetables to deliver to Sister Mu." Li Qinglu smiled very kindly, as if she had become the best sister with Mu Wanqing.

Mu Wanqing hesitated: "Now we go deep into the tiger's den, let's stop drinking."

Li Qinglu showed her eyes: "Why then? During this period of time, you and Sister Nanxian were terrified. Today, we experienced this kind of storm again. If you don't drink a little alcohol, you will get sick and hurt your body. Wouldn't it be more troublesome? What's more, with Big Brother Song here, are you afraid of any accidents?"

Mu Wanqing thought about it too, especially when she recalled that Nian Liandan had captured her, if it hadn't been for Big Brother Song who had arrived in time... Now that I think about it, I'm still a little scared.

Song Qingshu pulled Li Qinglu aside: "What are you doing? Why do you always feel that you are a little weird today."

Li Qinglu pursed her lips and looked at the two women in the distance, and said in a low voice: "Where do you sleep today if you don't drink?"

"?" Song Qingshu was taken aback, and didn't figure out the relationship between drinking and sleeping for a while.

Li Qinglu showed a sly smile: "Do you want to wait for someone to sleep alone? The three sisters on our side check and balance each other. Even if there are tens of thousands of willingness in their hearts, no one can look down on the face to accompany you. Otherwise, wouldn't it have offended the other two to death?"

"Then you can accompany the three together. I'm in good health and no problem at all." Song Qingshu said solemnly.

Li Qinglu rolled her eyes: "How is this possible, do you think we are women in the brothel."

Song Qingshu also knew that it was wishful thinking, and said whisperedly: "It's just a joke."

Li Qinglu said in an irritating way: "But drinking some wine is different. Wine can invigorate the atmosphere, and it can also make people bolder. At that time, whoever you want to accompany, most people will not refuse. your."

"You are so reasonable!" Song Qingshu couldn't help but give a thumbs up, "You really are a caring little padded jacket."

"Huh~" Li Qinglu raised her chin and walked directly to the other side to chat with the other two.

Only Song Qingshu was entangled in the same place: "Who will I look for later, Li Qinglu is active and enthusiastic, but has been with her during this time; Mu Wanqing is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, but the skin is a little thin; Nanxian is bright and graceful," But I am always proud, and may not agree..."

Soon the food and drinks were arranged. After all the other palace ladies and eunuchs were driven out, Song Qingshu greeted the three women who had been standing behind them with personal guards and took their seats.

"Mei Wan, Xian'er, you have suffered during this period, but now I have dealt with other things, and soon I will be able to stabilize the situation in Xixia, and you will not have to live in fear in the future." Song Qingshu gave two The woman poured a glass of wine and said apologetically.

Yelu Nanxian replied: "Big Brother Song doesn't have to apologize. As the saying goes, a good man is in every direction, and you are fighting for the great cause outside. What is our bitterness."

Mu Wanqing also echoed: "Yes, although you are a little flowery, I don't know which good girl you hooked up when you go outside, but you haven't forgotten the business, but it's a pity that I can't help you. busy……"

Song Qingshu Waterfall Khan, although Mu Wanqing is fierce and cold on the surface, but familiar with her, knowing that she is innocent and innocent, it can be said that she has no knowledge of the world, naturally there is something to say, if you change to other women, it is probably not in your heart. I am happy, and I will not say such things that are easy to offend people. Fortunately, Yelu Nanxian and Li Qinglu are not stingy people.

Although this personality is not tactful enough, it wins in the truth. Song Qingshu admires it very much. He doesn't want to go back home and faces some women wearing "masks".

"Sister Wan, don't worry, you will be able to help me in a while." Song Qingshu gave her a little dozingly.

"How can I help?" Mu Wanqing asked hurriedly. Although she was a little bit ignorant of world affairs, she saw that Yelu Nanxian and Li Qinglu were both civil and martial arts, and their ability to handle affairs was extremely strong. She suddenly felt a sense of crisis and wanted to act for her lover. Share worries.

"Let’s eat first, and say as you eat," Song Qingshu originally planned to give her a chicken leg and was shocked, but suddenly realized that there were two women next to him, and his strong desire to survive made him give up this act of death, "Li Liang Over the years, Zuo secretly met and bought officials at all levels, and had already established a huge network of relationships, so he had only controlled Xixia so smoothly before, but he did not expect to be conspired by the Mongolian master Nian Liandan, and eventually make wedding dresses for others."

"It's just that the subordinates he carefully built over the years still exist. This is why Nian Liandan and Helian Tieshu dare not kill him. If you want to take over the control of Xixia in the shortest time, you must get Xixia. The leaders of the states and counties recognize that, otherwise, once there is a place to raise troops, the whole country will be plunged into a long war, and such a country will be useless."

Yelu Nanxian was born in the royal family and the daughter of the prime minister of Liao. Under the influence of his ears, he also had a deep understanding of the operation of the country. He immediately woke up: "I understand what Song Brother meant. We might still use Li Liangzuo's meaning. Identity to stabilize the entire country first."

"Yes," Li Qinglu also said, "but this requires Sister Mu to make sacrifices."

"What sacrifice?" Mu Wanqing blinked.

Li Qinglu explained: "After all, Li Liangzuo can't be the emperor for a long time, so you need to gradually transfer his power to your own hands. Sister Mu, as the queen appointed by Li Liangzuo himself, will naturally get the Li Liangzuo group's Recognition is the most suitable candidate."

Mu Wanqing's eyes blushed: "Should I still become Li Liangzuo's queen?"

Li Qinglu hurriedly said: "Don't worry, this time will not be too long. After all, there is a reason for Helian Tieshu to make trouble. You can use this to claim that he has been seriously injured, and he can justly transfer power to her queen, which is Sister Mu. You, wait a few years for us to be full-fledged, and then find a Li Liangzuo who was seriously injured to die..."

Song Qingshu stopped her from saying: "It doesn't have to be this way, we have other ways."

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