Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1885: Mystery guest

After leaving Lingzhou, Song Qingshu went east all the way. The journey was boring and boring. Sometimes he felt emotional. Outsiders felt that he was traveling the world and was drenched in flowers and grass along the way, but only he himself knew the hardship.

It is rare to live a stable life throughout the year, and to get together with various confidantes, and to run non-stop on the road, it is really not as good as being a pure martial arts master to be happy and happy.

However, he still has to do what he should do. Now he has participated in the game of the world. This game has not quit halfway. The winner takes all, and the loser will be forever. Now he is not only for himself. Struggling for his ideals, but also shouldering the lives of countless people.

After a day's journey, when night fell, Song Qingshu found an inn in a nearby town to stay and threw a silver coin on the counter: "The shopkeeper, I want room No. 1 Tianzi."

It’s not that he deliberately acted like this. After all, these Tianzi-sized rooms sound very good. In fact, the environment and conditions are the same. In the past life, a room in a better hotel doesn’t know how many rooms have been exploded. In this world, I am used to the palace and palace again, and ordinary inn rooms are naturally difficult to see.

The guest rooms in such a rural town would naturally not be any better, so they simply asked for their best room, hoping that it won’t be too bad after a while.

Song Qingshu was not the kind of disposition to treat himself at first. At any rate, he now controls several powerful forces in the Central Plains under his hand, and he has dug up several treasures. Although sometimes he is short of money, it is fighting at the national level. The military expenses and logistics are indeed astronomical figures, but for personal expenses, it will take ten lifetimes.

The shopkeeper greedily glanced at the silver in front of him, and finally reluctantly returned it to Song Qingshu: "Sorry, guest officer, there are already people living in Tianzi No. 1 room."

"Then number two." Song Qingshu didn't care, as this happened from time to time.

The innkeeper smiled bitterly: "There are also people living in Room 2."

Song Qingshu frowned slightly: "Then number three."

The innkeeper wrinkled his face like a shriveled orange peel: "The number three has also been booked."

Song Qingshu's face sank: "You don't want to kill me because you are watching my face, do you?" This world is not those ancient costume films on TV. You must know that the Tianzi room is expensive for ordinary people, and few people can live in it. From the beginning, this kind of remote towns are mostly troublesome, and some are people from the rivers and lakes. They are not rich people. One is booked. There is no reason why three of them are booked at the same time. .

"How dare I deceive the guest officer, there are people living there." The boss hurriedly added in order to make his words more credible. "Room 1 is a veiled girl. Although she can't see her face, she is in a very good shape. Beauty, at first glance, she is the child of a beautiful national beauty. All the women in the town can't compare to her together. I don't know which young lady came out alone, but which decent lady will come out alone. I think her complexion is pale, she doesn't look like a native of the Central Plains..."

Song Qingshu frowned. If he did become interested a few years ago, but now there are countless confidantes around him, and all of them are beautiful and beautiful. His vision has long been far higher than that of ordinary people, so the boss in the rural town has seen it. How many beautiful women? Most of the time, I was shocked when I saw someone with a bit of beauty, not to mention that he didn't even see the appearance of others.

Of course, the most important thing is that he has now felt the meaning of the word responsibility, and now that most of his thoughts are on career, female **** will naturally not take care of it.

The innkeeper was the master of words and colors. He noticed the impatience on his face and immediately ended the gossip. He continued: "The second room is a rich businessman with a big belly, and the third room is a camel, and he doesn't know what the family does. Yes, I actually have money to live in a house."

The latter two people only briefly stated that they were not as excited as the previous description of Room One. It seems that the common people's interest in certain things has been the same for thousands of years.

Song Qingshu paid attention to that camel. The first reaction was Saibeiming camelwood peak, but suddenly remembered that he had died at the Ten Thousand Immortal Conference. After thinking about it, there seemed to be no other famous camel in the rivers and lakes.

"I really worry too much. There are so many powerful people in a small town." Song Qingshu secretly laughed.

"In addition to the first three rooms that were occupied, there is also Tianzi No. 4. The son should just check it out?" The innkeeper knew that the way he asked and answered was too bad, so he hurried to take the initiative to remedy it.

Song Qingshu didn't have any objections. You can't let people let the house out to live in like the bullies in the TV series. However, seeing the boss look like a profiteer, he got angry and took the ingot back and threw him a small piece of it. Much more broken silver.

"Xiao Er, send the son to the room." Seeing that the fat on his mouth was gone, the innkeeper wanted to cry without tears, thinking that there were not many people living in the Tianzi room for a month, but four of them came all at once today. The key is to get together, if only one a day would be great.

Xiao Er brought Song Qingshu to the room upstairs. The hardware environment of the room was average, but it was also clean. Putting on the luggage was actually just a change of laundry. So he went downstairs and ordered a few side dishes. When he got up, he was very skilled, and the discussion of the surrounding drinkers quickly reached his ears.

"Have you heard that it seems Mongolia is going to use troops against Xixia?"

"No, isn't Mongolia going westward?"

"Your news is too backward. I heard that Mongolia has completed the Western Expedition, and now it is going to deal with the southern countries. Xixia is the first to bear the brunt."

"No wonder Xixia suddenly started recruiting relatives."

"Do you think that Princess Xixia is really that beautiful?"

"The princesses should be very beautiful, think about it, the emperor's women are all big beauties, can the daughters be beautiful?

"It makes sense, but who of you has seen the princess with your own eyes?"

"If I have that blessing, I'm still bragging with you here?"


Song Qingshu laughed blankly. As expected, there is no shortage of key politicians. Many of the logics are the same as those on the Internet. However, many people in later generations have seen the pictures of the princesses in the Qing Dynasty. They have long understood that not all princesses are beautiful. fact.

After listening to it for a while, I didn’t hear anything new. Song Qingshu deliberately sat downstairs for a while, but nothing happened. He couldn’t help laughing. After all, this is not playing martial arts rpg. Where can I trigger something every time I go to the inn? event.

Back to the room, Song Qingshu practiced for two hours. When he was about to fall asleep, he suddenly heard a slight sound from the roof tiles. He was startled. He was still complaining, why is something really wrong now? (https:)

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