Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1889: Abnormal

Thinking of this, his whole heart felt a little cold, and he couldn't help but keep listening, and hurriedly opened the door: "Gobi, what's wrong with you?"

In the room, Gebi was sitting in a chair, Wan Yanping was holding a bowl of soup to persuade her to drink. She was shocked when she heard someone break in, but when she saw each other's appearance, the two women were a little bit incredulous for a while. , Could not help but froze there. Mobile terminal

"Gebi, what's your illness?" Song Qingshu walked over in a vigorous step, grabbed her hand and started to get the pulse, but unfortunately he was just a martial artist who was able to judge internal injuries by his pulse, but he couldn't judge the disease by his pulse.

When he grabbed his hand, Gobi's face flushed, and he glanced at him a little bit annoyingly, and hurriedly said to the sister on the side: "Go and close the door so that no outsiders will see it."

Wan Yanping did not act immediately, instead she laughed: "Sister~ After such a long time, the people who can serve us are our confidants. Even if you really raise a little white face, no one will leak a word. , Not to mention that the brother-in-law is back, so why do you have a guilty conscience?"

Gobi gave her an angry look: "What nonsense, who is your brother-in-law."

"Of course it's him~" Wan Yanping smiled and took Song Qingshu's arm and pushed him in front of her sister.

Gebi's face was reddened, and he didn't deny it after all. Before, Song Qingshu had to pretend to be Tang Kuobian every time before she could pass the hurdle in her heart, but both sides knew that this was just an excuse for comfort, it was all related to this, and there was no need to deceive herself every time.

Song Qingshu had no time to experience the elastic touch of a young girl coming from her arm, and asked again: "I just heard Ping'er outside saying that you are sick. What is the situation?" He was also a little confused, thinking that Gebi had gotten something. Terminally ill, but seeing the two women talking and laughing is really different.

"You're sick, idiot." Gobi chuckled and turned to the side with a blushing face, letting the other party ask how he would ask, and he didn't want to say anything.

"Brother-in-law, why didn't you think you were so stupid before?" Wan Yanping beside her couldn't help but laugh.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu is now full of question marks.

Seeing his dumb-headed look, Wan Yanping chuckled: "Stupid brother-in-law, haven't you noticed any changes in your sister?"

"Change?" Song Qingshu took a look at Gebi after hearing the words. He was still green, with picturesque eyebrows, and his eyes moved down. Well, his chest seemed to be a bit bigger, and his waist... seemed to be a bit thicker.

However, the man's strong desire to survive still didn't let him tell the truth, using a euphemism: "It has changed a bit, it seems to be plump."

"What kind of plumpness, is that a big belly, okay?" Wan Yanping said bitterly.

"Uh, eating a little more is not a bad thing, it will be reduced soon..." Song Qingshu said here, suddenly his heart brightened, and he looked at Gobi in surprise, "You have it?"

Gebi's cheeks were flushed, and he didn't answer, just hummed a nerd.

Wan Yanping is much more direct: "Brother-in-law, you are going to be a father."

"Being a father..." Song Qingshu suddenly felt a little surprised, this world finally gave him a sense of belonging.

"Do you like a son or a daughter?" Gobi finally spoke, looking at him expectantly.

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "Of course it is my daughter, and the daughter is the cutest."

Gebi's heart warmed, thinking that he was doing this so that he would not be under pressure. After all, this society needs boys to pass on the ancestry, and everyone definitely likes boys more. But she didn't know how much men in later generations loved their daughters.

Suddenly thinking of something, she bit her lip and said, "One thing I still want to declare again..." Touched the bulging abdomen, "This child is named Tang Kuo whether he is a male or a female..." Traditionally, the biggest reason she persuaded herself to maintain such a relationship with Song Qingshu was also an account of her beloved husband.

Song Qing's book heart was bitter. He was obviously his own child, but he couldn't recognize each other. This feeling was really mixed. However, this condition was that he personally agreed to the countermeasure at the beginning. He still couldn't do anything to break the contract, and it represented For Gebi's loyalty and persistence, if she loses her promise and becomes fat, her beliefs will collapse and most of them will not survive.

"Naturally, I know, but I will still treat him like my own child." Song Qingshu leaned into her lower abdomen and quietly listened to the movement inside, "Hey, he seems to have kicked me."

"How can it be so exaggerated..." Gebi sipped his face blushing. It has only been a few months. How can he kick people? Seeing the love and faint loneliness of the lover's face, she suddenly couldn't bear it, "Actually, ...Actually, you don't need to be sad, you can let Ping'er give you one."

Wan Yanping looked like a frightened rabbit, and suddenly jumped up: "I don't have a sister to give birth. I have been with my brother-in-law for so long, and my sister is pregnant."

Seeing her sister's slightly pursed lips, Gobi couldn't help but smile: "You are still young, so there will be more opportunities in the future."

Wan Yanping curled her lips: "You and I will be a few years older." Suddenly she rolled her eyes and smiled and held her arm. "Actually, you have a son to continue the Tang Kuo family's incense, and you can give Brother Song a few more births later. Well, doesn’t he like daughters? He has ten or eight daughters. Well, he still wants one or two sons."

Gobi tweeted: "Ten eight, do you treat me as a pig?"

Song Qingshu was delighted to hear her, and put her in his arms: "This is a good idea. The first son will be adopted by Tang Kuo's family, and the rest will belong to me."

"How can I do it, how did I give birth to so many..." Gebi's earlobes were a little red with shame, but there was such a move in his heart.

"As long as I work hard, it will always bear fruit." Song Qingshu said with a smile.

Gobi finally couldn't stand it anymore: "The more you talk, the more awkward..."

Wan Yanping couldn't help but complain: "The brother-in-law was not as bad as you before."

Gebi was immediately dissatisfied: "It sounds terrible to hear what the former brother-in-law is now the brother-in-law."

Wan Yanping spit out her tongue, knowing that the sad thing that touched her, Song Qingshu took the opportunity to turn the topic off: "Just now after you were worried, your stomach became obvious and you can't come forward as Tang Kuojian?"

"Yeah~" A hint of worry flashed across Gebi's eyes, "I intend to let Ping'er take over."

"But I'm also in charge of the clothing house." Wan Yanping couldn't help but said, "Occasionally, it's okay once or twice. It's definitely not realistic in the long run."

Song Qingshu said: "You are worried too much. At that time, you will just say that Tang Kuobian is ill and needs to rest for a while. Sometimes I see some high-level people across the curtain. Anyway, Jin Guoxia is almost under our control. Others Political enemies have also been purged again, and they still hold the Loyalty Army in their hands. No one will object."

Gebi breathed a sigh of relief: "What you said makes sense, it seems that we are the authorities."

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "As the saying goes, "Little don't win the newlyweds, let me stay with you today."

"It's still so early..." Gobi felt that the number of blushes today has been more in the past few months.

Wan Yanping was also a little embarrassed and couldn't help but said: "I think you should go to the palace to see that lady Peach Blossom. I think she is a bit abnormal recently. Ask her and she won't say anything. Don't say anything, otherwise. Once she leaks secrets over there, we will fall into a state where we cannot recover."

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