Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1891: Taste of home

"Godfather?" Song Qingshu looked strange when he heard this word. This word has so many meanings in later generations that it will inevitably be confused after hearing it.

"What's the matter with you? Don't you want to?" Daiqisi looked at him strangely.

Song Qingshu smiled: "Although I feel called old, how can I be unwilling." It must be very refreshing to think that the girl would call her godfather when she saw herself again.

"I won't tell you anymore, I will arrange someone to investigate Xiao Zhao's whereabouts. I completely checked the wrong place before. No wonder her whereabouts could not be found." After Dai Qisi said, she left anxiously, leaving Song Qingshu behind. People are messy in the wind.

"Really..." Song Qingshu gave a wry smile, but it was inconvenient to stop her from saving her daughter, and simply returned to Tang Kuo's Mansion.

After returning to Tang Kuo’s Mansion, he issued instructions to summon all the officers of the Loyalty Army that he pulled up with one hand. The leader Wanyan Chen, his deputy Wan Yan Gang, Pu San Feihan, Heshi Lie Ziren, and all commanders Tang Kuo Hongda, Tang Kuo Shengrong, Tang Kuo Minghui, Pu Chazhen and others, this group of people shined in the battle against the Southern Song and Northern Expeditions, and they had enough military merits. Promotion was a matter of course. In addition, Song Qingshu, the big Buddha as the backing, soon became The backbone of the military.

They were originally active on the front line to defend the Southern Song and Northern Expeditions, but with the peace talks between the two countries, the border situation stabilized, and most of them returned to Beijing to report on their duties. Song Qingshu met them and got acquainted with them. Next, prepare for battle with Mongolia.

After seeing the generals, it was already dark, and when they returned to the inner house, Gobi and Wan Yanping had prepared a table of side dishes waiting for him.

"Finally stealing my life for half a day, without having to deal with official duties, seeing those ministers, I feel relieved." Gebi stretched out, revealing a lazy and moving curve.

Song Qingshu apologized: "It's really hard for you these days."

"Why do you have to say this between us, let's finish the soup first." Gebi smiled softly and came over with a bowl of soup.

Wan Yanping said to the side: "My sister rarely has a long time to spare, but she personally went to the kitchen and made such a table for you."

Song Qingshu was taken aback: "Just leave these things to the people to do, why are you going there in person, not to mention that you are inconvenient now."

Gebi touched her lower abdomen: "Where is it so fragile, I heard those mothers say that they should move appropriately at this stage, not to mention doing it once in a while, and how can they be tired."

Song Qingshu's heart warmed, and Gebi's quiet and elegant tone made people involuntarily raise a sense of home warmth: "Ping'er, you should help your sister."

Wan Yanping snorted: "Who said I didn't help, I've been fighting for my sister. I made this fish."

Song Qingshu's gaze fell on the black fish, thinking that the fish really died tragically enough.

Noting the smile on his face, Wan Yanping blushed, and her tone became weaker: "I am not as capable as my sister. It would be nice to be familiar with it. Don't pick and choose."

Song Qingshu picked up a piece of fish with chopsticks and tasted it with relish: "Well, I think it's not bad."

Wan Yanping was taken aback, wondering if she was really talented, although the selling was a little bit different, but the taste should be good, so she was expecting a piece and put it in her mouth, and she immediately vomited: "Bah, baah, it's so difficult. You said that eating brother-in-law is delicious, so why deliberately lie to me like this."

Song Qingshu calmly took another piece and put it in his mouth: "Because what I eat is not the taste, but the mind contained in it."

Wan Yanping stared at him fiercely, but she suddenly became a little twisted when she heard what he said. Gobi looked at the two men gently: "Your mouth, it's no wonder that so many ignorant girls have been deceived."

"I'm just telling the truth," Song Qingshu took a sip of the soup, "but it is also full of heart, and the taste of your soup is even deeper."

Wan Yanping finally realized that she was put on one side, and she couldn't help but anger: "Sister-in-law~"

A meal was used up in a happy atmosphere, and the three of them watched the moon in the back garden pavilion together, while chatting about some of the things that happened during this time.

When they heard Song Qingshu’s experience in Xixia’s trip, the two women exclaimed again and again, and couldn't help but sigh: "Your life is really wonderful, and our step-by-step days here are really dull as water compared to you."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said, "This is living on a steel wire rope. I also want to live as plain as water."

Wan Yanping pouted: "If you are an ordinary person who leads a plain life, your confidantes will not be noisy."

Seeing Song Qingshu's embarrassed face, Gobi was empathetic and relieved for him: "Daikin had a good relationship with Xixia at the beginning of his own country. Even if you don't look at this relationship, you can't let the Mongolian soldiers occupy Xixia, otherwise. At that time, the borderland of Dajin is surrounded by Mongolian strategy, and it is extremely dangerous. Therefore, if Mongolia sends troops, our Dajin must also send troops. However, now Mongolia conquered countless western countries, and the momentum is flourishing. The Jin kingdom was in turmoil before and was at war with the Southern Song Dynasty. , The vitality is greatly injured, even if we join forces with Xixia, it may not be able to stop it."

Song Qingshu nodded: "So I have to contact other countries. After all, Mongolia is so powerful now that no country can resist it alone."

Gebi looked worried: "But Song Liao and Jin are feuds, and they will definitely not send troops to help each other. The only one who can help is the Qing country. Qing and Jin have always been brothers, but they have been in these years. Busy to quell the chaos of the San Francisco, coupled with your previous Golden Snake Camp to mix up, the strength of the Qing country is not as good as it used to be."

Song Qingshu replied: "It is indeed impossible for Song and Liao to help each other, but as long as they don't send troops to help Mongolia, it will be the greatest help to us, so I will go to various countries to do some activities."

Although the Liao Kingdom is now under his control, the country does not act completely according to the wishes of the monarch alone, but represents the common interests of a large number of interests. Even if he becomes the emperor of the Liao Kingdom, he cannot do what the Liao Kingdom will do. The army went to help the people of the Kingdom of Jin. The only consequence of doing that was that the emperor was overthrown by the whole country and replaced by a new spokesperson.

Hearing the parting meaning in his tone, Gebi sighed faintly: "Are you leaving again."

Song Qingshu nodded heavily: "Mongolia may go south at any time, so I must prepare everything before Xixia invites relatives. The day after tomorrow...maybe I will start again tomorrow."

"So urgent..." Wan Yanping suddenly looked disappointed.

Gebi said softly: "Ping'er, don't leave after a while tonight, stay with your brother-in-law."

The daring Wanyanping blushed, and hurriedly said, "Sister, I didn't mean that."

Gebi smiled softly: "I know you didn't mean that, but my body is inconvenient right now, and I just need you..."

Wan Yanping couldn't help but screamed: "Last time I didn't hear the mother say that you don't prevent you from having **** with your brother-in-law at all this month, so why push me out." (https:)

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