Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1897: Identity swap

Song Qingshu was a little dissatisfied, "It is because you know my secrets and you are extremely clever, that you can guess the truth behind it. For someone else, who knows that Xixia is now in charge of me behind the scenes?"

Zhao Min nodded when he heard the words, "It's true, if it weren't for the case of Liao, I wouldn't think about it when I saw the chaos in Xixia."

"Fortunately, the people in the world are not as smart as my Minmin," Song Qingshu smiled and hugged her into his arms. "When are you going to leave?"

Zhao Min turned around and put his backhand on his neck, his eyes fluttered, "I've already been cleaned up, and I'm about to leave, but since you're back, I can be a little late."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stood on tiptoe and kissed him on his lips. Song Qingshu was startled, but quickly relaxed, put his arms around her slender waist and sent it to his arms, savoring her sweet and hot kiss...

I don’t know how long it took, Zhao Min’s face was ruddy and he sorted out the buttons on his dress. While buttoning, he asked softly, "Is my hair messy?" The blushing unprovoked skin, coupled with the faint water marks in the star eyes, five It doesn't show how much happiness she has just experienced.

Song Qingshu was half lying on the bed, admiring her graceful and charming figure. "Your hair looks good in any way, so it looks lazy and luxurious."

"That's messy?" Zhao Min hurriedly found a pair of bronze mirrors to look in the mirror, "I blame you, I just had to hold my hair like..."

Song Qingshu smiled, "I think you look good like this."

"Greasy mouth and tongue." Zhao Min glanced back at him with an annoyed look, and started straightening the messy hair straight in the mirror.

Song Qingshu's skill is so good now, even though it was only a short moment, he still saw the charming and unprovoked look in her eyes, that kind of slightly angry, shy and flattering expression is truly unique.

"Why do you get up so early and sleep with me for a while." Song Qingshu admired her back from behind, and saw that she was still like a girl with tight legs and hips, her small buttocks curled up, and her legs slender. A red dress was tightly wrapped around the exquisite body, the chest was full and tall, and the waist was very thin, showing the advantages of Zhao Min's figure.

Song Qingshu couldn't help

With emotion, this princess Shaomin is indeed the best among the best, especially at this time as a girl and a young woman. It really makes people want to linger. When I first came to this world, I still felt that God was unfair. Now It is really a great opportunity to want to come, otherwise there is no chance to have such a dreamy woman.

"No, I have to hurry." Zhao Min hurriedly arranged his hair, then got up and started to take the luggage.

Song Qingshu was startled, and subconsciously sat up, "So fast?"

Zhao Min walked to the bed and smiled like a flower. "Yeah, I was going to leave, I made it for you to stay a little longer."

Seeing the loss of the other party, Zhao Min smiled like a fox. "Originally, you threw me here to do things for you, but you ran out to provoke the flowers and weeds. People still have a little bit of resentment in their hearts, but this time you For the sake of making me so happy, I won’t care about you, and see you next time."

After speaking, he kissed him on his lips and left with a smile on his face, causing Song Qingshu to sit on the bed alone in the wind.

"What's this? A wave of his sleeves won't take away a cloud?" Song Qingshu kept comforting herself, but the more comforted she became, the more she felt like a little girl who was thrown away after being played, why was it so uncomfortable to be prostituted? What?

After a long time, he actually smiled knowingly, and Zhao Min could do such a chic thing.

When the other party left like this, Song Qingshu couldn't sleep anymore. He simply got up and put on his clothes. He originally planned to go to Su Quan to ask about the current situation in Liao, but he thought of just having a fight with other women. It's the fragrance of Zhao Min's body, didn't it add to others in the past?

She simply summoned the maid to prepare hot water and plan to take a bath. At this time, she found an envelope left by Zhao Min on the table, which contained various things that happened in Liao during this period, which officials she met and what appointments she made. Which officials can become confidants in the future, and which officials are not credible, I list them all clearly, and I can’t help but sigh secretly that Zhao Min is really a female middle school Zhuge. He was worried that he would cause trouble to me after leaving, and he deliberately prepared everything in advance. .

After carefully reading the letter left by Zhao Min several times and memorizing the content, he was almost bathed and changed a new set of clothes before Song Qingshu went to Su Quan's bedroom to find her.

I saw her lazy

Lying on the couch and taking a nap, you can see the undulating shape of the mountains across the curtain. It is completely different from Zhao Min who still retains a bit of youthfulness. She is full of the style of a mature young woman, with exaggerated buttocks. Connected to the waist, there is a pitiful beautiful picture in front of him.

"Didn't you tell me not to disturb me?" It seemed that he heard the movement, but Su Quan thought it was a palace lady or something, and did not open his eyes, muttering a bit dissatisfied.

"You started to sleep before it got dark?" Song Qingshu walked over with a smile.

"Huh?" Su Quan suddenly woke up, and when he saw his appearance, he couldn't help being surprised. "Are you back?"

"I'm back." Song Qingshu walked to the couch and sat down, looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, and sighed for a moment that he didn't know how much virtue he had accumulated in his previous life. Only in this life can there be so many beautiful confidantes.

"I don't even give a notice in advance when I come back, so that people look so embarrassed in front of you." Su Quanjiao groaned, and at the same time began to tidy up the messy clothes and hair that were a little messy when she just slept.

Song Qingshu looked dumbfounded and laughed, and the clothes might be slightly crumpled, where did it have a little bit of relationship with the embarrassment? Women's beauty-loving nature is indeed the same in all ages.

Suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a trace of fatigue between her eyebrows, she couldn't help but ask, "Look at you just now, it seems you are going to fall asleep, you seem to be very tired?"

Su Quan sighed quietly, "Of course I am tired. Although Liao is not what it used to be, it is still a country. I don't know how many things have to be dealt with in one day. The key is that at this stage, it is impossible to delegate power to the courtiers below. What? You have to do it yourself. Before, there was the princess sister to help, but she was going to go home. From now on, I will be the only one left. I think it’s a big deal."

Song Qingshu's heart is full of guilt, "It's really hard for you."

Su Quan smiled charmingly, "Although it's a bit hard, I'm still enjoying it. In the past, a dragon sect was not able to use my strengths at all. Now a country is governed by me, so I feel a sense of accomplishment every day."

Suddenly she glanced at Song Qingshu with a weird look, "I don't know why, during this period of time, I suddenly hope you will get more trouble outside, and it is best to bring a few more talented sisters back to help.". (https:)

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