Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1901: Will you come back?

Song Qingshu was a man, and a normal man. He hugged her up and walked on the couch. Su Quan smiled charmingly, hooked his neck and pulled down the curtain beside the bed.

Soon there was a crying voice in the room, making people blush when they heard it, and their heartbeat speeded up when they heard it.

When I got up the next day, Su Quan talked to him in a daze, and fell asleep again. Song Qingshu kissed her on her forehead and got up, packed her clothes and left the bedroom. Goodbye, two It took people all night to talk.

For most of the night, Su Quan's body was limp like a mass of mud, and she was already tired, Song Qingshu didn't want to disturb her either.

After leaving the bedroom, Song Qingshu felt that his feet were a little weak, and the two naturally charming women with Zhao Min Suquan were all involved, even if he was beaten with iron, he couldn't support it.

"If it weren't for the special cultivation method that can nourish oneself with the yin and yang energy, I am afraid that it would have already died." Song Qingshu laughed bitterly, and outsiders envied him for his beauty, but how did outsiders know about it? Of course, these words will be even more beating.

It is no wonder that most emperors have been short-lived since ancient times. There are so many concubines in the San Gong and Six Courtyards.

When Song Qingshu came to Lenggong, Shen Bijun had already freshened up and was sitting in the courtyard watering the flowers. Unlike what she had seen before, her eyes are as bright as stars, as if they are radiant at any time.

Although after a day and night of fierce battle, Song Qingshu is now in the sage mode, still marveling at the beauty of the woman in front of him. No wonder Su Quan kept saying last night to squeeze him dry, so as not to worry about this scourge-level woman on the road.

"Big Brother Song, are you here?" Seeing Song Qingshu's arrival, Shen Bijun was a little surprised, but more pleasantly surprised.

"It was supposed to leave after two days, but after thinking about it, it's better to leave as early as possible." Song Qingshu smiled slightly. No one knows when Mongolia will go south. It's better to hurry up, anyway, Liao country. Su Quan can take care of it.

After a pause, Song Qingshu said, "Do you want to pack your luggage now?"

Shen Bijun was taken aback: "Shall we go now?"

"Why, are you still reluctant to be here?" Song Qingshu teased.

"Of course not," Shen Bijun flushed, "It's just a

Time can't believe I can leave this cage. "

But she has no time to sigh with emotion now, and the complicated look on her face is quickly replaced by excitement: "I don't have much to pack, it will be all right soon."

"No hurry, you pack up slowly." Seeing her joyful back, Song Qingshu did not follow in. After all, the other party must pack some women's private clothes, which is not very convenient for him.

Standing in the yard waiting leisurely, but this time was almost half an hour, and finally watching her carefully selected rouge gouache, unnamed bottles and cans, and several large bags of clothes, I couldn't help but laugh and cry: "Sure enough, women of all ages are like this."

Hearing his mutter, Shen Bijun was a little embarrassed and said, "I made you wait for a long time. Fortunately, it's not at home, otherwise these things will be more."

Song Qingshu then remembered that she was a daughter of a eldest daughter. She grew up holding a golden key, and the family loved her very much, so she naturally wanted what she wanted.

"I just don't know that those things in Shen Yuan are still there now." Shen Bijun said suddenly sadly.

"If you are here, you will know if you go back and have a look yourself." Song Qingshu comforted when she saw that the Shen family was destroyed again.

"I thought I would die in a foreign land in my life, but I didn't expect to have a chance to go back to Shenyuan, Brother Song, thank you." Shen Bijun said and bowed his body to salute.

"Jun Bi, don't be so polite," Song Qingshu helped her up, "it won't be too late to thank you when you really return to Shenyuan."

"Yeah." Being held by a young man, Shen Bijun's heartbeat speeded up significantly.

"You?" At this time, there was a suspicious voice outside the door. The two looked back, and it turned out that the palace lady was standing at the door looking at them with horror.

Shen Bijun's face flushed, and he hurriedly took a step back and separated from the other party. Song Qingshu didn't care, and said to the court lady faintly: "I have ordered the concubine Hui to go out of the palace. During this time, everything will be the same. Soon there will be the imperial decree, no others are allowed to visit, and you don’t have to worry about leaking the secret."

"You take the empress out of the palace?" The palace lady was stupid. This is beyond her cognition. You must know that the ending of the woman in the cold palace is either lonely enough to grow old, or she is given a white silk. He may make a comeback, but I have never heard of releasing his concubine out of the palace.

"You... are you going to elope?" The palace

The woman asked tremblingly. She thought that the man in front of her was the emperor’s confidant guard or something, but the emperor’s heart was too big to let a young man with blood and blood take his woman out of the palace. The key is that this woman looks good. With the country and the city, no man can resist her charm at all.

After thinking about it, the only explanation is that the two are planning to elope. After all these years in the palace, he naturally knows the seriousness of the matter. If once the matter is revealed, he who serves the concubine Hui will definitely not escape the relationship, and the emperor will be angry at that time, maybe judged. She scribbled all over the door, and naturally she has to ask clearly now.

"Eloping?" Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Shen Bijun was too embarrassed. The drama of elopement is a favorite drama in those novels, but for these young ladies, since they are sensible, countless people have emphasized how elopement is. A shameless thing.

"Niang, you have pity on me, I have an old man and a young man, if you leave, what should I do?" The little palace lady couldn't help crying.

Shen Bijun opened his mouth, but didn't know how to comfort him. He couldn't help but looked at Song Qingshu for help. In fact, she didn't know what the other party used to take her out of the palace. When going out of the palace, it would be easy for people around her to be involved, thinking that she had regained her freedom, but the cost was the lives of other people. She was kind-hearted, and she couldn't bear it.

Song Qingshu threw the gold medal in his arms to the little palace lady: "Let's see for yourself whether this gold medal is fake or not, this is the emperor's personal thing."

"Who knows if it's your forgery." The little palace lady looked over and over again, and saw the golden dragon tattooed on it, with the word Yu on one side and the word "I am here in person", and her heart finally settled down.

"Who would dare to preach the imperial decree in the palace?" Song Qingshu stretched out his hand and sucked the gold medal back into his hand. However, this conscientious little palace lady couldn't bear to blame. Of course, the one that should be scared is to scare, "Remember not Talk too much, or be careful not to save your life."

After speaking, they took Shen Bijun out, and the two walked to the door. Behind them came a timid question from the little palace lady: "Manny, will you come back?"

"I..." Shen Bijun opened his mouth, only to realize that he didn't know the answer. He couldn't help but looked at the man next to him and asked the same question, "Big Brother Song, will I be back?"

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