Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1921: Encounter under the mountain

Song Qingshu was taken aback, but quickly reacted: "Then I won't leave."

This time it was Shen Bijun’s turn to be dumbfounded. He thought he would do something to save face. He pretended to refuse, and then he considered whether he really wanted to keep him, but he did not expect that he would directly agree and leave her with no words. A place to be useful.

"I just... just leave you to sleep, you... don't want to be crooked." Shen Bijun hurriedly defended.

Song Qingshu smiled happily: "I know it's sleeping."

Shen Bijun's face blushed, always feeling that there is ambiguity in the words, and immediately added: "It's the simple kind of sleeping."

"Could it be that there is more than just sleeping?" Song Qingshu smiled happily.

Shen Bijun had already bathed, but at this time his face was still like a layer of rouge. He didn't know how to respond, so he simply turned over and turned his back to him.

Looking at the infinitely beautiful curve of the back in front of him, Song Qingshu gave a secret compliment, and then got into the bed as well.

Shen Bijun was so nervous that he couldn't speak, the whole room fell into an ambiguous and tranquil atmosphere, and only a slightly messy breathing could be heard.

I don't know how long it took, and Shen Bijun's trembling voice sounded in the room: "You said it was pure sleep."

"I'll give a hug, the weather is cold, so I hug and sleep warmly." Song Qingshu answered naturally.

Shen Bijun pursed his lips, but after all, he said nothing.

After a while, Shen Bijun finally couldn't help but ask: "Then why did you start...starting to untie my skirt."

"Don't you take off your clothes when you sleep? Scientific research shows that the less clothes you wear when you sleep, the better the rest." Song Qingshu still answered solemnly.

Shen Bijun: "..."

After a while, Shen Bijun whispered, "What's the matter now?"

Song Qingshu sternly replied: "Didn't you practice your muscles and veins before practicing? I'm loosening your muscles and bones."

Shen Bijun opened his mouth, and finally acquiesced in his actions.

After another while, Shen Bijun's whole body trembled a little, and his voice was soft and charming: "What about now?"

"I'll just rub, and won't go in." Song Qingshu said the classic line that was popular in the previous life.

Shen Bijun's teeth bit his lip lightly, his skin has already been smeared with a layer of pink, and his eyes are blurred with a layer of moisturizing luster: "Big Brother Song, I always feel that you have been fooled."

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "If you don't want to, I will leave now."

Shen Bijun grabbed his hand wrapped around his chest and took a bite: "Do you have to tease people like this?"

Song Qingshu took a deep breath and looked at the thin tooth marks on his arm. He couldn't help but smile and said, "I didn't expect you to hurt me first."

Shen Bijun finally moved back to the game, and the corners of her lips raised slightly: "Who makes you bully me all the time..." She couldn't help but twist her waist, but suddenly her body became stiff, and she immediately realized something, and the whole person said no. Talking.

Song Qingshu smiled triumphantly, and gently hugged her moving body from behind, feeling the white and delicate skin on her back that was as white and delicate as milk, and slowly pressed it on.

"I was disturbed by an assassin in Chengdu last time, how about today?" Song Qingshu asked in her ear.

Shen Bijun thought that you are all coming down the city, what else can I do, I can only humble infinitely with my head down.


With a soft snort that could make any man hear the bloodshot, the room was quickly turned into a red wave.


In the next few days, unless they occasionally went to the deck to let the wind ventilate, they almost never went out. One was energetic and the other had a first taste. Soon there was one less obedient lady and one more enthusiastic young woman in the world.

On this day, looking at the faintly visible Jiangling City in the distance, Song Qingshu couldn't help but said: "When Li Bai wrote "Chaofa Baidi City", there must be a peerless beauty like you by his side.

At this time, Shen Bijun was nestling most of his body in his arms, looking at his lover tenderly and affectionately. He couldn't help but startled when he heard his words: "Song Lang, the background of Li Bai writing this poem...it should be because of Wang Lin. The case, Yelang was exiled, and went to the demotion in Sichuan. When he traveled to Baidi City, he heard the amnesty letter suddenly, and was pleasantly surprised. Since he was exiled by the court to a barren land like Yelang, how could he bring his wife? "

She has been proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting since she was a child, and she is a talented girl who is well-known in the south of the Yangtze River. These allusions are naturally familiar, so after hearing this inference from the lover, she feels a little confused.

Song Qingshu smiled weirdly: "If there wasn't such a peerless beauty around him, how could he have written an appropriate sentence like'A Thousand Miles of Jiangling's Return in a Day'?"

Shen Bijun was taken aback for a moment, but she was no longer the eldest lady who was raised in a deep boudoir who knew nothing. Especially after Song Qingshu's training these days, she became more and more familiar with some puns.

I reacted quickly and couldn't help groaning: "Song Lang!~~~~"

Hearing the dissatisfaction from her elongated anger, Song Qingshu couldn’t help laughing: “Isn’t it? It’s so far from Chengdu to Jiangling. I thought it would take a long time, but I stayed in the room with you every day, feeling the time. Flies so fast."

"Don't say it!" Shen Bijun hurriedly reached out and covered his mouth. She was too ashamed to think of the scenes of the two in the room these days.

"Well, don't tell me." Song Qingshu took her into his arms and felt her soft and elastic body, his heart was warm, and he hugged her and walked directly to the room.

Shen Bijun was bluffed: "You...what are you going to do?"

Song Qingshu replied: "It will be inconvenient to travel ashore later, hurry up and enjoy it."

Shen Bijun's face turned red, and he said hurriedly: "It's still daytime now!"

"What's wrong in the daytime? These days, it's not that I haven't lived in the daytime." Song Qingshu laughed, causing Shen Bijun to bury his head in his chest in a hurry, as if this could resolve the shyness in her heart.


They went ashore in Jiangling and went all the way north. A few days later, the two came to Wudang County at the foot of Wudang Mountain. Song Qingshu said to Shen Bijun: "We will get to Wudang Mountain soon. Let's eat something to rest and go up the mountain."

"Okay." Shen Bijun smiled slightly. These days, she has been in the dust. If the other party took care of her all the way, she might not be able to hold on.

They found an inn, and as soon as they entered, they attracted the attention of the diners inside. The man was handsome and tall, and the woman was all over the country. Standing together is really a good pair of people.

Of course, everyone's attention is still more on Shen Bijun. It is the outstanding people in Wudang, and the young master often visits, but this is the first time that such a beautiful fairy has seen it.

"This kind of envy, jealousy and hateful eyes...how cool it is!" Song Qingshu's eyebrows danced, not only did not have the slightest restraint, but embraced the beautiful woman next to her slender waist, as if sworn to everyone-this is Lao Tzu's woman, envy it ?

"Little Er, come here with a few exquisite side dishes and a pot of good wine." Song Qingshu Jindao Dama sat down.

"Humph!" Suddenly a slight hum came from my ear. If it hadn't been Song Qingshu's skill to communicate with the profound, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to hear it.

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