Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1929: Reunion

Song Qingshu kept releasing sound waves for dozens of miles in the Chenghuang Temple. Suddenly, his expression changed, and he rushed to the west of the town.

Naturally, he used the great method of sound transmission and soul search. He was robbed of Ren Yingying in Lin'an. The loss of looking for nowhere, the despair of finding a needle in a haystack, made his memory fresh.

Fortunately, he was lucky and successfully rescued Ren Yingying, but he couldn't hope that he had such good luck every time. At that time, he was reflecting on how to deal with such things in the future.

After much deliberation, I thought of Li Qiushui’s method of searching for the Tianshan child grandmother in the original book-the sound transmission method of searching for the soul. This matter has always been in his heart. Later, after I met Li Qiushui in Xixia, he finally succeeded in getting from him. Learned this magical martial arts there.

The magic of this thing is that it relies on internal forces and exercises to play the role of radar to a certain extent. Of course, it is not as advanced as radar, but it is completely comparable to the effect of bats using ultrasound to detect the surrounding environment.

There is a big problem with the sound transmission of the soul search method. If the target does not respond to the call of the caster, it will not be effective at all. In the original work, Tianshan Tongmao is also because I heard Li Qiushui describe that the same year and Wuyazi are like glue. The eighteen banned scenes caused the uncontrollable cursing, leading to the exposure of the position.

When Song Qingshu performed the Dafa, he was most worried that Shen Bijun could not speak at this time. Fortunately, she received a response before long. I thought she was imprisoned for personal freedom, and was not unconscious or dumb acupuncture.

The position was roughly confirmed from the sound wave feedback. Song Qingshu sprinted all the way, and soon found the whereabouts of Shen Bijun in a private house.

Seeing that she was tied to the bed, Song Qingshu hurried over and untied the rope on her hand: "Bijun, are you okay?"

Seeing the lover's arrival, Shen Bijun's face was surprised, but Huarong quickly faded: "Be careful!"

She didn’t need to remind Song Qingshu that he had noticed the abnormality behind him. He swept the long sword pierced from behind with a flick of his back. Seeing that the other party was one of the two weird little Taoist priests in Bai Yunguan, Song Qingshu sneered: “You really have problem!"

The little Taoist did not answer, turned and ran. Song Qingshu stepped forward and appeared directly in front of him. At the same time, he stretched out his palm to grab his shoulder well. Although his grab seemed ordinary, it was Containing the most fundamental principles of martial arts, blending the essence of his martial arts, there are very few people in the world who can avoid this grasp, no matter how you look at it, it does not include the little Taoist in front of you.

Who knows that the little Taoist suddenly leaned back, his waist resembling a broken willow, let Song Qingshu's ambition to grab a bit of air, and then his toes took advantage of the trend to move his wrist a little, the whole person with the force of the back shock Quickly disappeared out of the window on the other end.

Song Qingshu was startled, subconsciously wanted to catch up, but was worried that he would be caught in the plan of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain again. He hurriedly came back to hold Shen Bijun's waist, and took her to chase the little Taoist priest.

He is arrogant and triumphant, even if he takes one person, he can catch up with the other person.

"The man just now is very flexible." Shen Bijun admired this along the way. She was able to practice Shen Foot Sutra very quickly, which proved how flexible she was, but in the scene just now, she asked herself if she couldn't do it.

"That person is probably a woman pretending to be a man." Song Qingshu replied in a deep voice. There is no such a flexible man in this world, and he also understands why he thought the other party was a little sissy because she was a woman.

"It can prevent me from seeing the flaws. This disguise skill is really good." Song Qingshu secretly wondered, becoming more and more curious about the person's identity.

After chasing for a while, his expression became more and more weird. You must know that with his current light work, even with a "cumbersome", there are few people in the world that can't catch up, but he has been running for so long, unexpectedly. Never caught up with the little Taoist priest.

Of course, it’s fine if she is just light work. Even if Song Qingshu takes a person, she is confident that she will eventually catch up with her with deep internal strength, but her light work is very special, within the radius of Zhang Xu and between the houses and halls. She must be retreating, and the complex environment in the small town made her feel like a fish in the water. Song Qingshu was almost thrown off by her several times.

"Why is this light gong so similar to Dongfang Muxue's body style?" Song Qingshu's idea came out and he was denied. With Dongfang Muxue's personality, he would definitely fight against him for three hundred rounds. How could it be so silent? Just run away? Not to mention a makeover.

"Song Lang, let me go and chase her again." Shen Bijun also saw that he was a cumbersome, and said to Song Qingshu thoughtfully.

Song Qingshu shook his head and refused: "It was my carelessness that put you in a dangerous situation before, so how can you take risks anymore now?"

Hearing his words, Shen Bijun felt sweet in his heart, but he was still worried about his lover: "But..."

"Do you really think I can't help it?" Song Qingshu smiled, then stretched out his finger to a little bit in front of the little Taoist, and shot out a sword aura.

No matter how fast it is, it will not be faster than Jian Qi after all. The little Taoist keenly sensed the danger, tapped his toe, and instantly changed the direction of his movement, and ran to the other side.

Having just seen her retreat, Song Qingshu naturally knew that it would be difficult to hit her with a single finger of sword energy, but failure to hit her can also affect her escape speed to a certain extent.

In this way, she went to her forward path and shot sword energy, and the little Taoist dodge space became smaller and smaller. In the end, she simply stopped, turning her head and looking at Song Qingshu quietly.

"Why, don't you run away?" Song Qingshu smiled slightly and stopped.

The little Taoist gaze fell on his hands that held Shen Bijun tightly, and suddenly the long sword came out of its sheath and attacked him.

"Compare swordsmanship with me?" Song Qingshu chuckled lightly, and flicked on the real sword spine in the dazzling shadow of the sword.

The little Taoist figure trembled, but quickly stabilized. Song Qingshu worried that the situation in Wudang Mountain would change, and did not want to delay too much time here. He took advantage of this emptiness and directly attacked the past, so be sure to stop it as soon as possible. she was.

Who knew that another sword suddenly appeared in the opponent's left hand, and the tip of the sword trembled slightly, covering his left wrist, right wrist, left leg, and right leg in an instant. The rapid speed of swordsmanship is really rare in the world, but I don’t know why. The sword seems to have left three points of strength.

Song Qingshu's figure flashed, avoiding these extremely fast four swords, but the whole person was not surprised and rejoiced: "Jade Girl Suxin Sword Technique, Long Er, is that you?"

The little Taoist was originally going to raise his sword to attack again. Hearing his name, he took a halt and couldn't help but uttered, "Who is your dragon!"

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "If it weren't for you, who in this world could use the skill of the Jade Girl Suxin Swordsmanship? Except for the light work of the ancient tomb school, who in the world can retreat like a **** in Zhangxu? "He has read the original work with the help of his previous life. Although he can treasure the martial arts of all schools in the world, he often only knows the name, and he does not necessarily correspond to it.

In terms of common sense in martial arts, he is far less knowledgeable than Zhang Sanfeng, and may not even be comparable to Wang Yuyan, so he has not recognized it just now.

"I haven't seen it for a long time, how did your martial arts improve so fast?" This is also the reason why Song Qingshu didn't recognize her even though he felt a little familiar at the beginning.

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