Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1932: Sudden change

"Ling Yu Gong?" Zhang Sanfeng pondered for a moment, but there was no impression in his memory. He thought that this work should have been left a hundred years ago. "Does this work allow people to see things in the dark?" This is also his most doubtful place, if not. He can see things in the dark, how can he subdue the people in Wudang in such a short time?

Taoist Huang Mu shook his head: "It is not possible to see things in the dark, but it can radiate the internal force like silk, weave it into a net within a certain range, and can judge the target position by touch."

"Like a spider, no wonder..." Zhang Sanfeng was surprised, so the other party could act like daylight in the dark, "There is such a magical martial arts in the world."

As soon as his words fell, the whole person had reached Huang Mudao's side and grabbed his shoulder well. As long as he grasped it firmly, the opponent's martial arts would not have any resistance in magic.

Suddenly, his face changed, and his movements seemed to froze a bit. Daoist Huang Mu took the opportunity to shoot with his long sword, bursting with a dazzling light.

Zhang Sanfeng stepped back and dissolved his attack invisible, but he didn't mean to be happy at all: "You are poisoned?"

"Sorrowful and clear breeze, colorless and tasteless, it really deserves its reputation." Taoist Huang Mu looked at a little Taoist dressed in Baiyunguan and couldn't help but admire. He just didn't hide his martial arts history, just want to delay time to let the poison happen. After all, Zhang Sanfeng's name is too loud, and they worry that this poison will not work for a while.

The little Taoist priest also sighed with emotion: "Zhang Zhenren is really worthy of a half-immortal body, and it took so long to be affected." Although his voice was a little cold, it was a bit clear, and he was obviously a woman.

Zhang Sanfeng said with emotion: "Unexpectedly, the old way was planted in the hands of women twice. I don't know if the girl is Xixia's toffee or princess?" He planted in the hands of women twice. He was hit hard.

The little Taoist shook his head: "It's not..."

Before she finished speaking, Zhang Sanfeng had already appeared next to her, sealing all the directions of her dodge with both hands. He knew in his heart that since the poison was cast by her, she must have a corresponding antidote on her body. Little things like this are related to the life and death of Wudang, and he is not the kind of old pedagogue who can't change the past, so naturally he doesn't care about this fame.

Who knows that she stepped on the Yijing gossip and hid in a very mysterious pace. Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but be surprised: "Lingbo Weibu of the Xiaoyao School?" Although the Xiaoyao School is mysterious, how can it hide his hundred years of experience? .

The little Taoist priest didn't dare to be distracted at all, because the opponent's hand was like a punishment from the clouds. No matter how she avoided it, she followed her like a shadow, and if she didn't pay attention, she would be restrained by the opponent.

The little Taoist was shocked, knowing that she was also a great master, and her name was also frightening to many people, but facing a poisoned Zhang Sanfeng, she felt a sense of powerlessness to resist.

Fortunately, the Taoist Huang Mu not far away saw something wrong, grabbed two long swords and attacked Zhang Sanfeng.

"Liangyi swordsmanship? No, it seems to be a mixture of anti-liangyi swordsmanship, one righteous and one evil. I didn't expect you to express yourself and develop such exquisite swordsmanship." Liangyi swordsmanship was originally from Wudang. Derived from the school's martial arts, Zhang Sanfeng can naturally see through it at a glance, but what the other party displays is not an ordinary two-yi swordsmanship. In many places, it is the opposite, and it is more appropriate to call the positive and negative Liangyi sword formation.

Taoist Huang Mu smiled triumphantly: "Since I have learned the spiritual jade technique, my internal strength is high, and my vision is naturally very different. Many people who couldn't figure it out before suddenly became clear. I thought that I was arrogant and no one could do the swordsmanship. Bro, the Golden Snake Langjun pointed out the flaws, and I still don’t take it seriously. Later, I practiced with great concentration in Dulong Cave and realized what kind of frog at the bottom of the well was. It took ten years to study and perfect this set of pros and cons. The flaws in the previous swordsmanship have been perfected, and the attacking power has also been improved."

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head and said: "Swordsmanship is dead, humans are alive. There is no swordsmanship in this world without flaws." The swordsmanship in front of him is indeed amazing, but if he is not poisoned, it is not difficult to crack, but now His internal strength gradually faded, and the whole person's hands and feet were heavier than usual. It was not so easy to crack it anymore.

Daoist Huang Mu was startled. It was obvious that the other party's words made him vaguely touched a certain threshold: "In this case, I would like to ask Zhenren Zhang for advice." After speaking, he wielded the sword technique more and more delicately, and even showed his strength. Two points.

The Wudang heroes on the side saw that Master turned offensive to defensive, and their actions were much more obscure than usual, and they all scolded: "Taoist Huang Mu, you are still shameless. My master is poisoned. You speak so grandiosely while others are in danger. !"

At this time, the Taoist woman disguised as a man saw that the Taoist Huang Mu was still being resolved by Zhang Sanfeng one by one despite the swift and violent offensive, and couldn't help being shocked: Under the sorrowful breeze, Zhang Sanfeng might have very little internal strength left at this time, and he could still stop it Taoist Huang Mu really deserves to be recognized as the number one person in the world for decades.

She was worried about the change in the late period, just to hear the voices of the Wudang heroes, she thought about it as soon as her mind turned.

Carrying Ling Bo stepped slightly to the side of a few people, stretched out a long sword and put it on one of them's neck. Suddenly noticed that the other party was Song Yuanqiao, she bit her lip, and finally the sword moved aside and placed it on Yu Lianzhou's neck: "Zhang Zhenren, if you continue to stubbornly resist, your beloved apprentice and the next generation of Wudang head may be going to see Emperor Zhenwu."

Zhang Sanfeng was shocked when he saw this, his hands suddenly slowed down a bit, and his robe was immediately cut a few times by the opponent's sharp sword.

Seeing this scene, Yu Lianzhou almost didn't cry: "Master, leave me alone, go!"

The little Taoist sneered: "Zhang Zhenren, a few of the Wudang Seven Knights have died in these years. You old man must not want to experience the pain of a white-haired man sending a black-haired man again. Don't worry, as long as you stop Resistance, we won’t hurt your hair, we just ask you to be a guest somewhere for a while."

Zhang Sanfeng sighed faintly: "I have lost Cuishan and Shenggu, and I don't want to have that feeling again." After that, he dropped his hands.

Song Yuanqiao, Yu Lianzhou and others guarded their eyes with tears, wishing to die immediately, so as not to drag the master.

Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng had given up resistance, Taoist Huang Mu quickly sealed the acupuncture points on his body, then grinned and pierced his heart with a sword.

"Master!" Everyone in Wudang was shocked when they saw this, but they had been restrained by the acupuncture points, and they couldn't go to rescue them.

At the moment, the little Taoist threw the sword in his hand and slammed it on the Daoist Huang Mu's sword, but the Taoist Huang Mu is now very powerful. This collision only caused his sword to deviate by a few points, but it still stabbed. Went in.

The little Taoist had already rushed over at this time, pushing Huang Mu Taoist back with a palm, and then helped Zhang Sanfeng to sit down, his voice was full of anxiety and panic: "Zhang Zhenren, how are you?"

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