Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1935: Lurker

"Kill them!" When Song Qingshu suddenly appeared at the gate of the hall, and everyone was stunned, the Taoist Huang Mu quickly saw the opportunity and hurriedly ordered those companions to kill everyone in Wudang.

Song Qingshu reacted swiftly, turning into a cyan shadow and rushing towards those people, the little dragon girl frowned, and also rushed in the other direction holding the sword.

The light work of the two of them is the top of the top in the arena. It is really quiet and virgin, like a rabbit. The blind swordsman who used to kill the square is now without the cover of darkness, which is the ordinary second-rate level in the arena, and soon The entire army was wiped out under the lightning-fast attack of the two.

Taoist Huang Mu gritted his teeth and rushed towards Zhang Sanfeng with his double swords. Song Qingshu was already prepared, and the sword aura shot out, sealing all the roads in front of him, and the next moment he could see the opponent being sword aura. Pierce through.

Who knew that Taoist Huang Mu rushed to Zhang Sanfeng as a false move. Suddenly the whole person fell still, and then ran towards the gate in the opposite direction like a cannonball.

Song Qingshu couldn't help being taken aback. This momentary return completely violates the laws of physics. The light gong of the Tomb Sect is also good at retreating like this, but isn't it such an exaggeration?

Seeing his doubts, Zhang Sanfeng reminded: "His true spirit is like spider silk, and the whole person can be like a spider."

Song Qingshu thought, isn't this Spider-Man?

I saw that Taoist Huang Mu did not fly out of the hall, but waved his hands, closed the door of the hall, and then restarted the organs on the doors and windows, and the whole hall was plunged into boundless darkness again.

"Song, I know your martial arts is high, but in this darkness, I kill you like a chicken." A voice came from the midair gloomily, as if from a wandering soul from Jiuyou.

Song Qingshu casually shot a ray of sword energy towards the place where he had just made the sound, but it was a pity that only the sound of shooting into the pillar came.

"Hahaha, you couldn't shoot me." From another diametrically opposite position came the triumphant voice of Taoist Huang Mu.

Everyone in Wudang frowned. This Huangmu Daoist had a peculiar inner strength, able to change direction instantly while pulling the spider silk. The Zixiao Palace was very large, and there was a wide space for him to move and dodge.

Suddenly Zhang Sanfeng's voice came from the hall: "Sword Qi rushes into the sky."

Song Qingshu's heart moved, and ten thousand swords returned to the sect in an instant, countless sword auras enveloped the entire hall and shot towards the top of the hall indiscriminately.

Everyone only heard a bang, countless pieces of wood and glazed tiles rustling down, and then only felt the light in front of them, and subconsciously raised their heads, they could actually see the blue sky and white clouds above their heads. It turned out that the entire roof of the Zixiao Palace had been shot. Was riddled with holes.

Just now, Zhang Sanfeng was in the middle of the situation, and the sudden incidents and the changes one after another made him too late to think. Later, watching him coldly, he immediately thought that he could break the game from the top of the hall.

Suddenly a heavy object fell to the ground with a bang. Everyone looked intently. It turned out that it was Taoist Huang Mu. At this time, he was covered with blood holes, and he was obviously pierced by the sword.

"Oh...hhh..." Taoist Huang Mu made a vague sound in his throat, obviously he wanted to say something, but with his mouth, the blood couldn't stop the gushing out. In the end he didn't say anything, his eyes opened wide. , The eyes full of shock and disbelief when he breathed.

After such a big disturbance, the disciples who were patrolling the periphery also rushed to open the doors and windows, and the whole room returned to light again.

A group of disciples rushed to take care of the injured people, Song Qingshu came to Zhang Sanfeng's side, probed his pulse, and noticed that his true energy seemed to be absent. He couldn't help but be surprised: "What's the matter?"

Song Yuanqiao said: "It's in the sad breeze."

Song Qingshu suddenly turned to Li Qingluo on the side, spreading her hands: "The antidote!"

Li Qingluo bit her lip, struggling to get a bottle of antidote from her arms and threw it to him.

Noting the blood on the corners of her mouth, Song Qingshu frowned slightly, but didn't say anything, first took out the antidote to detoxify Zhang Sanfeng and the others.

"Master Tai, how is your injury?" Song Qingshu asked when he returned to Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng's body revolved around and replied: "Skin trauma, just take a rest for a month or two. Go and see Ma Zhen and Tianxu." He trembled as he said, and was assisted by Song Qingshu to reach the two of them. Next to the corpse.

"Unexpectedly, they were a group of masters, but they died in the hands of Xiao Xiao like this." Zhang Sanfeng squatted down beside the two of them and sighed for a long time. "Buy the two well and ask their disciples what they mean. Are you willing to be buried in Wudang Mountain or go back to their own views."

"Yes." Yu Lianzhou respectfully saluted next to him, and ran to discuss with the disciples of Shang Qing Guan and Yu Qing Guan.

At this moment, the sudden change suddenly rose, and the Taoist Tianxu who had died suddenly opened his eyes and hit Zhang Sanfeng's lower abdomen with a palm.

"Master too!"

No one had expected this change, even if Song Qingshu had time to rescue him in a hurry, he could only watch Tian Xu pressing his palm on Zhang Sanfeng's lower abdomen.

A smirk flashed across Taoist Tianxu's face, and suddenly his smile froze, because he felt that his palm seemed to hit a ball of cotton, and he was as powerful as a cow into the sea.

Song Qingshu took advantage of the frame to open his hand and flew it to the side pillar with a palm.

"This... how is this possible!" Taoist Tianxu looked incredulous, completely unable to think that his own killing blow would have no effect.

Zhang Sanfeng sighed, "I was attacked like Gangxiang back then, so how can I repeat the same mistakes."

Song Qingshu was dumbfounded, Jiang Guoran was still old and hot, and he might be seriously injured when he moved in different places.

Taoist Tianxu shook his head and said: "Impossible, are you so full of infuriating defense anytime and anywhere? Impossible!"

"Naturally impossible, but I have already doubted you before." Zhang Sanfeng replied.

"Where did I reveal a flaw?" Taoist Tianxu was startled.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the surrounding windows and the oil lamps on the ceiling, and replied: "Although the Zixiao Palace is not very well-guarded, it is also the holy land of our Wudang School. It is not easy for outsiders to make hands and feet, let alone install them on the doors and windows. There is an organization like the wooden board, and I think there are traitors inside. Among the four views, you are the first to come to the Shangqing view, and you have volunteered to help arrange the ceremony venue before. I want to come to the hands and feet at that time."

Taoist Tianxu showed a sorrowful smile: "It's true that people are not as good as the sky. This is fate." Immediately, Li Qingluo glared fiercely: "But if it wasn't for this **** to get in the way, Wudang's ups and downs would be finished!"

Li Qingluo's face paled: "Didn't you plan to invite Zhenren Zhang to the Ghost Villa as a guest? Then use him to threaten everyone in Wudang to cooperate. Why do you all kill each one!"

The Taoist Tianxu snorted coldly: "Women's opinion, the boss just needs your sad and crisp breeze, otherwise it will not be possible to let you participate in this matter, but it is a pity that it will end up in the hands of your bitch."

"You!" He was scolded by a bitch. As the mother of Li Qingluo and Bailian, he had never been so angry before, plus he was seriously injured, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his heart, and he fainted immediately.

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