Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1938: Anti-customer

Li Qingluo replied as he recalled: "In addition to us, there are four people in the inner circle, namely, cousin, housekeeper, general, and faceless man."

Song Qingshu thought it was a coincidence, it seemed to be similar to the nicknames of those people in memory, but I don't know who these people really are? Judging from the previous nicknames of Taoist Huang Mu, Li Qingluo and others, these nicknames should be inextricably linked to his true identity.

As for his cousin, his first thought was Murong Fu, but he immediately denied it. Not to mention that Murong Fu is still locked up in the Lingjiu Palace, he said that his martial arts is far from enough.

Housekeeper? This is completely clueless, is it a woman? No, the housekeeper in Lu Xiaofeng seems to be a man too. Could it be that the manager of a big gang or something?

As for the general, I think this person has an inseparable relationship with the army. I don't know if it is a general of the Southern Song Dynasty or a general of another country.

"The faceless man?" Song Qingshu cares about the faceless man the most. From the name, you can tell that this person is definitely the most mysterious.

Hearing his mention, Li Qingluo also explained: "Although I didn't say it explicitly, I can feel that in the core layer of the ghost villa, Huangmu Taoist, Yucha, and I should be ranked lowest. Besides, my cousin is about the same as me, housekeeper, general The faceless man has the highest status, especially the generals and the faceless man. They should be the most mysterious existence. Once by chance, I learned the scene when the old knife saw them. It was not about the subordinates or us. It seems to be full of... how to put it, I feel full of flattery, which is really absurd. That old knife handle can set up such a big game, and he is definitely an extraordinary character. As a result, such a character must treat Wu with a flattering attitude. Mianren and the general, it is impossible to imagine the true identity of the two."

Song Qingshu was also surprised when he heard it. Assuming that this old knife is Jia Sidao, with his monstrous power and hidden top martial arts, he needs to flatter and please people. Looking at the world, there should be few people.

When he was in distress, he suddenly moved in his heart. Why should he bother about this? The purpose of establishing the ghost villa was to kill Zhao Go. Zhao Gou is dead. The Southern Song Dynasty will inevitably be in chaos for a period of time. By then, he will definitely be unable to go north. Is it what I want to come to Jiangnan this time?

But you can't be happy too early. If Jia Sidao is really laying out behind the scenes, it will not be a good thing for him to completely control the Southern Song in the future.

Are there short-term and long-term benefits? Song Qingshu was a little entangled, but it was a pity that there was too little information to make effective judgments. It seems that only when he personally investigates in Lin'an can he make targeted arrangements.

When Song Qingshu came back to her senses, Li Qingluo had fallen into a coma, and the little dragon **** the side explained: "The cousin was seriously injured and she was already weak. She just braced and answered so many questions. Now she can't help but faint. Up."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but apologize: "Well, you take good care of her here, I'll go and take a look outside."

Suddenly noticed Shen Bijun on the side. Seeing the three women suddenly felt a headache in front of them, she introduced them to them: "Long Er, this is Shen Bijun; Bijun, this is the little dragon girl."

Shen Bijun's eyes widened suddenly: "It turned out to be Prince Yue's daughter. I heard the story of Dragon Girl avenging her father alone when she was in Shanyin. It is really admirable. Only a hero like Prince Yue can give birth to Dragon Girl. This fairy-like character."

Since Xiaolongnv left the ancient tomb, she heard too many praises about her beauty, and it is hard to make waves, but the other party praised her father, but it made her feel good: "Shanyin Shen's family, could it be that Shen girl is Shen Yushi Family's daughter?"

She was with Li Qingluo, and she naturally knew many things happened in the court, especially the case of Shen's house being destroyed in Shanyin.

Shen Bijun sighed quietly: "There is no Shanyin Shen's house now."

The little dragon girl blinked her eyes suddenly: "I remember you seem to be a princess, did you go to Lin'an to ask the princess and the emperor to help Grandpa Shen take revenge?"

Song Qingshu had been rushing all the way and was taking time to drink tea to moisturize his throat, but when he heard her question, he choked in one breath, where he couldn't breathe for a long time.

Shen Bijun's face flushed, thinking why you ridiculed me in person like this, but suddenly noticed the other's pure and flawless eyes, and immediately realized that the other party just didn't understand these people's sophistication, and naturally asked questions in his heart.

Thinking about this, Shen Bijun couldn't get angry on the contrary, blushing and hesitating: "I am now... no longer the prince..."

She was hesitating how to talk about the relationship between herself and Song Qingshu, but Xiaolongnu said that she understood, and she didn't have to say anything afterwards.

It turned out that Xiaolongnu was not very interested in external affairs. When other people heard that she was not a princess, the soul of gossip must have burned a long time ago.

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile, it seems that Xiaolongnv's temperament hasn't changed much.

Knowing that Shen Bijun staying here is also embarrassing. When he left, he simply took her away. Shen Bijun opened his mouth several times, and finally couldn't help but said, "The Dragon Girl is so beautiful."

Song Qingshu nodded: "It's pretty."

Shen Bijun hesitated for a while, then said, "Mrs. Wang is also very beautiful."

Song Qingshu replied casually: "Their gene is indeed good." Suddenly realized something, smiled and said to her: "Bi Jun, you won't lose to anyone in terms of beauty, don't worry."

"Big Brother Song, you can go and see the situation outside. I went back to my house to rest." Shen Bijun sighed secretly. He was worried about these things before, but now that he has made a choice, he has to bear all this, but why It's still a bit sour.

"Alright, remember to signal something." Song Qingshu handed him a bamboo tube. Something like that happened before, worried that someone would be against her again.

Shen Bijun felt warm, tidying up his clothes, and said softly, "Go early and return early."

"Yeah." After Song Qingshu separated from her, he came to the vicinity of Zixiao Palace and asked Yu Daiyan, Zhang Songxi, Yin Liting and others to rescue the wounded, search for the remnants of the ghost villa, and settle other people.

I went to Zhang Sanfeng’s secluded hut with Yu Lianzhou, Song Yuanqiao, Chongxu and others, and talked about the information I just received, and then said: "I don’t know what the next plan of the ghost villa is. The villa is in the dark. As the saying goes, there is no reason to guard against thieves in a thousand days. I plan to enter the ghost villa and investigate it. Therefore, I need to keep secret what happened today so that the people in the ghost villa do not know that the plan has failed."

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