Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1947: Ghost Reappearance

Seeing his consideration in this way, Ren Yingying couldn't say anything more: "Then how do you plan to save?"

"Quick fight, these people have just been arrested. Although Jia Sidao has a terrible hatred in his heart, but because he is a bitch, he still has to set up an archway. He will definitely ask Zhao Gou for instructions on how to deal with it. The death penalty will take a lot of time. During this time, the defense forces should not be properly deployed. I will take advantage of this gap to rescue them, and then immediately send them out of Lin'an City before Jia Sidao can react." Song Qingshu replied.

"Are you going to act tonight?" Ren Yingying nodded slightly. This is to get the most benefits at the lowest cost. Even if the action is fast enough, there may be no need to pay any benefits. She believes in the martial arts of the lover, it is possible to do it. This step.

Song Qingshu hummed, "After nightfall, I will dive to the Sky Prison. Before that, you should arrange to send Luo Riyuan out of the city as soon as possible. Well, let's arrange to go to the Golden Snake Camp first."

"Okay!" Ren Yingying has been in the Qi Palace for so long, and there is no problem sending a person out of the city alone. "Luo Riyuan is fine, after all, he has not been caught, and the goal is small, but waiting for you to rescue those people. The imperial court is bound to be alarmed. Even if Lin'an is found, the navy along the river will definitely be strictly investigated, and the city gates will be set up everywhere, and it will be even more difficult to send them away at that time."

Song Qingshu replied in a deep voice: "At that time, the cities in the north will definitely be wanted everywhere, and the west along the river and the east entrance to the sea will be strictly controlled, but the south is the hinterland of the imperial court. They can't cover everything in a hurry, so the south will be investigated They will definitely be relatively empty. I will take them directly to Shanyin, and then go to the sea from the nearby sea port, north to the site of the Golden Snake Camp, so that they can bypass the navy near Lin'an. In addition..."

Song Qingshu paused and glanced at Shen Bijun who was aside pityingly: "Also take her to Shenyuan to worship her parents by the way."

Shen Bijun was stunned, but he didn't expect that he was still thinking about himself at this time, and his eye circles were quickly covered with a layer of mist, and it was so hard to restrain him from crying.

Ren Yingying said softly: "Then I will also arrange your trip to Shanyin later, so you can take a good rest and recharge your energy to prepare for the evening."

Suddenly noticed that the other party was staring straight at him, his face flushed: "Why are you looking at me so weirdly?"

Song Qingshu wondered: "Aren't you angry at all?"

Ren Yingying was confused: "Why should I be angry?"

Song Qingshu sighed, "I'm angry that I will leave you just after reuniting with you, and I want to send another woman off?"

Ren Yingying tweeted: "What mess, you are mainly to save people, and sister Bijun's life is so pitiful, I am not hard-hearted, how can I be angry with her, you don't want to make fun of her."

"Sister Yingying..." At this time, Shen Bijun was really impressed by Ren Yingying's temperament, and suddenly realized that compared with her, he really has a kind of insignificance in personality. He is still struggling with love and love, and the other party is pretending to But it is great love.

Song Qingshu was also so moved, he couldn't help holding Ren Yingying in his arms, and kissed her smooth cheek wantonly.

Ren Yingying hurriedly pushed him away with shame: "What do you send, hurry up and rest, don't affect your actions at night, I...I will arrange for someone to send Luo Riyuan away." She has always been very thin, and now Song Qingshudang Looking at the other people's face so affectionately, she didn't know what to do, so she hurriedly left after talking.

"Sister Yingying is really a good person." Shen Bijun quietly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, with a thousand emotions.

Song Qingshu smiled and said: "I told you before, don't worry, you still don't believe it, you should be relieved now."

"Yeah." Shen Bijun nodded, "I also want to learn from Sister Yingying." After speaking, he ran away as if to escape.

Song Qingshu was baffled: "Where are you going?" What do you want to learn from Yingying?

Shen Bijun's voice came from far away: "You go to rest first, I will just stroll around in the mansion."

Song Qingshu smiled helplessly, then returned to the room and began to recharge. In the middle of the night, Song Qingshu quietly left the Qi Palace, the whole figure merged with the dark night, and rushed towards the prison.

He was already familiar with the sky in the jail, and now his martial arts are getting higher and higher, it is not difficult to sneak in silently. He soon found the few people described by Luo Riyuan in the sky jail, and they were all covered at this time. Blood-stained, sleeping crookedly in the thatch on the ground.

"Yang Ming, Zhang Xing, Hua Yue?" Song Qingshu called several times, but the three of them did not wake up. From the sound of breathing, it can be judged that the three of them have been seriously injured, and their bodies are too weak at this time.

He took out a few Nine-Ranked Bear Snake Pills from his arms and gave them to everyone, and then worked for the three of them to dissolve the medicine. The Nine Revolving Bear Snake Pill is the top holy medicine of the Xiaoyao Sect. Now Song Qingshu is the lord of the Lingjiu Palace, so there is no shortage of such elixir.

Nourished by the power of the Nine-turn Bear and Snake Pill, the three seriously injured woke up one after another. Song Qingshu took the opportunity to say: "Generals, I am specially commissioned by Luo Riyuan to rescue you."

The three Huayue looked at each other, "I don't know how to call this hero?"

Song Qingshu knows that sincerity is the most important thing in the interaction between people, and they must subdue their hearts, and they will be informed of their identities soon, and they will not hide it from the beginning: "In the Qingshu of the next Song Dynasty, today Luo Riyuan was seriously injured and hid in the Prince of Qi Palace... …" While continuing to heal the internal forces of the three of them, he gave a rough explanation of the future of the dragon.

"Where to see King Qi, there is no retribution for saving grace!" Knowing his identity, several people have no doubts. It is always well known that Han Dongzhan and Song Qingshu have a good relationship. Now only he has the ability and only he dares to come. Save yourself a few people.

"Several people please get up soon," Song Qingshu said hurriedly, "I will save you guys first, and I will discuss other things later."

"Okay." The few people were determined to die, but they didn't expect that the instinct for survival would make them excited.

Just as he was about to take them out, Song Qingshu suddenly raised his hand: "Someone is here, I will hide it first." After finishing speaking, he didn't know that he was hiding in the shadow.

Although his martial arts is high, he only intends to save the three people silently, but he did not expect to take them out of the prison.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu, hiding in the dark, was secretly surprised. He originally thought that the people who came were patrolling soldiers or accidentally passing by a nearby jailer, but at this time, he heard people's footsteps and his steps were light. First-class master, how can ordinary soldiers and jailers have this skill?

Soon a man in black came to the cell of the three and said to the three: "Do you want to die or to live."

The three people in the prison looked at each other. They had the same doubts as Song Qingshu. They didn't understand who the person in front of them was. They didn't dare to act rashly for a while, and immediately said, "Which person wants to die? It's just that we committed the crime." Capital crime, where is there a way to survive."

"Wrong!" The black-clothed man interrupted them decisively, his tone full of arrogance, "As long as you agree to join the Ghost Villa, you will be able to live."

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