Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1949: Princess

Hearing the question of the man in black, Song Qingshu was overjoyed, wishing that the man in black would ask more similar questions, so that he might have a chance to find out who the Faceless Man is.

It’s a pity that King Yi didn’t give him a chance. He only heard him reprimand him a little displeasedly: “I’ve been with me for so long and I still don’t understand the rules. Don’t ask if you shouldn’t. Try this again next time, whether you’re intentional or not. Unintentionally, it's the same result."

"Damn the villain, **** the villain..." Although you can't see it, you can still imagine it. The cold sweat on the face of the man in black must be constricted at this time.

Song Qingshu secretly cried out that it was a pity. Judging from the information received so far, I am afraid that the identity of the Faceless Man is only known by King Yi, but his identity is sensitive, and it is impossible to capture him to ask for a confession. Of course, there is another one. Factors, he didn't want to get rid of it too early, after all, the conspiracy of the ghost villa is likely to be beneficial to him at present.

After listening for a while, seeing that there was no more valuable information, Song Qingshu quietly left the Yiwang Mansion and went all the way towards Tianlao. Now Huayue and others are being spotted by the ghost villa, and they must be rescued as soon as possible. Go, so as not to have many dreams at night.

In a few moments, Song Qingshu admired King Yi's rise, not only on the issue of Huayue and others, the heroes saw the same, but more importantly, he was able to come up with such a masterpiece as the ghost villa.

In fact, it's normal to think about it. Now that the crown prince is already in place, if nothing happens, the throne has nothing to do with him, so he can only make changes by himself.

"The biggest problem right now is what is the plan of the ghost villa?" Song Qingshu can vaguely guess one or two from what happened in Wudang Mountain, but he has no clue about who the Faceless Man and the general are.

Back in the jail, Hua Yue and the others were already waiting for it, and they were shocked when they saw him come back.

"Follow me!" Song Qingshu opened the door of the cell with sword energy and removed the fetters on their bodies.

"Will this hurt King Qi?" Hua Yue hesitated. After all, Heaven Smiting Prison is a big crime, not to mention that he is just a foreign prince, even the prince, I am afraid he can't eat it.

"Of course, robbing the prison publicly will cause trouble, but I just don’t want people to recognize it? Who knows that I robbed it?" Song Qingshu had to sigh that the other party was really a kind person, and he was about to die, even worrying about others. It's no wonder that he was clearly at odds with Han Dong, but still chose to join the assassination of Jia Sidao.

Hearing what he said, Huayue finally relieved his heart, but Yang Ming asked, "What happened to the ghost villa just now? It feels like a mysterious and powerful look. We shook them like this. Will they get along afterwards? The court will chase us down together? If it hurts King Qi..."

Song Qingshu smiled and replied: "The ghost villa is just an organization that breeds ambitions. It is destined to not show up in the sun. I am not even afraid of the court, so would I still be afraid of a ghost villa?"

"That's true." The three of them thought about it. They used to be high-ranking officers in the military. Naturally, they knew that there were endless gangs in the arena, but in the face of the power of the government, they were completely scum.

"Right," Song Qingshu suddenly remembered something, "Your family..."

The three replied: "We are not reckless people. When we do such a lifeless thing, we naturally prepared a back road for our family at the beginning. Fortunately, everyone is a bachelor. There are not many people in the family and it is easy to transfer."

Seeing that they had properly arranged their family members, Song Qingshu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The process of getting out of the jail was without surprises. After all, Song Qingshu had done such things many times, and the defense against the three of Huayue had not been in place, so until the three of them were taken out of the jail, the sky was not disturbed. guard.

Of course, after another half an hour, the shift shifter will find that the person on duty has been given a drowsiness point, and he will definitely not be able to hide it at that time, but this half hour is already enough.

After leaving the prison, Song Qingshu and the Huayue trio did not return to the Qi Palace, but directly turned out of the city from the city wall. The city wall of Lin'an City is tall and the moat is wide, and there are soldiers patrolling at any time. It's really impossible to cross, even Song Qingshu needs several breaks to take the three out of the city.

Ren Yingying had already waited outside the city, and she could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw his arrival: "You are an hour later than the agreed time. I thought something happened. If I hadn't heard the sound of fighting in the city, I'm afraid I have already entered the city to investigate."

"It makes you worry, but it just happened to happen to a sudden situation..." Song Qingshu roughly said about the ghost villa.

"The old knife is actually King Yi?" Ren Yingying was also extremely surprised.

Song Qingshu nodded: "We'll talk about it later in detail. We must hurry up and send them away."

Ren Yingying also knew the importance, and did not ask anything, and took the three of them to the carriage.

"I have seen the princess..." The three Huayue salutes Ren Yingying in unison. Although the court has not officially canonized the princess Qi, even if he wants to be canonized, he must choose one of the two princesses, but the princess's marriage is delayed. It was not held, and there was another beautiful and mysterious woman who was sitting in the Qi palace for a long time. As time passed, the people in Lin'an officials called it Princess Qi.

The three of Huayue had long heard of Princess Qi's beauty. The woman in front of them was even more beautiful than the women they had seen before, and there was a calm and noble air in her body, so they did not hesitate to guess her identity.

However, their voices came to an abrupt end, because they opened the carriage curtain and found that there was an overwhelming woman sitting in the carriage. At first sight, the three of them looked away with embarrassment, as if the other person was intimidating. His beautiful face makes people afraid to look at him.

They looked back at Ren Yingying, and for a while they couldn't tell what was superior, and for a while, they really didn't know who was the legendary and beautiful Princess Qi.

Song Qingshu patted a few people on the shoulders: "What are you doing in a daze? Get in the car as soon as possible. We must hurry up before the people in the jail can react."

The Huayue trio got into the carriage now, but they all sat in jeopardy along the way, leaning on a corner far away, and didn't dare to get out of the air.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile: "Several ten thousand troops are not afraid to assassinate Jia Sidao, why are you so nervous now?"

Several people laughed awkwardly, but Zhang Xing took the lead and said, "Of course we are not afraid of letting us go into battle to kill the enemy, but we are so close to the woman, and the two princesses are so beautiful, we don’t even know our hands. where to put."

Hearing the names of the two princesses, Ren Yingying and Shen Bijun all blushed. For a while, they didn't know how to react. Song Qingshu smiled and directly changed the subject to dispel the embarrassment: "Right, Yingying, is General Luo arranged? "

Ren Yingying nodded: "I had sent him out of the city during the day. At that time, Lin'an was not under martial law. It is not very difficult. Even if the court has issued a wanted order, I am afraid that he will not be able to catch up with him."

After hearing this, the three of Huayue stood up and saluted: "The prince and the princess have no way of repaying their life-saving graces, but we can only repay them as cattle and horses!"

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