Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1956: Crying vixen

Song Qingshu was surprised and hurriedly helped her up: "What is this madam, get up quickly."

"I won't get up if you don't agree." Chen Yuanyuan shook his head.

Song Qingshu said in a deep voice: "Not to mention that Ake was originally my friend. Even if I am thinking about the friendship between you and me, I will not die. You hurry up and talk about what happened to Ake."

Hearing the word friendship in his mouth, Chen Yuanyuan thought of some beautiful pictures in her mind, and her face turned red. After taking advantage of the situation, she replied: "Since Han Xiang was killed, the ministers of the Han Xiang faction have been subjected to various convictions. And Akko was recommended by Han Xiang to join the palace, so naturally he couldn't escape. Now Jia Sidao is so powerful, and the status of Concubine Jia in the palace is getting higher and higher. Not long ago Akko has been beaten into the cold palace..."

Song Qingshu said: "Zhao Gou directly beat Ake into the cold palace. It doesn't make sense. Even if you are not favored, you have to consider her father's side..."

Chen Yuanyuan smiled bitterly: "His father is now defeated by the Qing court, and it is only a matter of time before the final demise, so naturally Zhao Gou will no longer hesitate."

Song Qingshu then remembered that he seemed to have heard the situation of the San Francisco Rebellion before, and Dongfang Muxue had already suppressed San Francisco almost. But he was equally strange, did Zhao Go just let Jia Sidao dominate his family? Even in the harem, he gave Jia Fei the position of her sole favor, even at the cost of completely infiltrating Jia Fei's former enemy Ake into the cold palace?

"No, there is absolutely a problem here." Although Song Qingshu has not received royal education since childhood, he has been emperor several times in these countries, and he generally understands the emperor's mentality. It is impossible to make the situation so unbalanced, no matter what. Whether it is the court or the harem, the only explanation is that the one who wants to be taken must be with it first!

I'm afraid Zhao Gou is about to start with Jia Sidao!

Song Qingshu's face changed slightly, speaking of which he would like to see. When the Southern Song Dynasty is turbulent, it will naturally be unable to care about the northern situation, so that the power of the Kingdom of Jin and the Qing can be fully mobilized to help Xixia deal with the upcoming Mongolia.

But on the other hand, he is worried that the two sides will decide the winner too quickly. That will be bad for the situation. It is best that the two sides have been stuck in the quagmire.

"The son, the son?" Chen Yuanyuan's voice awakened him from the chaos of thoughts. Seeing that he was a little absent-minded, she couldn't help being full of gloom, with a sullen look, "Yes, for men, they are more concerned about power. , Where are we women in your area of ​​concern."

Song Qingshu laughed: "Madam is serious. I am different from other men in this world. I not only love Jiangshan, but also beauty."

I don't know what to think of, Chen Yuanyuan's heart beats, and he sighs lightly: "The son is really greedy."

Seeing the mature and full curves wrapped in her dress, Song Qingshu subconsciously hugged her in her arms and couldn't help but sigh: "Tsk, it seems that Madam has not practiced the "Shen Foot Sutra" that I taught you during this time. , The body is getting softer and fuller everywhere."

Chen Yuanyuan was so frightened that he pushed him away and looked around, only to find that no one had seen it before he let out a sigh of relief: "My son, it's better to be cautious in words and deeds in broad daylight."

Song Qingshu was taken aback: "It's been a long time since I've seen you, Madam has gotten a relationship with me."

Chen Yuanyuan sighed: "If the son wants to, he can...you can come to the concubine at night, and the concubine will serve the son, but the son should know the reputation of the concubine. If he is seen by others, how will it affect the world? The son's opinion, second come, affect the relationship between you and those confidantes."

Song Qingshu was startled, and couldn't help but said with emotion: "The madam has taught me that I am too Meng Lang." Unlike ordinary women, Chen Yuanyuan has experienced too many storms, and now she is extremely mature and can consider all aspects very thoughtfully.

Thinking of her intentions, Song Qingshu asked: "By the way, Ake is in the cold palace now, is there any danger?"

Chen Yuanyuan replied: "I'm a person here, and I know best what kind of misfortune this beauty will bring. When Han Xiang was here, Ake crushed Concubine Jia, but now that Concubine Jia is gaining power, a woman's jealousy will most likely cause her. Retaliation, death of a concubine in the cold palace is really normal; and even without these, she is a little girl who stays in the cold palace at a young age and never comes out. I can't bear to watch her suffer, so I got the news. Later, I rushed back from the field, just to learn that the son was also back, so I wanted to ask the son to help him."

"Okay, I'll go to the palace to check it out at night, and then act by chance." Akke was originally a dark chess piece in the palace by Song Qingshubu. To be honest, he wasn't very willing to give up this chess piece so soon. Of course, he did. He wouldn't let Ake stay in the palace to take risks. If he really found out that her situation was already quite dangerous, he would also rescue the other person.

Hearing his promise, Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help being overjoyed. She knew each other's abilities best. You must know that when she and A Ke were in the bedroom, he could do something like that to us without knowing it...

Noting that Chen Yuanyuan suddenly had Xiafei cheeks, her entire face was dazzling, especially when she unconsciously licked her lips, she was so charming to the extreme, Song Qingshu cried out a fairy, hurriedly converged her mind and asked about the business: "Right, you and how? How is the layout of the iron hand brothel?"

"The major cities in the south of the Yangtze River are already in trouble. Next, I plan to go to the two lakes. Miss He is really good at imperial court. She has high martial arts skills and is good at using poison. She doesn't even dare to provoke those snakes. We are in a lot of trouble." Chen Yuanyuan was amazed when he talked about it.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but said: "If the lady is not for the guidance, she may not be able to do it."

Chen Yuanyuan's expression dimmed: "It's just that I have been fascinated by the eyes and eyes, I remember some." But she adjusted her emotions quickly and curiously said: "By the way, why do you only let us expand our business in the Song Dynasty? Don't other countries need it? "

"Come one country, one country." Song Qingshu is naturally inconvenient to tell the other party. Nowadays, the information on the sticky poles of the Qing Dynasty, the Huanyiyuan of the Jin Kingdom, the Tiyinsi of the Liao Kingdom, and the Yipintang of Xixia can be used by themselves, naturally. In addition, additional personnel were sent, but the Southern Song Dynasty intelligence network was somewhat vacuumed, so they deployed their secret move to prepare for future needs.

Waiting for night to fall, Song Qingshu quietly touched into the palace. He was already familiar with the Southern Song Dynasty palace. He soon came to the cold palace. He suddenly heard the voice of a ruthless old mother: "Little bitch, you and you My mother is a vixen who harms the country and the people, shave your face and see how you seduce men in the future."

Song Qingshu was shocked and hurriedly rushed over. Ake was full of tears. He was being pressed against the wall by several eunuchs, and an old mother was holding a pair of scissors and gesturing back and forth in front of her.

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