Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1959: Join

Huang Chang continued: "If I stay in this palace, I alone will be enough to protect the emperor, but soon, if the emperor wants to go out in a light car, I am afraid I will not be able to take care of it alone."

Song Qingshu looked at the fighting wine monk: "Is it not enough for you two to join forces?"

Huang Chang shook his head: "The situation facing me this time is extremely dangerous. During this period of time, I've been at a loss for my mind, so in order to insure the period, I invite you into the game. This matter is very important to the emperor. Why don't you give it to you a princess."

Akko couldn't help but feel sad when she heard his words. She could finally feel the pain of her mother back then. What about the beauty of the crown and the fame of the world? In the end, it was just a plaything in the hands of a man, and she was given it to him if she could not keep it. Someone else.

Looking at the determined profile of the man beside him, Ake bit his lip, thinking that fortunately, Brother Song should not be that kind of person.

Song Qingshu realized a different meaning from Huang Chang's words: It seems that Zhao Gou's trip was not a simple one. Before, I wondered why he could tolerate Jia Sidao's monopoly. Now it seems that he can no longer sit still. , Intending to take advantage of this trip to wipe out the Jia family, but Jia Sidao’s forces really want to move, it is absolutely thunderous. No wonder that even Huang Chang and the drunk monk united are still a bit unreliable, Zhao Gou. The trick is too risky.

"Where is the emperor going, and how long will it take?" Song Qingshu asked in a deep voice.

Huang Chang's entire face is hidden in the cloak, but he can still feel his joy: "Oh, you decided to join?"

"Let's talk about it first, I want to see if there are any schedules." Song Qingshu still has to wait to deal with Mongolia's going south. If Zhao Go delays for too long, he is not interested in accompanying him, even if he pays a certain price, he will leave.

But if this operation takes a short time, you can think about it. Zhao Gou is a firm surrender. Let him continue to be the emperor. The border will be much more stable. As for Jia Sidao’s current peace, it is largely because of the need for peace. Singing on stage with Han Tong, he was a major warrior in history, and the ghost knew whether he would start the Northern Expedition in order to divert domestic attention after he came to power.

Of course, Song Qingshu is not a living Lei Feng. Naturally, it is impossible to really work for Zhao Go. Then it is best for Zhao Go's people and Jia Sidao's people to fight to death and to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Huang Chang replied: "It won't be long before the emperor will tell the world to go to Wudang Mountain to seal Zhang Sanfeng, and to dispel the doubts of those careerists under the pretense of finding ways to prolong life and longevity." At his level, many things have been disdainful to conceal, and the other party is. His potential allies will not betray this side no matter how they look at it.

Song Qing's book was slandered. I heard that Zhao Gou's body was already a little dysfunctional. I'm afraid this trip really wanted to find a way to prolong his life, right? Don't let him know that Master Tai has passed me the Rootless Tree Art, otherwise it would be really troublesome for him to send someone to ask for it.

As for dispelling the doubts of the careerists, he sneered at it. Whether it is Ghost Villa or Jia Sidao, he must be able to see Zhao Gou's intentions, but this time the bait is too tempting, I am afraid that few can resist not doing it.

At the same time, he finally understood why Ghost Villa had to work hard to deal with Wudang faction before. Zhang Sanfeng, the number one person in the world, was there, and the variables were too great. If he helped Zhao Go, the plan of Ghost Villa would fall short, so he had to advance. When arrangements are made in Wudang, it will be easier for Zhao Gou to be wiped out.

Huang Chang continued: "During this period, the guards around the emperor will be weaker than ever, so we need you to defend the emperor with us. Don’t worry, the people under the emperor’s hands will be able to deal with it. You don’t need to take action, only come here. It’s a great master-level figure that may need to bother you."

"It sounds very dangerous." Song Qingshu thought, other masters are fine, no matter how they can handle it, but the great master-level character, who is not a legendary character, maybe he will really be in danger. .

At this time, the brewing monk opened his mouth and said: "Don't worry, martial arts come to our level. We rarely fight life and death, and even if we fight, no one can do anything. At that time, you only need to help contain a great master, and the rest of us. It will be resolved by itself."

Song Qingshu was startled: "Could it be that there are so many great masters in the world, it is not enough to have you two guards?"

The brewing monk replied: "There are only a handful of great masters in the world, and they are basically old and secluded in the mountains and do not look at the world, but it is hard to guarantee that they will not find a way to be pleased by someone who is interested. We are just just in case."

Song Qingshu chuckled, "How many great masters are there in our group?" He didn't mind spying on Zhao Gou's hole cards first.

Huang Chang looked at him quietly, and finally stretched out three fingers.

"So there is no one else." Song Qingshu was a little disappointed, but it was normal after thinking about it. Grandmaster is not a Chinese cabbage. Looking at the world, can he get ten people together?

This one accounted for three at once, and after removing some characters who are absolutely impossible to get out of the mountain, it should be enough to deal with it no matter what.

"I told you what I should say, how are you thinking about it?" Huang Chang asked.

Song Qingshu nodded and said: "Okay, I'll join." This time the Southern Song Dynasty undercurrent surging, he was worrying about how to ensure that the development of the matter is more in line with his interests. Now this opportunity is just the entry point to participate in the whole thing personally. Naturally it is easier to guide the direction.

"That's OK, you go back and prepare first, we will notify you in advance if there is anything." Huang Chang said.

"Should I go back first?" Song Qingshu frowned and pointed to A Ke in his arms, "What about her?"

Huang Chang's face was expressionless: "The imperial concubine will naturally stay in the palace. When Wudang Mountain returns this time, we will fulfill our promise and give her to you."

Ake's face paled when she thought of the people in the harem, but she said nothing after all.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "No, I will take her away today."

The drunk monk laughed: "Looking at the world, it is the principle of one-handed payment and one-handed delivery. Now that you have not done what you promised, you must be paid first. There is no such reason.

Song Qingshu said faintly: "When I found her just now, several **** ladies were about to scratch her face. Do you think I can stay here with confidence?"

The wine monk and Huang Chang looked at each other, and then said, "Don't worry, we will take care of her a lot from now on."

Song Qingshu sneered: "What a big man of you, how can you always protect a little girl, as long as you are not paying attention, for her, she may encounter things that can't survive, how can you compensate then?"

"This..." The wine fighting monk hesitated. The other party did make sense. Their main energy was with Zhao Go. It was impossible to keep this imperial concubine for twelve hours, not to mention the difference between men and women. Look at her all the time.

Huang Chang said, "We will send additional staff. In short, we cannot let you take her away until the task is completed."

"What if I have to take her away today?" Song Qingshu stood there, rushing into the sky with a hint of pride.

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