Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1975: Back hand

Although Li Wan has a good impression of Song Qingshu, such a thing really violates her philosophy that she has adhered to over the years. How can she accept the education she has received since she was a child?

Jia Sidao didn't pay attention to her, obviously in his opinion Li Wan was a member of Jia's family, and he had no right to decide his own destiny.

Song Qingshu was a little surprised: "Jia Xiang is really willing to pay his blood." No wonder he sighed like this. Although Jia Sidao sent someone to use beauty tricks before, he used the young lady of Ning Guofu at any rate, and he was separated from him. It was surprising and shocking to send his son’s wife to the battle on several floors.

"The prince is not an ordinary person. Only in this way can I show my sincerity." Jia Sidao was originally annoyed by the change of people in the room, but after another thought, Li Wan is now a widowman, and her natal family does not have much influence. Staying in the mansion has no other effect, so it's better to use it for other things.

Li Wan felt cold in her heart when she heard it. She didn't expect that she had worked so hard to keep the festival for the Jia family for so many years, but finally ended up like this? Isn't his previous persistence a joke? She even thought that Jia Rong had rushed into her boudoir at night. If Song Qingshu hadn't saved her, what would have happened? Jia Mansion would cover up this incident for the sake of the overall situation. After all, Jia Rong is the only seedling of Ning Guo Mansion. Will you really deal with him?

At this time Song Qingshu laughed and said, "Since the grandfather is so sincere, if I refuse any more, I won't know how to praise him. In the future, I will come to the mansion to teach you martial arts, and also come to see the young lady."

Hearing what he said, Li Wan was so embarrassed that he couldn't wait to get into the ground. He didn't dare to look up at him at all, but I don't know why, thinking of seeing him from time to time in the future, the cold heart gradually felt warm.

Jia Sidao did not expect that he promised so readily. Originally, in his guess, the other party should push three blocks and four bargains. After all, although Li Wan's identity is special, but after looking into it, I am afraid that he may not be as attractive as his own daughter. Bargaining chips, who knew that the other party agreed, but made him a little confused.

Song Qingshu arched his hands and said, "I have been disturbing you for long enough today, and now the wine is sober up, so I won't bother anymore, and leave."

"Okay, I'll send someone to send the prince." Jia Sidao didn't stop him. Firstly, his goal was achieved. Secondly, he knew that Song Qingshu really wanted to leave. No one could stop him. .

"No need." Song Qingshu waved his hand, leaving only a dashing back, and quickly disappeared into the dark night.

After he left, Li Wan became more uncomfortable, but he didn't know what to say, but Jia Sidao spoke first: "You go back and rest first, don't think about other things."

"Yes." Li Wan bowed a salute and tried to endure the tears. She was also at a loss as to whether she would take the time to go back to her natal family and tell her father about it. However, after marrying her husband, she has already been married to Jia's family. Here, what will dad do?

It’s just that she doesn’t know it. The key to her entanglement is that she has a lot of affection for Song Qingshu. Coupled with what happened just now, her affection for Song Qingshu has grown to a higher level, so Jia Sidao Although his proposal is absurd, it is not so difficult to accept. If Jia Sidao proposes another man she hates, she doesn't need to hesitate at all, she will fight it with death.

After Li Wan left, Jia Sidao's confidant Liao Yingzhong walked in from the outside: "Master, I don't know what went wrong to involve Madam Zhu in. I will ask Madam Rong."

"No need," Jia Sidao waved his hand, "I want to come to Keqing to have resentment towards Jia's family, this time I took the opportunity to retaliate."

"It's pretty good!" Liao Yingzhong was shocked, and proposed to teach Qin Keqing a lesson.

"Forget it," Jia Sidao shook his head. "It's normal for her to have grievances in her heart for so many years. It's okay to let her vent properly. On the contrary, Wan'er didn't really lose anything. I didn't expect this name Song to be notorious , He is still a gentleman in his bones." His eyes were harsh, and he could naturally see that although Li Wan had messed up clothes, he had not really lost his life.

Liao Yingzhong looked at the direction of Song Qingshu's disappearance, frowning and said: "Song Qingshu promised so readily, the subordinates always feel that there is fraud in it."

Jia Sidao felt the same: "I have no bottom, but I didn't think it would be so easy to let him take refuge in us."

"But the Wudang operation is imminent. If Song is allowed to participate in it, I am afraid that there will be variables." Liao Yingzhong said worriedly, "Why don't we organize the master and find a chance to kill him first?"

"Naughty!" Jia Sidao snorted, "Song Qingshu's martial arts is unfathomable. If you want to kill him, unless you use the power that you plan to use against Zhao Gou, isn't it all exposed? Not to mention Song Qingshu's. The light work is No. 1 in the world, if you really use that power, you may not kill him."

"The master is wise, the subordinate almost broke the big event on impulse." Liao Yingzhong wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, "but you can't point to Mrs. Zhu to entangle him in the end, right?"

Jia Sidao stroked the beard that stroked his chin, looked at the bright moon outside the window, and said confidently: "Don't worry, I have already prepared another hand."

Let’s say Song Qingshu returned to the Qi Palace all the way, Akke recovered from a serious injury, and had long been unable to sleep, while Chen Yuanyuan had been waiting with Ren Yingying in the hall.

After seeing Song Qingshu coming in, Chen Yuanyuan stood up and smiled: "He's back, Yingying, you should rest assured."

Ren Yingying's face turned red: "Sister Yuanyuan was worried just now?"

"The son just saved A Ke. He is the benefactor of our mother and daughter. It is normal for me to worry about him." After all, Chen Yuanyuan has experienced too many storms and is not as easy to be ashamed as a little girl. After a few jokes, he left back The room.

After Chen Yuanyuan left, Ren Yingying came to Song Qing's writing a little anxiously, and looked around him to the left and right: "Big Brother Song, did the people in Jia's house do anything to you?"

"Don't worry, it's okay," Song Qingshu rubbed her hair pitifully, "It's cold at night, you have a bad body, you should rest earlier."

Ren Yingying glanced at him bitterly: "I haven't seen you come back safely, how can I rest assured? What happened to Jia's Mansion, making it so late?"

"Go back to the room and talk about it." Song Qingshu took her hand and walked into the back room. There were many people in the hall, and it was hard to guarantee that someone would not spy on the news.

Back in the room, after a quick refreshing, he put his arms around her to bed in the name of warming up Ren Yingying, and then roughly talked about what happened just now.

"Please go as a teacher? Jia Sidao is planning to win you over," Ren Yingying snuggled in his arms and couldn't help blinking, "but he probably wouldn't think that this would be able to pull you on the boat. "

"Of course it's not only that, you can't think of what happened later." Then Song Qingshu slowly said what happened later.

Ren Yingying suddenly asked, "Does that young lady Zhu look very pretty?"

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