Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1977: Loyal

The yellow-shirted woman walked slowly to the pavilion on the edge of the pond and sat down, and then said: "In fact, the Red Coat Army did not only refer to the team of Yang An'er and Yang Miaozhen's brothers and sisters, but the collective name for the volunteers throughout the Central Plains."

"In the battle of Jingkang that year, the Central Plains fell into the hands of foreign races. In the face of the brutal behavior of the Jin people, the masses of people spontaneously organized many rebels in response to the court's Northern Expedition. These people were dressed in red coats and were collectively called the red coat army. Unfortunately, Yue Yue later. The prince was killed unjustly, and the Northern Expedition ended without disease. The rebels in the Central Plains also suffered from the suppression of the Kingdom of Jin. In the end, the waves scoured the sand, and only three groups were left: the brothers and sisters of Yang An'er and Yang Miaozhen in Yidu, and Li Quan in Weizhou. Yang Miaozhen’s fancy name, under admiration, in order to pursue her and Yang An'er and his party merged into one; Liu Erzu's line is still left, and Xia Quan is Liu Erzu's general. After Liu Erzu's death, he took over that line."

"A fair lady, a gentleman is so funny, this Li Quan is a wonderful person." Thinking of Yang Miaozhen's unforgettable long legs, Song Qingshu understood Li Quan's approach very well.

"I'm telling you about business!" The woman in the yellow shirt gave him a white look, obviously a little dissatisfied with his peculiar concerns, "Xia Quan swallowed the line of Yang An'er's son, Li Quan now has a difficult attitude, and Yang Miaozhen only knows the number. The Thousand Remnants may be wiped out by Xia Quan anytime and anywhere."

Song Qingshu sighed: "It's also a matter of the green forest class to fight between them, why are you so worried?"

The woman in the yellow shirt looked at him quietly, and then said after a long time: "Have you forgotten my last name?"

"Yang..." Song Qingshu's heart moved, if he realized something.

"Yes, Yang from the Yang family!" A hint of pride flashed across the woman's face in the yellow shirt. It was obvious that this surname satisfied her more than her original Zhao surname. "Back then, my identity was special and I was fostered in Tianbo Yang Mansion. Since the founding of the Great Song Dynasty, the Yang family has been a loyal and loyal family. Now even if it has fallen, they still have not forgotten to be loyal to the country. When the Central Plains fell, the old prince was heartbroken and sent the only remaining Yang family’s children to the Central Plains in the Kingdom of Jin. In response to the imperial court’s plan to conquer the Central Plains, the imperial court gave up the Northern Expedition and left the Yang family’s descendants as a lone army outside."

Song Qingshu was surprised: "Yang An'er and Yang Miao are really from Tianbo Yang's mansion?"

"Yes," the woman in the yellow shirt nodded, "Now that Yang An'er has been killed by an adulterer, only Miaozhen is left with a single seedling. I must find a way to save her!"

Song Qingshu was originally full of admiration for the Yang family generals, but now he heard that this past episode is even more loyal: "Tianbo Yang Mansion is really full of loyalty, so this time you invited me to rescue Yang Miaozhen?"

"Not bad." The woman in the yellow shirt looked at her expectantly at the same time.

Song Qingshu said in a deep voice: "You should have heard your master mentioned that I am going to Wudang Mountain next, I am afraid I will be unable to do so."

The woman in the yellow shirt nodded: "I know, but with your martial arts and the forces of the Golden Snake Camp, it should not take much time to save Yang Miaozhen, and it will be too late to rush to Wudang. I have already consulted on this matter. Master, he said that Tianbo Yang Mansion should not end up cut off from incense."

Song Qingshu was struggling. His time was already tight. The danger to Mongolia on Xixia's side was imminent. He waited for himself to handle the Southern Song Dynasty. If he went by himself, Yang Miaozhen accidentally delayed the time and caused the situation in the Southern Song Dynasty to lose control. By then, it was really... …

"Okay, I'll save her!" Domination told him that it was unwise to do so, but he really couldn't be indifferent after hearing about the Yang family's past. Many times when making a decision, you can't just think about it. Gains and losses, when I came into this world, I could run away for Yue Fei's sake, so how could I just ignore the disaster of the Yang family?

"Thank you Brother Song!" The woman in the yellow shirt was overjoyed, and she was about to bow down while holding the skirt. She didn't have much hope, but now she actually touched the other party, so why not be surprised? By the way, even the title was changed.

Seeing that she was going to worship herself, Song Qingshu hurriedly helped her up and said in a deep voice, "The Yang family has never failed the country, and the Chinese will definitely live up to Yang!"

Seeing his solemn expression, the woman in the yellow shirt thought that she had misunderstood him a bit. Although she was a bit greedy and lustful, she was a true impassioned hero in her bones to rehabilitate Prince Yue and save the Yang family's orphans.

"Wait a minute, I'll explain to the man in the Fuzhong first, and I will set off right away." Song Qingshu said as he hurried back.

"Leave now?" The woman in the yellow shirt was a little surprised. She thought she was going to invite several times, so she was not ready.

"I'm short of time, I must hurry up every minute and every second." Song Qingshu said quickly, and then went back to the room to tell Ren Yingying about the incident.

Seeing him entering the room from a distance, the woman in the yellow shirt stomped her feet, wondering if she would go home and pack her luggage? I haven't brought any personal clothes yet, but if I go back now, what if he can't see me when he comes out later?

While hesitating, she saw Song Qingshu walking out, she couldn't help but was taken aback: "Did you explain it so soon?"

Song Qingshu nodded: "Yingying is a rare good woman in the world, how can I stop me in this kind of thing." As for Chen Yuanyuan and A Ke, although they are a little bit dissatisfied, how can they say anything about this kind of thing.

After picking a few good horses in the palace, Song Qingshu greeted the girl in the yellow shirt on the road. After leaving the palace of Qi, the girl in the yellow shirt finally said, "Can you wait for me to go back to the academy."

"What are you going to do?" Song Qingshu was startled.

"I'm going to bring some luggage." The yellow shirt woman said embarrassedly.

"What kind of luggage, I didn't bring anything." Song Qingshu spread out his hands and motioned to be empty.

"How can it be the same if you are a man." The woman in the yellow shirt groaned.

If Song Qingshu has some enlightenment, he laughed and said, "Oh, remembering, you women want to take a bath three times a day, so you must bring a lot of personal clothes. You don't have to go back and waste time. When the time comes, you can buy it directly on the road. Brother has money."

The woman in the yellow shirt couldn't help but smile: "The tone of your present picture is simply a typical nouveau riche."

"What's wrong with the nouveau riche? At least it proves that they are rich," Song Qingshu didn't care, and suddenly looked at her with a weird look. On weekdays, I have to bring a lot of maids to play flute, piano and flower petals. I can't afford it." After speaking, as if afraid of being beaten, he ran away with a smile.

"You!" The woman in the yellow shirt turned red. Although she pretended to be indifferent, she was still a girl with a character, coupled with her high martial arts, and her identity. It was inevitable that she used to be a little ostentatious. He was really embarrassed when he pierced it in person. (https:)

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