Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1987: Strong smell of gunpowder

Song Qingshu chuckled: "It's not because you can trust your ability. Knowing that you guard Yangzhou, Xia Quan can't defeat it at all. As expected, you still seized the short-lived flaw in the cooperation between him and Liu Qing. He was frustrated."

"You don't have to wear a high hat for me," Zhou Zhiruo said irritably, "I don't think I dare to sleep during this period. Run and have fun with other women."

Song Qingshu has a black line: "I went to the Red Coat Army to help, right?"

"Really," Zhou Zhiruo said, getting angry, "I don't believe your dignified Prince Song came back to sit in town, Liu Yan still dare to be so presumptuous? Xia Quan's mobs, seeing you in Yangzhou City, how dare you attack "She didn't tell lies. Whether it was martial arts or several big victories on the battlefield over the years, Song Qingshu was all about the world. With him here, Xia Quan might not dare to attack.

Song Qingshu had no choice but to explain: "But once Xiaquan retreats into the mountains and forests, where can we catch him? It's impossible to guard against thieves all day long. I thought that it is better to raise the soup and stop boiling than to draw salaries from the bottom of the tank, so I went to the Red Coat Army. Just to solve this problem in one fell swoop." While talking, he pointed to the valley, "No, now Xia Quan is dead, and Liu Yan is dead. Their troops can still be included by us. It can be said to be a good thing in one fell swoop. what."

Zhou Zhiruo knew that he was right, but seeing Yang Miaozhen's heroic appearance in the valley was like a blooming rose, she was so charming that it attracted the eyes of all men, and she felt a little bit savoury in her heart: "You can't stay in Yangzhou forever. Well, then once Xia Quan comes here, you will never come, and you can always stay with me."

Hearing the faint resentment in her words, Song Qingshu thought of being together with her during these days, knowing that he was a little incompetent, so he shut his mouth wisely and stopped adding fuel to the fire.

Zhou Zhiruo vented the backlog of dissatisfaction during this period of time. The whole person was much more relaxed, and he didn't want to get tangled in this. He quickly cleared up his emotions and returned his attention to the battlefield in the valley.

Seeing Yang Miaozhen riding a horse back and forth and berating Xia Quan's subordinates for surrender, and the bright red cloak hunting in the wind, setting off the whole person like a **** of war, Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help sighing: "I have to admit that you have a woman's eyes. really not bad."

Song Qingshu opened his mouth, subconsciously trying to explain the relationship between the two, but various scenes of that night appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help closing his mouth, as if there was nothing to explain...

When Zhou Zhiruo was looking at the other party last year, Yang Miaozhen was also looking at her, seeing her standing on the top of the mountain, the mountain breeze was blowing her dress, it seemed that even her delicate body was shaking, and she couldn't help but wonder in her heart. : Really a stunning beauty that I see pity, but looks a little too thin.

However, thinking that the opponent seemed to have won the world's number one title in the martial arts, and not long ago, she defeated Xia Quan with fewer shots and more, but I didn't dare to underestimate the opponent anymore, thinking to myself: People like this are the little fairies that come out of the paintings. What kind of women are like you who are in the men's pile all day long. If I were a man, I would prefer her style.

Thinking of this, my heart felt annoyed, and my hands became more and more unrelenting. Those who were still stubbornly resisted were shot to the ground by her, amazed by her aura, and other people who were still a little resistant were also thrown away. weapon.

Looking at the situation in the valley, Zhou Zhiruo on the mountain suddenly said: "She will follow me in the future, so she is not allowed to be handed over to Ah Jiu."

"Huh?" Song Qingshu didn't react for a while, what did the other party mean?

Seeing his stunned appearance, Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help but blush, and explained in a low voice: "Ajiu has Qingqing to help her, there is the entire Golden Snake Camp team, and there are many generals from Qianming who have taken refuge in Liao State. The person from was also arranged by you, it’s like I’m alone here. There was Zhao Min, the vixen who helped me before, but then you even took her away..."

The more Song Qingshu listened to it, the smile on her face became thicker. Although what she said was somewhat reasonable, there was really no one here in Yangzhou to help her, but she relied on Li Kexiu’s team and the local officials of the Qing Dynasty, plus the Emei faction. , And can barely cope with the situation here. Most of the reason she complained was because of a sense of crisis.

You must know that Ah Jiu is a princess, and the Golden Snake Camp is the root of her own power. It is not so easy for her to sit firmly in the position of the main palace. Naturally, she will try her best to win all the power that can be attracted.

Seeing the smile at the corner of his mouth, Zhou Zhiruo suddenly became a little embarrassed and angry: "What a smile!"

"Ahem, it's not bad for you to want her, but her hot temperament, I said it doesn't count, you have to attract her by your own charm." Song Qingshu doesn't think there is anything wrong with her idea. Don't dispute it, it would be too fake, he didn't like his woman wearing a mask to live, so she was tired of living, and he felt fake.

"If you leave her with me for a period of time, I can naturally have a good relationship with her." A confident look flashed across Zhou Zhiruo's face.

"Go, stay with you." Song Qingshu didn't doubt. She was sent to the Emei school when she was very young, and she soon gained the love of her master and a group of teachers and sisters. Of course, Ding Minjun is so stingy and jealous. Of women are an exception.

"By the way, where did you take Zhao Min?" Zhou Zhiruo asked suddenly.

"Uh," Song Qingshu couldn't laugh or cry, thinking that these two people are really natural enemies and will never forget each other at any time. "She went to Liao State with me first, and recently returned to Ruyang Palace. She was a little worried about her father."

"Back to Mongolia?" Zhou Zhiruo had a wonderful face, and finally said bitterly, "In the end it was cheaper for her."

"What's cheap?" Song Qingshu was confused.

Zhou Zhiruo looked at him with a faint smile: "The person surnamed Zhao knows so many secrets about you, so let me confess a little. Your layout will fall short in these years, and you just let her go back to Mongolia, which only means that she has become her own. ."

Song Qingshu's old face was hot, and he could only pretend to be crazy and stupid: "It's not what you think."

Zhou Zhiruo didn't believe his excuses at all, and couldn't help sighing quietly: "I didn't expect that what Zhang Wuji didn't even do back then will eventually let you get what you wanted."

Thinking of this, Song Qingshu couldn't help feeling a little proud: "That is his own indecision. If he is a bit domineering, it is not impossible to do it." In the original work, Zhang Wuji once had a dream of marrying him with all four beauties, but he only dared to yy. Just a moment, never dare to put it into practice.

"I'm not as rascal as you," Zhou Zhiruo gave him a white glance, but couldn't help but recall the old things, and moved a little bit sadly: "Brother Wuji is a good man. He will help kill Mingzun if he has a chance in the future. "

Song Qingshu nodded: "Okay."

Zhou Zhiruo seemed to think of something happy, and her whole face was suddenly radiant: "By the way, next time you see someone surnamed Zhao, let her kneel and serve me tea and call my sister respectfully."

Song Qingshu's breath suffocated: "Well, tell her yourself." In fact, according to the ethics of this world, Zhou Zhiruo is an elder woman, such a request is not too much, just don't even think about it and know that Zhao Min would never agree to it.

"Hmph, she can't beat me anyway." Zhou Zhiruo was a little proud, and imagined the scene of the other party calling her sister for tea with a sad face. She was immediately happy. If it weren't for the lack of skills, she might immediately go to Mongolia. Looking for the other party.

Song Qingshu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, thinking that it is no wonder that Zhao Min had to pester me to teach her martial arts before, thinking that she had been guarded against her for a long time.

"No, I have to go down to **** people, or wait for Xia Quan's people to be subdued by Yang Miaozhen." Zhou Zhiruo frowned and realized that there was a problem. Yang Miaozhen had heard of her reputation. With tens of thousands of new forces, who will pull who will be.

Song Qingshu rolled his eyes, thinking that you haven't digested Liu Yan's 30,000 army yet, so you are eager to grab Xia Quan's men? However, because of Tianbo's Yang Mansion, he also didn't want Yang Miaozhen to command too many people, so he didn't stop it.

Zhou Zhiruo came prepared for this trip. In addition, Yangzhou is a regular army after all, and the personnel organization is much more complete than the Red Coat Army, so the final result of the surrender is much more than Yang Miaozhen.

The main purpose of Yang Miaozhen's trip was to take revenge. In addition, she had also agreed on this aspect before, so she raised her eyebrows and said nothing about it.

On the contrary, the woman in the yellow shirt can't see it anymore. Whether she is the Princess of Song Dynasty or the adopted daughter of Tianbo Yang Mansion, the first consideration is the court. In her opinion, the Red Coat Army could be used by Song Dynasty in the future. But now she has become Song Qingshu's private army, and she is naturally a little dissatisfied.

"Big Brother Song, you agreed to let the soldiers under Liu Yu's hand go back to China, but now they are all left in Yangzhou. Now even the people from the Red Coat Army have to rob them? There are so many troops under your hand. Who do you want to hit in the future?" The yellow-shirted woman's gaze was as real as she stared at Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu hasn’t answered yet, but Zhou Zhiruo smiled and said, “Who am I? Isn’t this the fairy who carries a bunch of maids playing flute and playing piano and spreading petals all day long? In the past, things in the rivers and lakes had to be taken care of, but now even major national affairs have to be taken care of. If you intervene, you can't help but become a bit cheesy."

Hearing her words with guns and sticks, if the woman in yellow shirts used to be laughed at, but she was in a bad mood today. In addition, seeing her snuggling next to Song Qingshu intimacy made her feel inexplicably irritable, and she didn’t hold back Retorted and sneered: "Who am I? It turns out that I was the defeated opponent of the past."

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