Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1989: Snow Princess in Red

Song Qingshu was in a mess: "Can you still get revenge like this?"

Yang Miaozhen glanced at him somewhat contemptuously: "Stop talking nonsense, come or not, a word?"

After swallowing dates that night, the rest of the time was on the road and dealing with Xia Quan’s affairs. There was no time to continue the front, and the charming style in the cave and the unparalleled long legs appeared in his mind. Song Qingshu only felt that My heart was beating wildly, and I swallowed hard: "Come on!"

Yang Miaozhen raised his eyebrows triumphantly, apparently quite satisfied with his reaction, did not say anything, turned around and walked away, his steps seemed to be much lighter.

As soon as Song Qingshu spoke, he regretted it. He always felt that it was a bit unkind to do so. I was really sorry for Zhiruo, so he looked around for her to make up for the debt. Who knew Zhou Zhiruo didn't see him at all, and said that he didn't want to give someone a handle.

Song Qingshu knew her temperament, typically soft on the outside and strong on the inside. This time she wanted to use her own power to defeat her opponents squarely, so she didn't bother her anymore.

I met with some of Yangzhou’s subordinates. He had been the shopkeeper for too long, and he still wanted to show his face. Those people obviously had a deep impression of him on the battlefield, even if he was promoted later. I was thrilled with his fame, and I was very excited when I saw him.

Song Qingshu secretly sighed that although Sang Feihong's Five Lakes Gate was considered by the world to be inferior, it played a very important role. These deeds of his were promoted by them all over the world, making him not like a person, but like a banal from the sky. Immortal.

Of course, he didn’t explain much. The mythological aura of being a leader definitely has more advantages than disadvantages. For example, if Emperor Han Gaozu wanted to kill the white snake, the other emperors were always the mother dreaming of the sun in his arms. These things happened in reality. The effect is naturally better.

After meeting the people in Yangzhou, Zhang Lin, Liu Qingfu, Huo Yi and Peng Yibin under Xia Quan's commanders were arranged, and finally they called the people in the red coat army to entertain everyone.

Neither Zhou Zhiruo nor the girl in the yellow shirt attended the banquet, obviously they were making final preparations for the battle tonight.

The banquets were mostly men. Everyone liked the days of drinking and eating meat with big bowls. At first, everyone was unfamiliar and somewhat restrained, but after a few rounds of drinking, the atmosphere suddenly became warm.

Song Qingshu was the object of everyone taking turns to toast. He had just regained this group of people, worried that his refusal would chill the other side's heart, so he basically refused to come.

However, no matter how good his drink was, he couldn't stand the other party taking turns toasting. In the end, he felt his drinking swelling, so he could only use his internal strength to quietly force the drink out.

How do these people in the green forest know that there is such a magical inner strength in the world? Seeing that he is not drunk in a thousand cups, they admire him one by one.

It was Yang Miaozhen who felt sorry for him. Later, he was worried about his body problems and hurriedly ran to help him block the alcohol. Seeing this, a bunch of men suddenly started to roar:

"Si Niangzi, I have never seen you stop drinking for anyone before, but this time I have come to feel sorry for the Golden Snake King. Is it a spring-heart rippling?"

"Golden Snake King is handsome and handsome, and martial arts outstanding, which girl does not like it?"

"Si Niangzi, you are known as the invincible pear flower spear in the world, I am afraid that you will not be able to meet the Golden Snake King."

"No matter how powerful the Pear Flower Spear is, it's just a woman. When it comes to the Golden Snake King's Overlord Spear, the whole body is still soft, how can I resist?"



This group of men wandered in the green forest, and they didn't cover their mouths on weekdays. What's more, they have drunk so much wine now? It became more and more explicit.

"Shut up!" Yang Miaozhen glared at the man fiercely, but she was as beautiful as a peach and plum, and now her cheeks became more and more beautiful under the bonfire. Not only did this look not serve as a deterrent in normal days, but instead gave way. Quite a few men in this group are head over heels.

But these people have self-knowledge, and they only dare to imagine in their hearts, no one has the guts to provoke her.

Yang Miaozhen suddenly turned around and bowed to Song Qingshu: "Although the last time the Golden Snake Conference was defeated by the son, the son had some tricks, and the little woman was a little dissatisfied with it. She wanted to use the pear spear for further advice. "

She sits in a red dress, and the whole person is tall, standing in the field like a burning rose.

A group of men in the field suddenly boiled, roaring and whistling, and the atmosphere in the field was extremely warm for a time.

It’s strange to say that although Yang Miaozhen is beautiful, she never wears makeup on weekdays, even her hair is simply pulled back into a braid. She has a sturdy personality. It stands to reason that she should not meet most of them. The enchanting look that men like.

But her skin is whiter than ordinary women. Although her clothes are conservative, her slender neck and the white skin between the collars can't be covered. The more conservative she is, This white touch is more alluring, as if it has endless magic power, attracting the eyes of men who want to go deeper.

Coupled with her strength, her arrogance, all of this blended together, so that the heroic temperament of her whole person reveals a unique charm. When a man sees him, he can't help but rise. Want to conquer her, put her under the body to ravage-impulse.

Many people in the Red Coat Army were from bandits, and it was not that no one had hit her idea, but after her invincible pear spear smashed the roots of her offspring, no one dared to act rashly anymore.

But even though he didn't dare to act, he couldn't hold back the thoughts in his mind. Zhang Lin's words were correct before. None of the men in the red jacket army wanted to ride this beautiful rouge horse.

It's a pity that her martial arts is too high, as high as the entire Red Coat Army, no one is her opponent, and now it is hard to see that she might lose to a man, everyone is naturally excited.

Looking at Yang Miaozhen in the field, Song Qingshu was a little puzzled, thinking that the two had just fought a few days ago, why should they fight again in full view? If at that time she had defeated her again, wouldn't it be difficult for her to step down?

But seeing the expectation in her eyes, Song Qingshu suddenly understood that the relationship between the two originated from Li Quan’s pot of tea. It was really inconvenient to put it in the mouth. What happened in the cave that night was more like a matchless sexual intercourse. general.

Although Yang Miaozhen doesn’t care about these things very much, no woman wants to be sneaky all the time, so she needs a fair excuse to let everyone gradually know the progress of the relationship between the two parties, instead of sneaking together like before. Once it spreads out, everyone will not face it. good looking.

What else is the way for the two sides to compete in a wide-ranging court, when you come to me and my relationship is gradually reborn and justified?

Wanting to understand all of this, Song Qingshu got up and walked over: "I have heard that Pear Flower Gun is invincible in the world, and today I finally have the honor to see the grace of the Si Niangzi."

Seeing him off the court, Yang Miaozhen's lips rose slightly, and he whispered: "I won't keep your hands, and you don't want to keep your hands." She knew the martial arts of both sides, even if she did her best, it would be difficult to hurt each other.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Don't cry when you get beaten up later."

Yang Miaozhen snorted and flashed a cold light in his hand. The pear spear suddenly went out to sea like a dragon, covering all the main points of the opponent's body in an instant. The bonfire that was originally burning around seemed to be suppressed by an invisible vigor, and it instantly became It's light and dark.

There are no shortage of good players in the field, and they can't help but change their colors when they see it. Most of them can't hide from this shot. The people on the Red Coat Army already knew that Yang Miaozhen was not capable of mentioning it. In fact, there were people in the Yangzhou Army who were not angry with her as a woman who claimed to be invincible with a pear spear. .

Everyone opened their eyes wide, wanting to see how Song Qingshu responded, only to see his sleeves trembling, as if there was a universe in his sleeves, instantly turning the shadow of the guns in the sky into invisible.

Yang Miaozhen only felt a huge force coming from her hand, which almost disturbed her spear in her hand. She was slightly startled, and hurried to point her toes. His body was like an arrow from the string. He directly held the spear and rushed forward, intending to use this shock. Break through the shackles of the opponent's sleeves.

Song Qingshu knew that the other party was the best player in the world. With such full use of his own sleeves, he might be smashed. It would be indecent to show his arms at the time. So he loosened his hand and gave up the spear that trapped her, but his right hand did not. As if coming out of nothingness, he put a hand on her shoulders.

Yang Miaozhen was shocked, the spear in his hand shook, and pear flowers appeared on his shoulders. With Song Qingshu's ability, he did not dare to touch these pear flowers head-on, so he could only dodge to the side.

Feeling the opponent's hand leaving his shoulders, Yang Miaozhen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time he understood that the opponent had just kept his hand, and if that outfit contained internal strength, he would have been seriously injured.

"Is that the difference between me and him?" In the Golden Snake Conference, she lost to the opponent, but she didn't think the opponent's martial arts was much higher than her. Power, but reality gave her a heavy blow.

However, this inspired her not to admit defeat. She bit her red lip and used a pear spear so that she could not leak water. The whole person moved forward and retreated. The red shirt and the skirt seemed to turn into a cloud of red, and it was difficult for everyone to see her clearly. Stature.

Song Qingshu's movements were much more freehand, as if he were walking in the forest. Everyone could clearly see every move. Many people squeezed cold sweats for him, but I don’t know why, the other party attacked like a storm. But none of the pear blossoms in the sky touched his clothes.

"It should be almost there." Song Qingshu thought, suddenly his left palm changed to grasping, and he hooked out, grabbing the opponent's wrist, Yang Miaozhen was shocked and immediately retreated.

Song Qingshu sent it lightly. His internal strength was so powerful, but this time he used soft energy and did not intend to hurt people. If so, Yang Miaozhen also had an unstable footing, seeing that he was about to fall back down, Song Qingshu copied it with his right arm. , Has held her in his arms.

The audience cheered and whistled again, all of a sudden.

Yang Miaozhen was originally a generous temper, but when he was held in front of so many people, his face couldn't help but blush: "Just let me go."

Song Qingshu looked down at the beautiful woman in her arms, she saw that her temples were slightly sweaty, her chest was rising and falling, her bright eyes and teeth were a little weaker and more charming than usual, and she couldn't help laughing: "Good scream, brother, I just let go about you."

"Good brother, good brother~"

When the other people heard it, they couldn't help but yelled, one by one, "Good brother, good brother", yelling incessantly, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

If Yang Miaozhen had already screamed in private, but in the face of so many people, how could she scream? Anxiously, Feike kicked at his waist, trying to get him back and let go.

Song Qingshu raised his hand to block, hooked out his wrist, and already grabbed the right foot that she had kicked. It was easy to say, but Yang Miaozhen could use his hands and feet to use spears. If his martial arts had not reached the point where he wanted, how could he be able to catch Live her this blow?

"Hey, if you kick my waist badly, what about your happiness for the rest of your life?" Song Qingshu whispered in her ear.

Realizing that her waist was accumulating strength again, she had fought with her before, and knew that her other foot was probably going to make a move, Song Qingshu held her ankle in advance and pressed it to the sky.

Yang Miaozhen exclaimed, the two long legs have been crushed into a single horse, where can he make another move? If you change to another woman, I am afraid that this time has already been strained, and Song Qingshu has personally experienced her flexibility, so that she can be just right to conquer her, and at the same time, she can't fight back.

Song Qingshu put her ankle on her shoulder by the drunkenness, leaned close to her and said, "Don't you call good brother?"

Seeing the ambiguous posture of the two of them, the surrounding people swallowed. They didn't want to press the Fourth Lady like this, but unfortunately they knew that they didn't have the ability, so they could only wave the banner and shout for Song Qingshu.

"Si Niangzi's flexibility is no one, and he can actually make this pose."

"It seems that our Si Niangzi is really going to fall."

"Hey, the Golden Snake King is suave and suave, and the method of sultrying sister is even more admirable."

"Hey, I just hope the Golden Snake King treats my goddess lightly at night."

"Cut, think about it, is it possible? Instead, you might want to stuff all the eggs in."

"Fuck you, keep your voice down, their martial arts are so high, what if you want to die if you hear it?"


The words of these people faintly spread into Yang Miaozhen's ears. She knew that she would keep this shameful posture, and she didn't know what silly thoughts would be in these people's minds, so she whispered quietly: "Good brother, let me go."

When Song Qingshu heard her remarks that seemed jiao and anger, his bones were almost crunching, and he knew that there was something wrong with this, so he let go of his hand, and took a step back: "Si Niangzi, let's take it."

Yang Miaozhen's cheeks were red, but he quickly arched his hands heartily: "I am not your opponent, this time I am convinced." At the same time, he made up his mind secretly and must ask him in private why his martial arts soared so fast.

Song Qingshu smiled and said: "If you lose, there should always be a lottery. Why don't you block the bar for me next."

Yang Miaozhen knew that he was looking for a reason to increase the ambiguous relationship between the two, secretly sighing that he really understood what he was thinking just now, and nodded: "Okay!"

Hearing Si Niangzi coming to block the wine, whether it was from the Red Coat Army or the Yangzhou Army, they became more and more coaxed. Whether they were not drunk or already drunk, they all came to join in the fun and clearly toast Song Qingshu. In fact, But she wanted to get drunk with the four women who were aloof in the past.

Yang Miaozhen has been able to stand alone among men who have been with her for so many years. In addition to martial arts, she has never been drunk, but even if she was toasted by so many people, her white cheeks soon became angry and blushed. Later, she felt that a dizziness hit, and she gave the man next to her an angry look, thinking that this time she would be killed by you. ——

On the first day of the new year, I wish you all a happy new year!

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