Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2000: Allelopathy

"Amitabha Buddha," the wine monk sighed, "Since Taizong's time, our family has been blessed by the emperor. Although I have escaped into the empty gate, I still have to pay back the cause and effect of the past. This time, I will protect the official. Well-rounded."

Wang Chongyang laughed loudly and said: "The last time we gambled in the pavilion, we also had unfinished cause and effect, and today we will continue the front edge." As soon as the voice fell, he pierced it with a sword.

With his cultivation base, he basically doesn't need to use a sword to face the enemy, but this time the opponent is not an ordinary enemy, he did not dare to hold big, he drew the old saber as soon as he came up.

"Guardian!" The guards with imperial weapons on the side hurriedly drew their swords to guard Zhao Gou, although the opponent's sword was not directed at the official house, but the opponent's martial arts reached this level, who knows if he will temporarily change his skills. ? When will they have time to react?

Li Yanshi’s throat is a bit dry. He usually looks at the rivers and lakes. He is also a top master. His identity as an imperial weapon makes him have a detached look down on the people in the rivers and lakes. But now the opponent takes a sword at will, and he is just far away. Standing on the side, there is a feeling that it is hard to take care of. If this sword is directed at me, can I stop it?

Looking at the brewing monk with some worry, I don’t know if he can accept this sword. Although the two sides are masters of the same level, the sword in Wang Chongyang's hand is cold and sharp. At first sight, it is not a common grade. The brewing monk is bare-handed. , I am afraid that this aspect will suffer a congenital loss.

Seeing the alcoholic fighting monk slowly raised his hand, a pair of sleeves suddenly bulged, and quickly held the other side's shocking sword.

Wang Chongyang laughed and said, "Shaolin's universe in the sleeves can only be regarded as ordinary in the seventy-two stunts. I didn't expect to be played by you."

"Brother Chongyang joked, Quanzhen Swordsmanship is in the hands of those disciples of Quanzhen Sect to make it even more powerful, and in your hands it also turns decay into magic." The drunk monk replied while dissolving his offensive.

"It's me who took the picture." Wang Chongyang put away his smile, his swordsmanship became more and more sharp. Others could no longer see his moves, and could only vaguely see his hand waving a ball of silver light. .

Looking intently at the battle in the field, Zhao Gou couldn't help asking the imperial equipment beside him: "Which one do you think will win or lose?"

Li Yanshi replied: "Back to the official house, the alcohol fighting monk has a high level of internal strength, I am afraid that it has reached the level of shocking the ancient and the present. The Jiuyang magical skill is already good at defense. , When the stalemate continues, Wang Chongyang's strength is slightly weak, and it is the time when the master counterattacks."

Hearing these remarks, Zhao Gou's gloomy face finally showed a smile.

Ding Dian on the side also nodded secretly. Although Li Yanshi's remarks are indispensable to comfort the officials, they also have some truth. It's a lot cheaper. If Wang Chongyang doesn't have a late move, I am afraid he will probably lose this time.

As soon as his thoughts arose, Wang Chongyang suddenly took his sword and jumped out of the battle circle, looking at the alcoholic fighting monk, and said helplessly: "You look like an old tortoise. You really have nowhere to slap your mouth."

The wine monk smiled slightly: "I haven't seen you for many years, Brother Chongyang, your swordsmanship has improved a lot."

"Stop talking about these polite remarks," Wang Chongyang snorted, "Are you secretly proud in your heart, I will never be able to break your defense."

"Don't dare, don't dare." Although the monk's mouth is modest, his eyes are still a bit glamorous. No matter how Wang Chongyang is said to be number one in the world by many people in the world, he has no intention of winning or losing to others. , It's still a little difficult to hold on to him.

Wang Chongyang naturally saw through his thoughts, and he didn't feel annoyed. He smiled slightly: "Master, don't be too proud of you too early. The next trick is the essence of martial arts in my life. It was originally used to deal with you old immortals. Unfortunately, it was broken by a young man last time."

"Huh?" The wine monk was extremely surprised, "Is there any young man in this world who can defeat your trick?"

Wang Chongyang glanced at him with a smile but a smile: "Great monk, are you laughing in your heart now? Don't worry, that person is a wicked evildoer. Although he can break it, it doesn't mean you can break it, let alone I absorb it. In the last experience, the formation has been improved. Even if he meets him again, he may not be able to break it."

Thinking of the young man's magical moves during the Chongyang Palace battle last time, Wang Chongyang sighed secretly. If the other party had agreed to his three conditions at the beginning, the action this time would have been ten to nine. It seems that there are only five to five.

Wang Chongyang was not a very human being. He quickly put this regret behind him. He stepped on the seven stars and turned around the drunkard at an extremely mysterious pace. The people in the small courtyard only felt that there was a flower in front of him. It was found that he was incarnate in seven figures, faintly surrounding the wine fighting monk.

"Tiangang Beidou Formation!" The look of the brewing monk changed. The last time he gambling with Wang Chongyang in the pavilion, the two sides only tasted the other side's housekeeping skills, but he traveled the world, and his experience was extraordinary, and from here in an instant. Inside, I saw the shadow of the Tiangang Beidou Formation, the seven sons of Quanzhen, but it was made by the seven people who cooperated with each other. Unexpectedly, Wang Chongyang would make it by himself.

The brewing monk admired and admired him in his heart, but he soon lost the energy to admire him. At the same time, facing the attack of seven great masters of the same level, no matter how good his defense was, he instantly fell into a realm of embarrassment.

"This... how is this possible." Li Yanshi, Ding Dian and others not far away opened their mouths, as if the Three Views had been greatly subverted, and the scene before them was beyond their imagination.

Seven Wang Chongyang join forces, who else is the opponent in the world?

The wine fighting monk in the center of the storm has the deepest experience. Wang Chongyang appeared in the positions of "Tianquan" and "Yuheng" a moment ago to use the ultimate move in the true swordsmanship. He just resolved it, and at the same moment, Wang Chongyang appeared on both sides." At the position of "Tianji Kaiyang", he attacked with the palm of the three flowers gathering.

The wine-fighting monk had turned the Nine Suns Divine Art to the extreme, and barely blocked the palms on both sides. But the two Wang Chongyang figures who appeared in the "Shaking Light" and "Tian Xuan" positions behind him were unstoppable, so he could only rush the Nine Yang Qi to protect the vital points, and then he was instantly caught Fist, one palm, one finger hit.

The wine-fighting monk spit out a mouthful of blood, and opened his mouth: "Om, well, ne, ba, mi, hum!"

The six-character mantra mantra is sound wave power, and the sound is transmitted in all directions. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as an indiscriminate kill. Wang Chongyang's seven figures can't escape the sound no matter how fast, so they can only retreat a little to avoid their sharp edges.

The alcoholic fighting monk took advantage of this opportunity to rush to heal his injuries. The fist and the palm of his hand just fell. That finger should be a positive finger running with the innate qi. When being pricked by a finger, he suddenly felt that half of his body was a little numb. .

Thanks to Wang Chongyang’s share of seven, the power of his shot has been relatively weakened. Otherwise, Wang Chongyang’s normal state will be pricked with a yang finger. Even if he has the body of Nine-Sun magical power, he will probably be instantly sealed off the acupoint. In that way, the outcome is determined.

When Wang Chongyang saw that the wine monk had just vomited blood, his skill returned to normal as soon as he turned, he couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Nine-sun magic is really unique in treating internal injuries. It's all right."

As soon as the voice fell, he used the Tiangang Beidou formation to attack again. He knew how strong the Nine Suns' magical power was. If it was delayed for a while, the opponent's internal injuries might be healed, and the advantage that was so hard to get was wasted.

The brewing monk had a dignified expression, using his life learning to guard the doorway around his body. If he couldn't hold it, he would use the six-character mantra curse to retreat from the enemy, so that he would no longer be hit by the opponent without a few tricks like before.

However, he knew in his heart that the six-character mantra was extremely energy-intensive, especially to make a master like Wang Chongyang hesitate. Naturally, he had to perform it with all his strength. On the other hand, he had to deal with his attacks from all directions. The recovery power of the Nine Suns' magical power was amazing. He also felt that his true qi was gradually being consumed. As the saying goes, he will lose if he stays for a long time. If this goes on, he will probably lose, unless Wang Chongyang uses the seven-person formation alone and his internal strength is consumed first...

The brewing monk suddenly felt regretful. He knew that he had just dealt with Shi Potian and Huang Yaoshi. Although Shi Potian’s internal strength is strong, his strength is also his internal strength. Huang Chang’s Jiuyin Scriptures do their best to change things. Facing Wang Chongyang's Tiangang Beidou formation, he would never be as restrained as mine.

Of course, this is not to say that the wine-fighting monk is weaker than Huang Shang. You must know that the two of them competed. The Nine-Yang Magic Technique inherently restrains the internal force of Yin and cold. The evil spirit of Jiuyin White Bone Claw is restrained by Buddhism martial arts to a certain extent. Kind of disadvantage. It can only be said that the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint is inevitable even in the realm of the great master.

Zhao Gou and others on the side also saw that the alcoholic fighting monk was in a disadvantaged position, and they were willing to send a guard to help, but the gap between the two sides was too big. The great master played against each other, and the others had been dissipated before they could help in the past. Aftermath was seriously injured.

Even Huang Yaoshi's level of five musts can only be supported by fighting and fighting on the side. Although everyone with imperial weapons is a master, none of them has reached the level of five musts.

Li Yanshi suddenly moved in his heart, looking at the slightly opened door, and said to Zhao Gou: "Officials, since this is the site of Wudang Mountain, why don't we ask Zhenren Zhang to take action, as long as he is willing to help, the big deal will be settled."

Zhao Gou frowned slightly. This time the Wudang faction was faintly weird. In his initial expectation, the Wudang faction should have something to do. Now it may not be Zhang Sanfeng in the wooden house.

But this is the end of the matter, you can't catch it with your own hands, it's okay to let someone try.

Seeing his approval, Li Yanshi picked up his internal force and said to the cabin: "Mr. Zhang, now the culprit is trying to conspiracy, but he hopes that the man will leave the barrier and kill demons and demons."

After shouting three times, it was still silent inside.

"Zhang Zhenren, we sent someone in." Li Yanshi frowned and motioned for the two with imperial equipment to go in to find out. Now, he can't take care of that much.

"Yugui, Shousu, you are careful!" Li Yanshi reminded carefully, Zhang Yugui and Bai Shousu are also second only to himself and Ding Dian in the imperial equipment. I don't know how many swordsmen have dared to spy on the forbidden palace in the past few years. , The two take care of each other, even if there is Longtan Tiger Cave, they can protect themselves.

The two imperial weapons nodded, with swords in their hands, and walked in guarded step by step.

After the two turned the screen, the people outside could not see them. Seeing that there was no movement for a long time, Li Yanshi couldn't help asking: "Yugui, Shousu, what's the situation inside?"

boom! boom!

The answer to him was two muffled noises. Two dark shadows shot out and hit the ground. Everyone looked intently, and they couldn't help changing their colors. It turned out that the two with imperial equipment had died in anger. ——

When I was writing the chapter name, I suddenly realized that there were already 2,000 chapters. It’s not easy.

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