Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2014: As soon as you enter the arena, the years are reminded

"Really that person?" Huang Chang was a little surprised.

The sweeping monk frowned slightly: "The breath is a bit like that person, but the age doesn't seem right."

Wang Chongyang also nodded and said, "I look too young."

At this time, other people also gradually saw the appearance of the incoming person, and saw an old man in Tsing Yi standing proudly in the field, but it was a bit reluctant to say that he was an old man, because his skin was far less wrinkled than the average old man, and he looked at it. The age is about the same.

In addition, his looks are quite strange, it is difficult to tell whether he is a man or a woman.

"Are you... Sunflower ancestor?" Song Qingshu said with some uncertainty. When he saw him in the Qing Palace a few years ago, he was obviously buried in a coffin, but now he seems to be a few dozen years younger. If it weren't for the unique aura in him, he wouldn't be able to recognize the same person at all.

"Song boy, why are you?" Seeing Song Qingshu, the ancestor Sunflower also widened his eyes. Obviously he didn't expect to see him here.

Seeing that he didn't deny his identity, Huang Chang and the others looked at each other one after another, and a question popped up in their heads: "Is there really a rejuvenation technique in this world?"

"Ancestor, you...know?" Jia Sidao on the side was originally full of ambition. It can be seen that the two of them were actually chattering, and their hearts were suddenly cold. How can you fight this?

"I have dealt with the Qing court several times before," Sunflower ancestor glanced at him with a smile, "Don't worry, as long as you promise me to do it, I won't fight back."

"The ancestor was laughing." Jia Sidao took a long sigh of relief, and then remembered that the two were both at the Qing court at the beginning, and it is not surprising that they knew each other. He panicked and even forgot all this.

Song Qingshu looked at him up and down a few times, and said through the sound transmission: "Didn't you inhale the dragon energy in Ludingshan? Have you exhausted the dragon veins for hundreds of years?" You must know that the Manchu Dynasty was originally two to three hundred years old. The national fortune, how could the dragon veins disappear so quickly?

The ancestor Sunflower took a look at him. The dragon vein is considered a secret between the two of them. Naturally, he didn’t want to say it for others to hear, so he replied with the same sound transmission, "I don’t know why, at first, the dragon vein aura was very abundant. In recent years, the speed of dissipating has been getting faster and faster.” At this point, he is also full of depression. At first he found the Man Qing dragon veins and he felt that he was hopeful to break the void. As a result, the dragon veins dissipated faster than expected, and he had to advance. Exit.

Song Qing's writing is weird, wondering if it was his Li Daitaozheng who replaced Kangxi, and indirectly won part of Manqing's luck?

Was it because the ancestor Sunflower ingested the Dragon Qi of the Manchu Qing that led to the decline of Man Qin’s luck and was successfully usurped by him, or was his successful usurpation of the throne indirectly caused the ancestor Sunflower to seize the dragon Qi of the Manchu Qing?

Song Qingshu was dizzy with thoughts. This is entirely a question of whether there is a chicken or an egg first.

The ancestor Sunflower replied a few words. At this moment, he noticed a bunch of great masters on the side. He couldn't help but walked over and said with a smile: "Tsk tusk tusk, how did you guys do this? You are so prestigious in daily life, why? Today are all half-dead?"

"Don't be gloating here, are you possessed by a monster? How come you get younger and older?" Huang Chang snorted. Among these people, he is the oldest, and he has dealt with Sunflower Patriarch. The others have just heard the legend of each other.

When Huang Chang saw him back then, he was half of his body in the loess soil. After so many years, he thought he was mostly dead, but he didn't expect to appear in front of him now.

Sunflower ancestor smiled: "If you want to lie to me the secret of immortality, will I be so easily fooled?"

"Is there really a law of longevity?" The hearts of several great masters shook together. When they reach their state, it can be said that the Taishan collapsed and the color has not changed, but no one can resist the temptation of longevity. If it is on weekdays They absolutely regard this as nonsense, but now they see real examples with their own eyes, and they can't help but not be moved.

"Unexpectedly, after living for so many years, I still can't break these things. If I don't show off, it's like walking in the night." Sunflower ancestor said regretfully, but with a sullen face, it was obvious that I felt very refreshed at this time.

After showing his superiority in front of Huang Chang, the ancestor Sunflower walked back, looked at Song Qingshu and said: "It's really unexpected. It's been a long time since I have seen you, your kid has become a great master?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Aren't you also promoted to Grand Master?"

The ancestor Sunflower said angrily: "Asshole, ancestor, I was a great master decades ago, but later my life was approaching, and it was only that my realm fell."

"Disrespect and disrespect." Song Qingshu thought that Sunflower Patriarch might be the oldest of the great masters he knew. He didn't know how many years he had lived, and his cultivation was even more unpredictable, and it was really a bit tricky.

The ancestor Sunflower snorted dissatisfiedly: "I'm so uninterested in flattering. I originally planned to wait for a while to show some affection to my subordinates, but now it seems unnecessary."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Ancestor, we still have some friendship after all, do we have to do it? Why don't you and I join hands to deal with the surname Jia?"

The ancestor Sunflower said proudly: "My ancestor, if I promised others, how can I repent at will? Didn't you want me to turn my face? Don't use my tongue and speak with real skill."

Hearing what Sunflower Old Ancestor said, Jia Sidao finally relieved his heart and stared at Song Qingshu fiercely: "Now we have two hit you and one, you will undoubtedly die!"

Song Qingshu frowned and said, "Ancestor, you want to join hands with him?"

The ancestor Sunflower replied: "If it was naturally unnecessary in the past, but I just saw Huang Chang and the others in such a miserable situation, I don't want to follow their footsteps. I'd better be careful."

Song Qing's book slandered: "How come your ancestors are getting less and less courageous, how was your tolerance back then, how was your great master's pride?"

Jia Sidao interrupted: "Don't want to talk smartly, the ancestor's mind can actually be shaken by just a few words. Aren't you very proud just now? If you have the ability, do it now?"

Song Qingshu took a deep look at him: "Do you really think you can eat me?"

Jia Sidao learned what he said just now and replied: "Today you will undoubtedly die!"

"The reason why you are so confident, in the final analysis, is because you have the advantage in numbers," Song Qingshu sighed, "But are you the only one with two great masters?"

Jia Sidao didn't know why, but Sunflower Patriarch looked thoughtfully at the woods in the distance.

"The world is out of my generation. Once you enter the rivers and lakes, the years have reminded you, ancestors, you finally prolonged your life, why should you enter this troubled rivers and lakes again?" A red shadow slowly flew from the sky, compared to the sunflower ancestor just now. The annoying voice when he appeared on the stage was much softer and nicer.

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