Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2016: Ning to be with friends and not with domestic slaves

Although Dongfang Muxue and Sunflower Ancestor fought with each other in a thrilling match, most people on the spot couldn't see their movements at all. They could only vaguely see the two groups of shadows spinning rapidly, like two tornadoes.

After watching it for a while, everyone looked at the Venus and hurriedly averted their eyes. In this way, all the attention was paid to the remaining two people.

Song Qingshu smiled at Jia Sidao: "So many people are watching, shall we start too?"

Jia Sidao frowned and said in a deep voice: "After all, you are just the emperor’s brother-in-law, and there is no official marriage of the kind, and the two little princesses and the official family are not the same female compatriots. Do you have to work so hard for him? ?"

Song Qingshu laughed blankly: "Didn't you just vowed to kill all of us? Isn't it too late to come here for peace?"

Jia Sidao didn't show any embarrassment, and still calmly said: "The son is young but can be in a high position. I don't think he is the kind of person who is motivated. People like us should all understand that the key to everything is profit. We can’t commit a fight for an irrelevant person. If we can shake hands and make peace, you and I have the final say in the great Song Dynasty; if you don’t worry, we can still get married. The daughters of my family, although they are not a great country. It’s an alluring posture, but it’s also a beautiful face. Considering that you already have a wife, I can even make them a side room for you."

Many people in the distance couldn’t help cursing when they heard it: "So shameless!" Mo said that Jia is like a dignified grandfather, a random official in Lin'an. Even if he is a concubine, he will not act for others. Concubine, Jia Sidao is so frantic.

Zhao Gousheng was afraid that Song Qingshu would be moved, and said hurriedly: "King Qi, don't believe him, he is just a delay. After returning to the capital, look at which daughter, I will personally give you the marriage. Isn't it more Okay?" I want to wait until you return to the capital to get married with the daughter of Hades. However, if you want to kill him with the cultivation base of the other great master, I am afraid that it will not be easy to kill him. Can find a stranger who can deal with him.

Seeing an emperor and a prime minister vying for a price like a commoner, the people next to him were dumbfounded, thinking that all of them would really lose their faces, but after another thought, it was a matter of death. How could this point of face be taken care of? ,

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Unexpectedly, I will become a sweet potato." Then turned to look at Jia Si and said, "It's just that I can obviously win-take-all, so why should I divide you half?"

Hearing what he said, Zhao Gou's eyes were gloomy for an instant, and Jia Sidao also laughed anxiously: "Do you really think you have won me?"

"If you are confident, you won't be wasting so much words with me here." Song Qingshu said as he walked slowly towards him.

Jia Sidao's complexion changed, and he took a half step back, but he quickly retracted his foot again, and said with irritation, "Yes, you may be better in martial arts, but many things in this world are not solved by martial arts alone. Yes, there are thousands of troops from the Lu brothers at the foot of the mountain. No matter how high you are in martial arts, you are not an opponent of the army!"

In addition to the many masters in the front of the palace, the emperor also brought 10,000 guards under the mountain for defense. Now that the mountain capital has been turbulent for so long, the guards under the mountain have not reacted at all. If they say that they have not found any difference. I'm afraid no one will believe it.

If they were all bought by Jia Sidao, it would be impossible. Zhao Gou clearly wanted to deal with Jia Sidao on this trip. He carefully selected and trusted all these 10,000 people.

Although Jia Sidao can infiltrate and buy some people, it only accounts for a small part of them. Therefore, he can only use this forged military situation of the Golden Kingdom to mobilize the Lu family brothers and horses to entangle these ten thousand guards.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "After experiencing this time you used Yangzhou to stumble upon me, how can I be unprepared this time? The Lu family brothers have already been dragged down by another army."

"How is it possible!" Jia Sidao sneered, "I am now in the Pingzhang Army and I am in charge of the affairs of the court, and the Privy Council is controlled by my confidant. At this time, it is impossible for other troops to come over. ."

Song Qingshu sighed: "Yes, any army movement in the court can't hide from your eyes and ears, but what about other countries?"

Jia Sidao's face changed drastically, and he looked at the direction of the mountain, but it was a pity that he couldn't know the following situation after being so far away.

"Golden?" After thinking about it, the only thing that may appear now is the Golden State-Army in the north of Xiangyang, but there is one thing that he is very puzzled. "How can the golden man cooperate with you?"

In the end, many people looked at Song Qingshu suspiciously, knowing that Song and Jin are feuds. If he colluded with the Jin, he would be cast aside by the Han people in the world.

At this moment, Qiu Qianren on the side laughed and said, "Have you forgotten that I am now the leader of the Kingdom of Jin? Brothers Lu in order to cooperate with you in withdrawing the border troops, how can we miss such a good opportunity, so naturally we have to take the opportunity to take a look. Seeing if there is any benefit, I didn't expect to see such a good show!" Song Qingshu's identity in the Kingdom of Jin should not be exposed, he naturally wanted to come out to resist all this.

"Golden's running dog!" Jia Sidao cursed with gritted teeth.

Qiu Qianren laughed loudly; "You, a treacherous minister who is guilty of making trouble and trying to kill the king, are embarrassed to scold me?"

Zhao Gou suddenly said: "General Qiu, the two nations of the Jin and Song have already negotiated with their uncles and nephews. They should be watching and helping each other. Now that we are in the domestic conflict, I hope that Jin Guo will help to quell the rebellion, and he will be a big reward in the future."

"The emperor..." Huang Chang was breathing fast, obviously excited to say something. At the beginning of the Song-Jin peace talks, Song Xiangjin became a minister, and even the emperor's status must be canonized by the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, and the original dynasty in history canonize Goryeo, Dali, etc. The country is almost there.

Later, the imperial court felt that it was really unreasonable, so they requested to change the relationship between the kingdom of uncles and nephews. After several wars and peace talks, they finally managed to win a kingdom of uncles and nephews.

But everyone knows that this title is a great humiliation. He didn't expect that Zhao Go would shamelessly take the initiative to claim himself as his nephew country in order to survive.

Huang Chang was full of righteous indignation, but unfortunately the injury was too serious. Now the blood is tumbling and causing the injury, and soon his face is like golden paper and speechless.

"Master!" The woman in the yellow shirt hurriedly healed him with luck, but she knew very well that the other party's vitality was gone, and it was good to be able to barely keep her breath now.

Seeing the anger and humiliation in the eyes of the people around, Zhao Gou quickly ignored it because he thought very clearly that although the people hated Jin Guo very much in recent years, his relationship with Jin Guo was still good. Several times During the peace talks, it would be difficult for the other party to find an emperor who cooperated so well, and he didn't want to make trouble here.

Moreover, the people of the Kingdom of Jin really wanted to take the opportunity to invade, and the Han people all over the world would not agree, they would definitely rise up to resist, and the emperor himself was the co-master of the world.

On the contrary, if Jia Sidao succeeds, and then he will have a clan to succeed him, who else in the world cares about his former emperor?

To understand the powerful relationship, Zhao Gou strikes while the iron is hot: "If your country can help, thereafter, the annual currency will increase by 100,000 taels and 300,000 horses."

Hearing his words, the drunkard clasped his hands together: "Amitabha."

Wang Chongyang sneered again and again: "This is the emperor you want to protect."

The sweeping monk also shook his head and whispered: "If the father and uncle they met were not Taizong Taizong, but the emperor in front of them, how good would it be."

Zhao Gou turned a deaf ear to their rumors, thinking what these people know, they can be flexed and stretched to be a big man. Back then, they colluded with the salary and tasted the courage and even personally tasted the feces of the husband. .

Qiu Qianren was a little dazed for a while: "Hahaha, this dog emperor is very acquainted." He subconsciously looked at Song Qingshu and didn't know how to respond.

Song Qingshu said with emotion: "Back then, I didn't understand why Cixi would rather be with friends than family slaves. When I saw him today, it turned out that they were all the same."

Zhao Gou was startled, wondering who Cixi is? But this sentence actually touched my heart.

"Fun Jun suffers death!" Jia Sidao suddenly rushed towards Zhao Gou. In fact, he didn't want to personally remember the reputation of slaying the king, but now there is no way, if it is really let Zhao Go move the Jin Guoren, he will next I really want to suffer from the enemy. On the contrary, if Zhao Go is gone, I can negotiate terms on behalf of Da Song and Jin Guo, and Zhao Go has just said such words of losing power and insulting the country, which is regarded as killing the emperor, and there will be a fair and honest reason in the future.

It's just that he had to stop on the way, because Song Qingshu took a step and stood in between the two.

"You want to stop me?" Jia Sidao really couldn't understand why Song Qingshu took such a big risk to help Zhao Go. If he was a loyal man, it didn't look like it.

Song Qingshu said indifferently: "This person is still useful to me, but I can't let you kill it." In fact, he was also hesitating whether to use someone else's hand to kill Zhao Go. With this tempting idea, he can't hide behind the scenes by relying on the disguise technique all his life, and one day he will gradually go under the sun. This time is a good opportunity, a useless Zhao Gou, but the dead Zhao Gou must be useful. many.

Jia Sidao opened his mouth, as if to say something, but in the next moment he suddenly attacked. He was also very ambitious. At first, he was lucky and wanted to win Song Qingshu. When he saw that he couldn't win, the horse abandoned his distracting thoughts and lived his life. What I have learned is put on display, trying to break the boat.

He understands that if they are all in a normal state, he might not be Song Qingshu's opponent, but the opponent has been very angry during this period, and he has unexpected attacks, and he may not have no chance.

Now that he is in a desperate situation, his punch is also in line with the characteristics of indomitability. The air in front of him has been compressed to the extreme by his punch, and he can even vaguely see his fist as if there is thunder current.

Just now Jia Sidao cowered and shrank, and many people were disdainful of him. It was not until they saw this trick that they all woke up. After all, he is also a great master!

Song Qingshu's eyes condensed, as if a sword of the void was congealed between his fingers, he did not defend his fist, and pierced directly into the opponent's chest. It was a style of fighting that ended up in the same vein.

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