Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2024: Yue Lao

Huang Rong's expression changed, but she reacted quickly, and immediately realized that the other party was not asking the teacher, but using this to force her to make suggestions. In desperation, I can only ask what happened.

On the contrary, Dongfang Muxue hesitated. She couldn't figure out the relationship between the other party and Song Qingshu. She didn't know if she believed it or not, so she subconsciously glanced at Song Qingshu inquiringly.

Song Qingshu coughed lightly, and stepped forward to talk to Huang Rong about the things that had happened just behind the mountain.

Seeing that he spoke in great detail, without any haze, Dongfang Muxue showed a thoughtful expression.

Perhaps it was related to his father’s safety. Huang Rong’s thoughts were a little bit brighter than usual, and soon he had an idea: “This matter must first be given to the Lu brothers and make everything logical. It can be taken as the emperor. Under the seal of the seal, officials from various roads of Zhaojing Lake came to King Qin, the comfort envoy of Jinghu Hubei Road, Xiang Shibi, Ezhou Zhizhou Cao Shixiong, Jing E deputy Dutong Gaoda and others were not the same as the Lu brothers. They must bring troops to come. The edict also stated that Jia Sidao had unfortunately sacrificed when he rescued the car and praised his merits. Everyone knows this, so even if it is false, it has become a fact. The Lu brothers learned that Jia Sidao was dead. Here I also "don't know" that they participated in it, they had a retreat, and coupled with the checks and balances of other officials' troops, naturally they would not jump the wall in a hurry."

"It's just..." Huang Rong's conversation turned. "Brothers Lu are very suspicious, so the key is to find someone who can trust both of them to pass the letter to them. By the way, be a lobbyist. It happened that I had worked with them in Xiangyang for a while. , I can barely count as friends, so let me spread the letter on their side."

Song Qingshu worried: "This is too dangerous. If they jump over the wall in a hurry, you will be dangerous."

Huang Rong glanced at him deeply, and then shook his head: "Thank you for your concern. I have lived in Xiangyang for so many years. There are still many disciples of the beggar gang in the city. In addition, our husband and wife are slightly fateful, the Lu brothers. If I want to move me, I have to weigh it up, not to mention what I know about them, their character, I am sure they dare not do anything to kill the net."

The prince laughed: "It's so good, so bother Madam?"

Huang Rongxiu frowned: "That father..."

Dongfang Muxue smiled at this moment and said, "Don't worry, the Lord Huangdao has been properly settled by the Qingshu faction. After the wife comes back, we will arrange you to meet."

Huang Rong nodded slightly, then pretended to glance at Song Qingshu unconsciously, hesitated for a moment, after all, said nothing, and left with a smile.

Looking at her slender back when she left, Wang Ziteng couldn't help swallowing, and thought to himself: It's really a stunner, it's a pity to marry the incomprehensible Guo Jing. Although he is not good at femininity, he is a man after all. If he were ten years younger, he might also bow down under the other party's pomegranate skirt.

Song Qingshu was staring at her back in a daze, Dongfang Muxue walked to him and whispered: "This woman has a lot of wits. If she can use it for her own use, she will definitely become your crouching dragon and phoenix chick."

Song Qingshu subconsciously hummed, Dongfang Muxue couldn't help but smile: "Would you like me to quietly kill Guo Jing, so that there will be no obstacles between you, the reason why you were able to hook up with the unrepentant Xia? Qingqing, it's not because I am the youngest member of this month." Although Guo Jing's martial arts is high, it is very easy for Dongfang Muxue to plot against him at this time.

Song Qingshu was taken aback: "Don't mess around! Daxia Guo is a hero who stands up to the ground, and he must not suffer such a fate."

"Okay, I want to be a **** and want to set up an archway," Dongfang Muxue curled her lips, her tone full of contempt. "But as far as I know, Guo Jing seems to have been wiped out during the Northern Expedition, and it would be more ill-advised to think about it. , I don’t have to bother."

Song Qingshu didn't explain that Guo Jing was rescued by Huazheng. He wanted to save his life, but he didn't know where he was now.

"Now that the situation is set, I should go back." Dongfang Muxue suddenly said.

Song Qingshu was taken aback: "Why are you so anxious?"

"Don't leave and stay jealous with your group of Yingying Yanyan?" Dongfang Muxue glanced at the Yellow Shirt Girl, Xiaolong Girl and others not far away.

"I didn't mean that, let alone they couldn't beat you, are you still afraid of them?" Song Qingshu smiled bitterly.

"I'm teasing you," Dongfang Muxue smiled, "The main reason is that the war between the Qing court and the San Francisco has come to an end. I don't want to worry about handing it over to Lan Fenghuang and Feiyan. I don't want to fall short at the last moment."

Song Qingshu nodded: "It's true that business matters, but it's rare to see you and me. I have to be separated so soon, I really can't bear it."

Dongfang Muxue curled his lips: "What's the use of saying such a good thing? I've been in the palace of Yanjing City and welcome you at any time, but you never come."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said: "You don't know, I have too many things at hand now, and I have a headache from the pressure of Mongolia on the side of Xixia, so I don't know how to do it."

Dongfang Muxue naturally knows the reason, but she doesn't admit it: "You don't need to explain it. It's not fun to be with you. It's not as fun as the concubines in the palace."

Song Qingshu has a black thread. If he hadn't personally tried to know that she was a woman among women, he would really doubt her orientation.

Seeing him choking so hard to speak, Dongfang Muxue left a string of arrogant laughter, then turned into a red shadow and disappeared in the mountains.

Wang Ziteng couldn't help but walked over and asked: "The Eastern Hierarch is..."

Song Qingshu replied: "Now that the situation is set, she naturally left."

Prince Teng was stunned at first, thinking that your heart is really big, and there are thousands of soldiers under my hand. Do you really think you are in control? But after thinking about it, now the enemy has no Grand Master, it doesn't make much sense to keep two Grand Masters here, not to mention just talking about a common goal, and I have no motivation to fall out with him.

"The king of Qi is really so good that he can even invite people like the Eastern leader." Wang Ziteng couldn't help sighing.

"I really like to make friends. In addition to the Eastern leader, Mr. Xidu Ouyang, the leader of the Iron Palm Gang, Qiu, also heard that there was something on my side, so he didn't hesitate to bring Jin Guo's army over to help." Song Qingshu is not the case. In order to deliberately brag about oneself, but to show one's strength in a timely manner, so that the other party will not have any thoughts.

As expected, Wang Ziteng's face changed slightly, thinking that he had heard that Song Qingshu and Tang Kuobian, the power minister of the Kingdom of Jin, were friends, but now it seems that his influence in the Kingdom of Jin is truly extraordinary.

Sitting at his position, he would not believe that people in the rivers and lakes like Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren dared or had the ability to use the army of the Kingdom of Jin because of a little friendship in the past. It was mostly because of Tang Kuo's relationship that they gave it away. This smooth favor.

Song Qingshu went on to say: "I believe that the commander of the palace can become my good friend in the future."

Wang Ziteng couldn't help but laughed: "This is natural, and it won't be long before we can become a family. You will have to follow Yuyan to change your words."

"Of course, of course." Song Qingshu looked at Li Qingluo subconsciously, noticed her murderous eyes, and couldn't help but smile.

I had no choice but to ignore her anger, came to Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren, and said to the two of them: "Now the messengers who sent them to the Jinghu Lake to let them King Qin have been sent out, plus the noise here for so long, maybe it's not. The young people have moved ahead of time. You immediately go down the mountain and transfer the Loyalty Army away.

The two nodded their heads and quickly led their orders. Qiu Qianren was not enough. It was easy to get used to this new role, but Ouyang Feng didn't feel good in his heart, thinking that he could give Song Qingshu back then, but now the other party has become something he must look up to. Existence, coupled with witnessing the life-and-death struggle between great masters this time, I secretly made up my mind that I must practice hard in the future and strive to be among the great masters one day.

Next, Wang Ziteng sent his subordinates to be stationed on Wudang Mountain. Along the way, they gathered the bodies of the many guards who died in the battle. When they met a few survivors, they were re-collected.

The accompanying officials who had been trapped in Qianshan were finally allowed to visit the emperor at this time, but Zhao Gou was already seriously injured, and Song Qingshu's use of the soul-shifting method made him lie on the bed as if his life was hanging by a thread.

A group of officials all expressed their concern for the emperor's body, and then one after another scolded King Yi, a rebellious courtier and thief. With the endorsement of Wang Ziteng, a close friend of Zhao Gou, and the king of Yi had always coveted the position of Dabao, they had no doubts.

However, it was heard that Jia Sidao saw through King Yi’s tricks and hurried back from the front line to rescue his car. Finally, he was killed by King Yi. Many people secretly whispered in their hearts. Jia Sidao has always made good friends with King Yi and has always been scheming. , Why did he die so carelessly in the hands of King Yi this time?

Of course, everyone has been in the officialdom of the ups and downs for so many years. Now the official announcement is that even if they have doubts in their hearts, they will never say it. Instead, all kinds of echoes, many people even made sacrifices on the spot.

After dealing with the matter here, Song Qingshu went to visit some of the wounded. Yin Liting's injury was not fatal. Several senior brothers were enough to heal him; Ding Dian’s Shenzhaojing was repairing himself, and now he fell into a coma. I can't wake up for a while.

So Song Qingshu went directly to Huang Yaoshi's room, Yun Gong healed the opponent. His Yi Yang finger had the function of reviving the dead, and coupled with the healing medicine of the Xiaoyao Sect, he finally saved his life.

When Huang Yaoshi woke up, seeing him, he frowned and said nothing.

Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing: "Several great masters on the mountain have died this time. Grand masters like you have died countless. You can survive thanks to my ability to reject all opinions. Now you don't care about your injuries. Heal your wounds, don't you even say thank you."

"Aren't you supposed to save me?" Huang Yaoshi snorted.

Song Qingshu was startled: "Where do you start?"

Pharmacist Huang opened his mouth, and finally turned his head away: "Hmph, you know what you have done yourself, and I don't want those pickles that dirty my mouth."

Song Qingshu's heart beat, wondering if he was referring to Huang Rong's affairs?

"Then you always have a good rest here." Stealing his daughter, Song Qingshu didn't have the slightest confidence in front of him. He smirked, staying here without a face, and left as if he had escaped.

Not long after going out, I happened to ran into a woman in a yellow shirt, who bit her lip and stared at him quietly without saying anything, which made Song Qingshu feel uncomfortable: "Just ask what you want."

The woman in the yellow shirt finally spoke: "You didn't come with me before, have you made up your mind to be late on purpose?"

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