Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2027: Fang Zong Yao Yao

"Bah, baah, crow's mouth!" Song Qingshu hurriedly dispelled the unlucky thought in his mind, and had already made up his mind, even if it was really badending, with his current ability, he would forcefully change his fate.

"What crow's mouth?" Li Qingluo asked with a sullen expression.

"Nothing," Song Qingshu turned his attention back to the beauty in his arms, holding his warm and plump body, he couldn't help swallowing, "I was disturbed just now, or continue now?"

Perceiving the changes in the man's body, Li Qingluo couldn't help but sipped: "Are you a cow..." Yi Jiaoyi groaned, her eyes flowed, her brows were unclear and charming.

Song Qingshu looked at her index finger violently, amidst bursts of laughter, he rolled her back into the bed with her arms around her.

"Should we add a younger sister to Yu Yan?"

"Bah! You are shameless and I still want it. It's really a secret knot. How will I see people in the future?"

"If you have it, you will have it. When that happens, I will see who dares to say one more word."

"Don't think about it, there won't be."


"Because every time I force what you left in my body out of my body."


Before dawn outside the window, Li Qingluo got up and put on clothes. Song Qingshu wanted to hug her to sleep for a while, but she categorically refused. After a while, she was seen going out of this room at dawn. No face to meet people.

Song Qingshu also knows how powerful it is, so he didn't embarrass her. Looking at her flustered but elegant figure when she left, she couldn't help but smile knowingly. This is the advantage of a mature-woman, who knows how to advance and retreat. They don’t even have to worry about accidentally bringing out a child, they know how to take all safety measures.

Don't take any responsibility, just enjoy their charm and tenderness, which man would not like it.

Reminiscing about the charm of last night, Song Qingshu soon fell asleep again, not knowing how long he slept, and was suddenly awakened by a rapid knock on the door: "Who?"

"Me!" Li Qingluo's anxious voice came from outside the door.

The sunlight can be seen through the window, Song Qingshu frowned slightly, she ran to me in spite of the gossip, did something happen?

Put on your clothes and open the door in a hurry, just listen before you have time to ask

Li Qingluo said, "The cousin is gone."

"It's gone?" Song Qingshu's heart shook.

Li Qingluo handed him an envelope: "It was still early after I went home last night. I was worried about disturbing her, so I fell asleep again. When I woke up, I went to look for her and found that she had gone to the building and only this was left. ."

Song Qingshu opened the envelope and found a piece of letter paper inside, leaving a few beautiful writings: "I'm leaving, don't read it."

Li Qingluo paced back and forth, and said with some annoyance: "It must have been discovered by her last night, otherwise she wouldn't say nothing, and just left. Look at this letter, even the cousin didn't call it."

Song Qingshu was secretly thinking about it, and did not leave his head up to name it. Was this letter for Li Qingluo or for himself?

Seeing him not talking, Li Qingluo couldn't help but raised her hand and punched his chest: "It's all to blame for you, I had to let her in last night. Now she must hate my cousin."

"Last night she said she wanted to enter the house. If I refused, wouldn't it arouse her suspicion even more," Song Qingshu wryly smiled, "Okay, don't scare yourself, it may not be that she knows something."

"I left the book, how could I not know." Li Qingluo's face was blue and red, thinking that she was really covered with lard last night, and she insisted on messing with him.

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Didn't you still know to leave a book for you? It proves that she doesn't hate you that much either."

Li Qingluo was startled: "That's true too."

Song Qingshu went on to say: "Moreover, it is her characteristic that Little Dragon Girl disappears at every turn. It will naturally appear when she wants to meet us after a while."

The reason why the love between Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv is so rough in the original work is that although Huang Rong and others interfered in it, the problem still appeared in Xiaolongnv after all.

Although Yang Guo had committed the peach blossoms and made other girls confused and infatuated everywhere, these were not his intentions. In his heart, he only liked the little dragon girl from beginning to end. But as for the little dragon girl, even though she is like an iceberg beauty on weekdays, she is actually quite sensitive in her mind, and she has always had doubts about the relationship between them.

When she encountered a little problem, her first reaction was not to discuss with Yang Guo to solve it, but to blame herself, and then play missing inexplicably.

To describe it in one word, Xiaolongnv is actually quite "competitive" sometimes.

Song Qingshu didn't expect this

It's my turn to experience Yang Guo's feelings back then, but sometimes the short-term separation is not a bad thing, it can brew a stronger yearning and love. In the hero meeting in the original book, it was the little dragon girl who couldn't help but feel the love in her heart, and finally took the initiative to find Yang Guo.

Song Qingshu suddenly thought that after Xiaolongnu in the original book had left with a frustration, she actually agreed to Gongsunzhi's marriage proposal. If it weren't for a coincidence, Yang Guo would break into the Valley of Unfeeling, maybe she would have cooked rice and cooked rice.

"Uh, it won't be so unlucky." Song Qingshu's face was very wonderful, and she kept comforting herself. Before seeing the little dragon girl, she went into anger and vomited blood. She realized that there were some flaws in the "Jade-Female Heart Sutra" and specially taught her "Nine Yin Zhen". The whole book of "The Classics", thinking that she nowadays would not vomit blood into a coma after practicing the exercises in the original book, almost cheap Gongsunzhi.

"Why don't you worry about her at all, so cold-blooded!" Li Qingluo said angrily when he saw him speak lightly.

Song Qingshu spread his hands together and said helplessly: "She is determined to leave. Where did we find her? You don't know the light work of their tomb sect. After so long, I'm afraid they are already a hundred miles away. I know the direction, but I can’t catch up even if I want to follow it."

Li Qingluo also knows this is the case, but she still feels extremely uncomfortable after all: "Blame me, blame me..."

"You don't have to worry too much. She has such a high level of martial arts, and walking alone is enough to protect herself, and I believe that we are destined, and it will definitely not be long before we can meet her again." Song Qingshu comforted.

"Fate is such an illusory thing, who can say it." Li Qingluo was obviously not satisfied with this answer.

In order to distract her, Song Qingshu changed the subject and said, "You came just right, and there was something to discuss with you."

"What's the matter?" Li Qingluo replied feebly.

"After returning to Lin'an, how can we completely control Zhao Go." Looking to the southeast, Song Qingshu's eyes darkened.

Li Qingluo was indeed attracted attention, thinking while replied: "Although Zhao Gou is now a useless person, after all he has been the emperor for so many years, it is not that simple to control him. First of all, all the eunuchs around him must be replaced. Our people and the court ladies must also be changed together, and the imperial guards around the emperor must be our talents. In addition to these, we also need a distinguished concubine in the palace to help each other."

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