Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2029: Delightful Enmity

Hearing Huang Rong's return, Song Qingshu was overjoyed: "Hurry up, please, forget it, I will go out to meet her." After speaking, he greeted her happily.

Li Qingluo curled her lips: "It's really a dog that can't change eating shit. I get excited when I see a beautiful woman."

When Song Qingshu came to the front hall, Huang Rong was sitting at the table drinking tea and resting. Although she was just sitting casually and showing a silhouette, she was still beautiful, but the color of wind and frost could be seen vaguely between her eyebrows.

Li Qingluo couldn't help but raise a few fascinating colors. She considered herself bright and charming. The young woman in front of her was not under her. More importantly, the other party had a very unique temperament, and her behavior looked dignified and elegant. But the brows faintly revealed the unstoppable grace and grace, the pure fairy and the enchanting witch, two diametrically opposed temperaments were perfectly integrated in her body.

"Rong... Huang Gang, why did you come back so soon? Did something happen midway?" Song Qingshu rushed forward a few steps, and suddenly realized that an outsider was there, so he hurriedly stopped and maintained a reasonable level. distance.

He is indeed a little curious. Although Wudang Mountain is not too far from Xiangyang, it is not very close. Huang Rong just set off yesterday and returned early today. There is no time for a full day, and it is too fast.

Seeing the concern of the man in front of him, Huang Rong's face was reddened, and she gracefully put down the tea cup to conceal the ripples in her heart, and then replied: "King Qi, please rest assured, there is no accident."

"Oh?" Song Qingshu became more curious as a result.

Huang Rong explained: "Brothers Lu were not in the city of Xiangyang. I ran into them on the way."

Song Qingshu suddenly felt that before Jia Sidao needed their army to hold Wang Ziteng's guards, how could the Lu brothers not come in person for such an important matter? Although the two of them did not show up in order to rebel against the unknown, and the army under their command was also disguised as gold men, they must be hidden in the army and commanded at any time.

Huang Rong continued: "The Lu brothers were a little surprised when they saw me, but after all, we have been working together in Xiangyang for so many years, and we have some friendship. Besides, they don’t know what I’m here for, so it’s only when they met me. Opportunity to bring words to it."

"What's the result?" Song Qingshu hurriedly asked. The Lu brothers have been in charge of the Jinghu battle zone for so many years. If they really want to fight, there must be a mess behind them.

Li Qingluo couldn't help but said: "Seeing that the leader of the Huang Gang is so calm, I know what happened."

Song Qingshu was startled, then smiled: "I really care about it and it's messed up."

Huang Rong glanced at Li Qingluo unexpectedly: "Madam is really smart. When I saw the Lu brothers, they already knew about Jia Sidao's death. They were in a dilemma. So I persuaded them according to the established strategy and they learned of Jia Sidao. It was very unexpected to be killed as a escort, but with this step, they also took advantage of the situation. They have agreed to come to King Qin. I am worried that you will not know what to do to stimulate them, so I will come back in advance and tell you. ."

She spoke an understatement, but everyone knows how easy it is to believe the old fritters that have been up and down in officialdom for decades? She succeeded in persuading the Lu brothers, and she did not know how much effort she had spent in the whole process.

"It's really hard work to drive around day and night like this. I have people tidy up a room, and Lord Huang can sleep well." Song Qingshu's eyes are full of pity. Calculating the time, Huang Rong should not have much time to just give birth to a baby. The whole world is chasing Huang Yaoshi, and now he is rushing to send letters back and forth without stopping. If the root cause of the disease is left, it will be bad.

Huang Rong shook her head: "I want to visit Daddy first."

Li Qingluo smiled and said, "Madam, please don't worry. After you left, King Qi, regardless of his serious injury, still used Yiyang Finger to heal Huangdao Master. If you want to come to recuperate for a period of time, Huangdao Master should be able to heal."

Huang Rong glanced at her thoughtfully, causing Li Qingluo's heart to jump: Why does she look at me with that look? Is there something wrong with what I said?

Suddenly, her face changed, and she finally realized the problem. Just now, if Zhou Zhiruo said to her, it would be normal. After all, she would show merit to her lover. No one knows that he is unwilling to pay. It was Mrs. Wang, who had just spoken for Song Qingshu without thinking, was too impatient, I am afraid that Huang Rong had already seen something.

Thinking of this, Li Qingluo couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. How could this woman be like a fox, she could detect so many things with just a few words.

Huang Rong got up and saluted Song Qingshu: "My concubine thanked King Qi."

Song Qingshu hurriedly helped her up: "Hurry up, please. It's my business to save the Lord Huangdao. Why do you think so."

Huang Rong’s pretty face is slightly hot, she naturally understands why

Say so.

Li Qingluo's suspicious eyes turned around on the two of them. Now it was her turn to doubt. She always felt that there was something weird between the two. Coupled with her understanding of Song Qingshu, she felt that this fellow must be worried. This charming and pretty young woman is famous all over the world.

It's just that Guo Jing, Huang Rong and his wife are too famous in the arena. If Huang Rong and Song Qingshu have something to say, it would be a bit shocking. She subconsciously didn't think about that.

At this time, Wang Ziteng also rushed to hear the news and learned that the Lu brothers had been persuaded. He couldn't help but be overjoyed: "The trend is set!"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly and said, "Shi Bo, happy cooperation in the future."

"Of course." The prince laughed and was very happy. "According to the spy's report, the generals across Jinghu Lake have already noticed the abnormality on Wudang Mountain. They have already led the troops to King Qin. When he wants to come in the afternoon, he will continue to follow him. We will be there. Let’s discuss how to deal with it when the time comes."

"Okay." Although Song Qingshu still has a lot to say to Huang Rong, business matters, he can only hold his thoughts in his heart, and then send someone to Huang Rong to find Huang Yaoshi, and he will discuss some with Wang Ziteng, Li Qingluo and others. Details afterwards.

After several people discussed for a while, Song Yuanqiao suddenly found him: "Qing Shu, Master, his old man is back to the mountain, he invites you to go."

Song Qingshu was startled, but since it was Zhang Sanfeng's invitation, it was really hard for him to refuse, so Wang Ziteng and Li Qingluo continued to discuss, and he went with his father.

"Isn't the master too recuperating? Why did you come back so soon?" Song Qingshu couldn't help asking on the road. He was conspired to be seriously injured by the people of the ghost villa. If he wants to heal, he can't do anything for a few months. Considering Wudang's side There will definitely be a melee for the great master, worrying about Zhang Sanfeng's accident, so Song Qingshu arranged for him to go to a safe place in advance to recover from his injuries.

Song Yuanqiao looked speechless: "While Wudang Mountain has happened such a big event, how can his old man feel at ease to heal his wounds? Not to mention that if you don't come back, the whole Wudang faction will probably be demolished by you."

Song Qingshu chuckled. The small courtyard of the bamboo forest in Houshan where Zhang Sanfeng lived was a battlefield where great masters fought each other. Not to mention his small courtyard, the main bamboo forest in Houshan, was almost destroyed by the aftermath of the war.

Seeing Song Yuanqiao's expression of hesitation, Song Qingshu couldn't help but said: "If you always have any words, just say it straight. You have any scruples about talking to your own son."

Song Yuanqiao sighed: "Originally, it was the wish of every father to have a son or a dragon, but you grew up too far beyond my imagination, making me doubt that you are the son I raised since childhood."

Song Qingshu was silent, knowing his son Mo Ruofu. Although Song Qingshu was excellent among young people, it did not exceed the scope of common sense. Now that he is going all the way, it is no wonder he dare not recognize it.

Fortunately, Song Yuanqiao just said it casually, without really doubting anything, and then said: "What you are going to do this time is too risky. If you take your own risk, I won't say anything. It can be your relationship with the Wudang faction. To do this is to roast the whole Wudang faction on the fire. In the future, if it happens, hundreds of people from all over the Wudang faction will be buried with you."

Song Qingshu replied, "It won't happen in case."

"Your blind confidence is what I am most worried about." Song Yuanqiao was a little annoyed.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "A lot of things involve too much, I can't say it clearly, but please don't worry, I really have a sense of measure." He is now secretly controlling several countries in the Liao, Jin and Qing Dynasties, and has long had rich experience. It's just that they can't explain to him.

The two of them had already arrived outside Zhang Sanfeng's room during the conversation, and Song Yuanqiao would not be able to continue to teach something: "Master only sees you alone. Go ahead."

Song Qingshu nodded and walked into the room to see Zhang Sanfeng sitting on the futon performing exercises. Although he was seriously injured, his complexion was ruddy, and the whole person was still immortal, and there was no sign of injury from the outside.

Perceiving him coming in, Zhang Sanfeng opened his eyes: "Qing Shu, you are here."

"Meet Master Tai." Song Qingshu respectfully saluted.

Zhang Sanfeng came over to help him up, and said softly: "This time I was really uneasy, so I came back ahead of time. First, let's see if there is any danger in the Wudang school disciples. Second, let's see if we can help. In busy places, although I was not injured slightly, I have not yet reached the point of being bedridden."

His tone was full of self-confidence. As the recognized number one person in the world for decades, no one could underestimate him even if he was injured. It's just that Song Qingshu didn't let him participate in this action for stability.

"It's just I didn't expect you to be so capable, you would have the last laugh in so many great master melees." Zhang Sanfeng's tone was full of praise.


"It's just a fluke." Song Qingshu is not self-conceited. The reason why he can laugh to the end this time is that other people are telling him that he is in the dark. Otherwise, if he joins the battle at the beginning, so many opponents of the same level may not die now. Seriously injured.

Seeing that he was not arrogant, Zhang Sanfeng nodded: "I have probably understood the whole story when I came back this time. I have a question to ask you when I call you over."

"Master Tai, please ask, Qingshu knows everything." Song Qingshu replied.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at him quietly, and then asked after a long time: "Are you planning to become the emperor?"

Song Qingshu was startled, and only sighed after a long time: "Who in this world doesn't want to be the emperor."

Zhang Sanfeng chuckled, "You are honest."

Song Qingshu said: "I know why Master Tai has such a question. I wanted to see that I was planning to make Zhao Go a puppet. I was worried that my ambitions would swell and I wanted to usurp the throne step by step."

"Isn't it?" Zhang Sanfeng looked at him meaningfully.

"If I want to be an emperor, I don't need to be in the Song Dynasty." Song Qingshu said lightly, whether it is Qing Dynasty or Liao Jin, he has not lived the emperor's addiction.

Zhang Sanfeng nodded, he understood that Jinsheying now sits on the territory of the previous half of the Qing Dynasty, and with the title of a princess of the Ming Dynasty, it is not impossible to stand on his own as an emperor.

Song Qingshu went on to say: "It's just that Mongolia is strong and prosperous. It has recently completed the Western Expedition. The main class will return to the east. It will not be long before it will fully invade south. If the resources of various countries cannot be integrated, then the Central Plains countries will only be defeated by each."

"Integrating the resources of all countries is not easy said than done." Zhang Sanfeng frowned. The countries of the Central Plains have conquered each other for decades, and they have long been hatred as deep as the sea, so it is easy to unite.

Just like the outcome of the war, the six kingdoms of Kwantung knew that they would not be the opponent of Qin if they did not unite, but the grievances accumulated for hundreds of years still made them suspect each other's plans, and they were eventually defeated by Qin.

"It's not easy to do it," Song Qingshu said in a deep voice, "Master too knows what the imperial court looks like these years."

"These emperors are indeed unreasonable." Zhang Sanfeng snorted heavily. He has lived for more than a hundred years, and it can be said that he has accompanied the growth of the entire Song Dynasty. Many things have been witnessed with his own eyes. "At the beginning, the Emperor Huizong favored traitors and sold officials. Pursue luxury and enjoyment regardless of the suffering of the people. A single birthday program made the people unhappy, and peasant uprisings occurred all over the place. Later, the Jin people invaded the south, and the rotten army collapsed, causing the entire country to suffer a humiliation that has never been seen in history. Today's officials The family didn’t get much better after taking the stage, especially the murder of Yue Fei, which chilled the world, so he tried to ask me to preach several times, but I avoided seeing it."

"Master Tai is really a man of temperament!" Song Qingshu thought of Zhang Sanfeng's early deeds and was also a fiery temper with jealousy and hatred, but in recent years, he has grown older and made people feel more kind.

"Since the ruling class is rotten, then another group of people will be replaced. The Chinese nation is about to face an unprecedented disaster. How can I put the luck of the entire nation on people like Zhao Gou." Song Qingshu said in a deep voice, "This This time, it happened to take advantage of the opportunity of King Jia Sidao to rebel, to change the day."

Zhang Sanfeng frowned and said, "But you are likely to cause turmoil in the country this way. It is not a blessing for the people. How can you have more energy to deal with the upcoming invasion of Mongolia?"

Song Qingshu replied: "So I kept Zhao Gou's life and let him continue to be emperor in name; I even preserved Jia Sidao's reputation and pushed everything to King Yi, everything is for the stability of the whole country. transition."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded: "I feel relieved if you see it this way. I actually have been worried that you are driven by ambition so that you have stepped into the magic way by mistake. Now that I know that you are trying to understand and save the world, what is my heart? comfort."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said, "Master is too serious, and the name of saving the people in the world is too big, and Qingshu is too embarrassed to take it."

"Is there anything I dare not be," Zhang Sanfeng's eyes widened, "Meng people are extremely cruel. When they march west, they will destroy the country and massacre at every turn. I don't want the people of the Central Plains to suffer such a catastrophe one day. If you can lead everyone to resist. Living in Mongolia does not count as saving the common people? Don't worry, who will dare to make irresponsible remarks when the time comes, the Taishi father will come and beat him!"

Song Qingshu was stunned, as if vaguely seeing how happy the other party was when he was young. Then came the overjoy. Zhang Sanfeng's reputation in the hearts of the world is too high. With his help, many things can be easily solved: "Thank you, Master!"

At this moment, Song Yuanqiao ran in in a panic: "Master, Qing Shu, something is going wrong, the Lu brothers led the army to surround the mountain, as if preparing to attack the mountain."

Set a small goal first, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju

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