Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2034: A prophecy

Song Qingshu was surprised. It wasn't because he had twins. After all, he was an unknown prophet. It was because Huang Rong took the initiative to bring it up to him.

You should know that this matter has always seemed to be a taboo between the two of them. He would change his color immediately when he mentioned Huang Rong, let alone she took the initiative to bring it up.

Huang Rong paused and continued: "One son and one daughter."

Song Qingshu hesitated and asked tentatively, "Have you taken the name?"

Without surprising him, Huang Rong would naturally not be able to say anything waiting for you to choose a name: "I have already taken it. My sister is Guo Xiang, and my brother is Guo Polu. It is intended to guard Xiangyang to drive out the Tartars."

"Good name!" Song Qingshu sighed secretly. He didn't expect that he still couldn't hold back the wheel of history. When the other party said the name, he deliberately said the last name, obviously emphasizing the identity of the two.

"They are still so young, are they really okay on Peach Blossom Island?" Song Qingshu didn't ask hardly who their father was. There was no need to put the other party into an embarrassing situation. Anyway, they can only be surnamed Guo, and Huang Rong will only let him go. Their surname is Guo.

"I can't help it. I guessed what Dad was going to do. I had to stop it. Brother Jing is still alive and dead. I have to come out to investigate his whereabouts. It is inconvenient to bring them both, so I can only leave them in Taohua. On the island," Huang Rong's face was a little apologetic, "Fortunately, Junior Sister Cheng is a meticulous person. I can rest assured that she will take care of her."

Song Qingshu was puzzled, and subconsciously said, "But after all, Cheng Ying is a girl Yunying has not married. Xianger and Polu want to drink milk."

Huang Rong's face flushed, and she gave him an angry look: "There have been a few wet nurses on Peach Blossom Island."

"It turned out to be like this," Song Qingshu smiled, his eyes suddenly fell on her bulging chest, and he hesitated and asked, "Would you not get very high after leaving home for so long without breastfeeding?"

Huang Rong's face turned red in an instant, and she said with a cold voice, "Also please Wang Qi to respect himself!"

"I'm wrong," Song Qingshu spread his hands. He really didn't mean to molest him this time. "It's just that I met a friend before. She also accidentally separated from the child after giving birth and couldn't breastfeed normally, which caused blockage of the breasts. As a result, The high fever does not go away, almost life-threatening."

In his mind, he first came to the city of Shengjing to pretend to be a doctor and go to the palace to see Ma Chunhua. Then he thought of Jin Bo Xunhua hiding on the Wanjia boat. Qi Fang had just given birth to a child, and he was swollen every day. The uncomfortable needs to be squeezed out manually...

Thinking that he was able to save his life at the beginning, thanks to the Wanjia grandmother, Song Qingshu had to sigh the wonder of fate. When he thought of the original method of detoxification, he suddenly became a little hot.

Noting his expression, Huang Rong said angrily: "You must be full of nasty thoughts in your mind now."

Song Qingshu hurriedly explained: "I'm just thinking about you... Uh, no, I'm just worried about Madam's body."

"Don't bother King Qi," Huang Rong was ashamed and annoyed. He didn't know if he was too excited to cause shortness of breath or something. Her chest was a little trembling. I also know about it."

"It's a coincidence, it's just a coincidence." Song Qingshu said slyly. It is a foolish thing to tell a woman how much she knows women.

Huang Rong took a deep breath and calmed down: "Today, there are so many people in the mansion that I have been seen with the lonely man and widow of Qi Wang. There are so many people.

If there is any inconvenience, my concubine bids farewell. "

"Hey," Song Qingshu stretched out his hand to pull him subconsciously, "Don't worry about this lady, if someone approaches, I can detect it in advance with my skill."

Huang Rong turned her head and took a deep look at him: "Wang Qi Wang insists that I speak so clearly? This is just an excuse that I don't want to stay with you."

Song Qingshu was stunned, and Huang Rong took the opportunity to leave, leaving only the faint sweet fragrance in the air.

Besides, Huang Rong quickly returned to her room, closed the door with her backhand, and leaned her back against the door, just like that.

"I'm going to die, why take the initiative to talk to him about Xiang'er and Polu?" Huang Rong didn't look in the mirror, and knew that his face must be red at this time.

After a long time, the undulating chest gradually calmed down. After running around for several days, she was already very tired. She had washed up before and planned to go to bed. Only when she heard her daughter went to find Song Qingshu, she couldn’t help going out. Now she’s back. I couldn't help being sleepy anymore, so I went straight to the bed.

I don't know why, she was obviously very tired, but she just couldn't sleep, she tossed and turned on the bed for a long time, then suddenly sat up, resting her chest with her hands, frowning her brows slightly: "It seems to be a little uncomfortable, is it true that he said it?"

Although she is a person here, when Guo Fu was born, she was the most leisurely day on Taohua Island. On weekdays, she was with her children, and she fed them by herself. Fuer's girl is also very edible, so she has never experienced it. The pain of rising milk, but this time Xianger and Polu left Peach Blossom Island not long after they were born. She did feel rising a few days ago, but at that time she was more concerned about the safety of her father, so she didn’t take it to heart. Go, when I calmed down, I suddenly realized the problem.

"Bah~" Suddenly she took a sip, "He knows what a man knows." After that, she turned over and went back to sleep.

It’s no wonder that she thinks this way. The literacy rate in this world is not high, let alone the knowledge of physical health. Coupled with the strict ethics in the Southern Song Dynasty, men are even more ignorant of women’s matters, even if they get married. Where to go, so she didn't believe Song Qingshu really knew anything, only that he was deliberately teasing herself.

Let's say Song Qingshu sighed to Yuechang in the back garden alone. Knowing that it had been too long, and that it was not good to neglect the group of officials, he returned to the banquet.

This time he changed his mentality. The banquet focused on Xiang Shibi, Gundam, and others. Although there are many confidantes around him, there is a shortage of men who can be used. He has always had a headache.

However, the exchanges with Zhao Min and the words with Dongfang Muxue made him think clearly.

He has always tended to cultivate his confidants himself and make them usable from scratch, but the two women have told him that there is no need to cultivate confidants personally, and sometimes only proper promotion is enough.

In the officialdom, as long as you are promoted, that person will be branded with you. Everyone will think that he is a member of your faction. As long as that person doesn't eat inside and out, he can use it boldly.

This saves the time for personal training and can use the finished product directly.

Zhao Min and Dongfang Muxue used Mongolia and Manchu as examples respectively to tell how they have become more and more powerful over the years. In fact, there are not many natives in the two countries themselves. At least compared with other ethnic groups, the number is far short, but They are all good at absorbing talents from all races.

Mongolia and Manchu,

They are all very preferential treatment, and rewards and punishments are distinct. Don’t underestimate these simple words. Since ancient times, there are very few who can do this. Most of them are at the beginning of the establishment of the dynasty. In the middle and late dynasties, it is Reward is punishment, it’s not right for people at all. There are people above you, even if you have defeated one after another, you can keep getting rewards. No one above you, and sometimes you will be beheaded by an inexplicable reason if you win a battle. . Even if the rewards are sealed, layer by layer is held in the hands of the real grassroots, can they still keep one of the ten?

And don’t talk about awards, it’s just an earnest military salary, who can receive their due share on time and in full, is there?

Du Chong from the Southern Song Dynasty is the best example. It can be said to be a idiot. After taking office, Zongze has worked hard for many years to make a positive situation in the Central Plains. He has lost all his previous efforts and defeated one after another and opened up the Yellow River. This has led to the displacement of thousands of people, the loss of their teachers, and their retreat to the edge of the Yangtze River. But with this kind of resume, his official position has become bigger and bigger. How do you make those middle and lower-level military officers and ordinary people think about this kind of reward and punishment system? Where can there be any fighting power?

In history, many officers and soldiers collapsed on the battlefield at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. Later, they had no choice but to surrender to Mongolia and Manchu. However, sheep were transformed into tigers one by one, and their fighting power soared.

Those same people, why have they changed so much before and after? Without him, rewards and punishments are clear.

Of course, no one was aware of these things in the Ming Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty. It is a pity that the dynasty was too big, and the interests of all parties were disjointed and affected the whole body. The lessons learned from the reforms are also sufficient.

Song Qingshu didn't think he was smarter than these people, but he stood on the shoulders of giants and knew many lessons in advance.

After a fight for alcohol, Song Qingshu became familiar with these people. When the banquet dissipated, he was already seven to eight drunk. Despite his skill, he could almost be said that he was not drunk, but if the wine was drunk What's the meaning of life without being drunk, so when he usually drinks, he often doesn't use internal force to dissolve alcohol.

Not long after returning to the room to sleep, suddenly there was an urgent knock on the door outside: "Big Brother Song, Brother Song!"

"Miss Guo, what's the matter?" Song Qingshu lay on the bed, and replied lazily. If a young girl was born so beautifully, and if he came to find himself in the middle of the night, he would definitely be happy, maybe even more. A few tricks, but it's a pity that the other party's identity is too embarrassing, and he doesn't want to make any mistakes, so it's better to suppress the signs from the beginning.

"Brother Song, I haven't seen my mother for a long time and wanted to talk to her, but found that she seemed to be sick, she was very hot and she was talking nonsense from time to time, and Daddy was not at home. There were strange guards everywhere else. I didn't know who to look for in the middle of the night, so I came to your side." Guo Fu's voice was full of panic, and there was a hint of crying faintly.

As soon as she finished speaking, Song Qingshu had already opened the door from the inside: "Madam is sick? Wasn't it all right just now?"

"I don't know." Guo Fu looked at a loss, "I always say that the illness is like a mountain, is it really the case."

"Take me to see." Song Qingshu hurriedly walked out. After walking for a while, he suddenly thought of something and asked, "What nonsense is your mother talking about?"

"She said I'm sorry for my father or something, and I don't understand what it means." Guo Fu blinked, his jewel-like eyes filled with puzzlement.

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