Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2078: Third pass

Xue Baochai couldn't help but asked in confusion: "Baoyu, do you know that oiran?"

The woman in the yellow shirt pretended not to care, but actually quietly pricked her ears.

Song Qingshu shook his head blankly: "I don't know him." He recalled that whether it was his original identity or the other identities after changing his face, he had never seen this oiran. He was very confident in his memory. He was not a scumbag like Duan Zhengchun, who saw Ye Erniang at the Shaolin Temple Conference, and he was not sure if he had ever had a relationship with her.

"Then why did she help you?" Xue Baochai looked suspicious, knowing that the poem written by the other party just didn't make sense, but the oiran changed it at will. It was a good poem.

"Maybe you think I'm handsome?" Song Qingshu shrugged, and I didn't want to do this.

Xue Pan laughed and put his arms around his shoulders and said, "Baoyu, it's been a long time since I saw you, I found you are getting shameless, and I'm almost catching up with my brother and me."

Xue Baochai rolled his eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to these two weird flowers.

"Is there anyone else made by the son?" The maid asked, glanced around.

The noise in the field suddenly became quieter. Although the Song Dynasty is prosperous, there are so many writers in a remote town, even in the city of Lin'an. In a short period of time, there may not be many talents who can make poems that fit the topic.

Just when everyone thought it was about to end, Xue Baochai stood up: "I happen to have one here too."

Song Qingshu and Xue Pan at the same table were taken aback, and Xue Pan even whispered: "Are you crazy?"

Xue Baochai snorted and said dissatisfied: "Why, if you can go, I can't go?"

"Aren't you fooling around, we are men, and you are women, can this be the same?" Xue Pan was really anxious, and worried about his sister's reputation, "In such a place, you go to a girl's house, how can it be? System?"

Xue Baochai shook his head: "Anyway, no one knows that I am a female. Do you have to shout loudly to let everyone know?"

Hearing her saying this, Xue Pan didn't dare to say anything anymore, for fear of being heard by others.

At this time, the maid took Xue Baochai’s paper and read: “Under the bead curtain, burn incense and go to the divination, and ask the heavens, who is Nong’s people, and I hate Wanglang without any sincerity. I can’t stop, I just put my mouth on it. The essay’s friendship is not bad, and it’s hard to say a clean vernacular when it’s stained with soap. A pair of good mandarin ducks are clearly cut off by a knife, and the slaves are exhausted and exhausted.

Song Qingshu glanced at Xue Baochai unexpectedly: "The words she wrote are so graceful and resentful, and the powdery gas is so strong, maybe someone with a heart can see that he is disguised as a man."

As soon as this song came out, the audience was quiet for a while, and soon someone raised questions:

"This article doesn't seem to come as required, right?"

"Yes, there is no one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, ninety?"


In the face of everyone's accusations, Xue Baochai curled his lips, disdain to explain. After thinking about it, Song Qingshu decided to come out and help her to cheer, or let her explain it by herself, which is really a bit obscure: "Ahem, what do you know, this is the integration of numbers into the poems in the form of word guessing, for example, as follows When the bead curtain burns the incense to divination, the divination is one if the divination is removed; if you ask the heavens, who is the person of Nong, the one is two if the person is removed from the sky; and so on..."

Hearing his explanation, everyone suddenly admired Xue Baochai for his brilliant writing.

Xue Baochai glanced at Song Qingshu somewhat unexpectedly, thinking that Baoyu was really smart, and it seemed that he just didn't like reading before.

The girl in the yellow shirt couldn't help but stared at him for a few moments. Song Qingshu smiled slightly, thinking that she was not familiar with these ancient poems, but this kind of guessing game was still played in later generations.

"The son is really talented." The maid stared at Xue Baochai in admiration. It was obvious that her beauty made the little girl a little confused. It took a long time to look back, and looked at the audience with a blushing face, "Is there anyone else? "

"In that case, let me follow the example here." The woman in the yellow shirt said lightly.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but look sideways, wondering how even she was involved. If the two women finally embraced the oiran, how would the women end up in bed?

Soon the maid read the poem written by the girl in the yellow shirt: "Come downstairs, money is falling; ask the sky, where is the person? I hate the king and sun, I have been there; I am a bad friend, it is difficult to stay. I regret that I made a mistake. Mouth, there are surrenders, but no surrenders. Why do you need to ask if you are indiscriminate? Separate without using a knife. From now on, don’t rely on your enemies, and throw away thousands of lovesickness.

She used a technique similar to Xue Baochai's, but she was puzzled just now, and the people around her understood it this time.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but glance at the woman in the yellow shirt. What she said here, how did she feel that she was describing the things that happened with her, did she really become an enemy?

The maid’s eyes lit up, and it was obvious that the beauty of the woman in the yellow shirt also left a deep impression on her: "The young man is a talent!"

After the statistics of the red sleeve tricks, the people who had just passed the two levels were invited to the second floor. Xue Pan looked around with excitement. In contrast, Song Qingshu was much calmer. Xue Baochai beside him looked a little dignified. What happened, secretly examining the surrounding environment. The girl in the yellow shirt still had that cold and frosty expression, as if nothing could arouse her interest, but it was right to think about it. With her martial arts, such a remote town, even if there is any danger, it can't hurt her.

Soon several people were led into an elegant room. The room was quite spacious. Nearly ten people did not feel crowded. Soon a slim figure walked out slowly from behind the screen: "Let the princes wait a long time," Yuyan is rude."

"Hua, everyone is polite."

"Girl Yuyan is serious."

"Just now I didn't think that the girl is truly stunning in the world if I appreciate it so close now."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Just now I thought Girl Yuyan looked like an overwhelming country."


A group of people were extremely excited. Among them, Xue Pan was the most active, but the Lu brothers barely lost their temper. After all, they had often seen Huang Rong and Guo Fu in Xiangyang before, and they had a certain degree of determination.

Only Song Qingshu, Huangshan Girl and Xue Baochai are the only ones who are the most calm in the field. The other two are women, so naturally they will not be obsessed with sex. Song Qingshu's current vision and determination are naturally far from ordinary people.

The beauty of the other party did not ripple in his heart, but secretly thought: This oiran seems to be able to martial arts, and it is not low, it is interesting.

Hua Yuyan looked at everyone's reaction and smiled slightly: "Green willow serves tea."

"Yes." The pretty **** the side began to serve tea to everyone.

Xue Pan replied instinctively: "It's all here, how can we be in the mood to drink tea, Yuyan girl hurry up and make a debut, how can we compare the third level?"

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