Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2082: peep

Song Qingshu frowned, how could this be possible!

With his skill, it is impossible to count wrongly, and he is very sure that these petals are 1024 pieces.

Xue Baochai looked at his brother incredulously: "You got the correct answer? How many pieces did you write?"

"That's, your brother is a lucky star, and he has the blessings of the gods and Buddhas," Xue Pan was so proud at this time, only a tail was up to the sky, "I just wrote casually, it seems that I wrote more than 800. , I didn't expect it to be hit."

Xue Baochai couldn't help but yelled: "Too ashamed to talk nonsense, don't blaspheme God and Buddha."

Hearing the conversation between the two of them, Song Qingshu's heart was as bright as a mirror. At first he wondered if he had missed or missed a few pieces, but when he heard Xue Pan's answer, there were only more than 800 pieces, which is absolutely impossible.

But Oiran said that was the correct answer, and Song Qingshu quickly understood that the other party was operating in a dark box. In fact, he was qualified to come here just now, and the other party made some tricks on his poems.

I originally thought that the other party was coming at Jia Baoyu, but now it seems that he is really coming at Xue Pan?

Why on earth?

Song Qingshu's heart became more and more confused.

The other princes didn't think so much. Seeing that the oiran finally chose Xue Pan, they all persuaded her to think twice, and even confessed his nickname as a dumb king.

Where did Xue Pan endure such anger, he immediately jumped up and fought with the man. The rest of the people were not worried about Xue Pan's embrace of the beautiful woman, so they pretended to persuade each other on the surface, but they actually hugged each other. With Xue Pan's hands and feet, he couldn't use it, so he could only be beaten from start to finish.

When Xue Baochai saw this, she naturally wanted to help, but she was a woman, and she was a little bit resistant to having physical contact with men. In addition, these were all aristocratic princes in the capital, each of them had extraordinary family backgrounds. The Xue family made enemies out of thin air.

The woman in the yellow shirt on the side embraced her chest with her arms around her chest. She looked like she was watching a play. She was obviously not ready to intervene. Xue Baochai had no choice but to ask Song Qingshu for help: "Baoyu, come and help."

Listening to her always reserved and dignified, her voice was full of panic. Song Qingshu couldn't stand idly by, not to mention that Xue Pan treated him well along the way, so naturally she couldn't look at him at a loss.

However, he was not interested in fighting with these dudes, and directly grabbed a teapot and threw it into the crowd.


The teapot hit the head of the person who was fighting with Xue Pan, and the tea splashed on everyone. Those people hurriedly released Xue Pan and hurriedly arranged their clothes.

Master Lu shouted: "Jia Baoyu, what are you going crazy!"

Listening to him calling his name directly, Song Qingshu thought that the Lu family was really going to break with the Jia family: "I'm going to ask you why you are crazy. Everyone is from the capital, and you can't see you when you look up, and this trip There is a heavy responsibility to go west, but now I am jealous for a woman in a brothel, and are still fighting? How will the court's face be saved? If today's matter spreads to Lin'an city, what do you think of the consequences?"

Everyone was dumbfounded by his robbing, and someone suddenly thought that your surname Jia is also a **** on weekdays. Now, what kind of big-tailed wolf pretends to be righteous?

Just about to refute, Xue Baochai had already pulled out the long sword in his waist, and said coldly: "The court has sent me to take care of everyone's safety along the way. If someone makes trouble, don't blame me for being polite."

Seeing the bright sword, these talents realized that they were from the mysterious and cold-blooded Imperial City Division, and gradually calmed down one by one.

Seeing this, Hua Yuyan hurriedly came out to ease the atmosphere: "It's all concubine's bad health, which makes you discourage you. Let's do this. Today, all the sons are free, and my sisters will accompany you all the sons well."

Only then did those princes look better, and one by one apologized to her.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly. Before these people came up, everyone paid five hundred taels. How much money could the rest of the drinks cost? As for the girls to accompany them for free, these brothers wanted to save face one by one. How could they really let them do it in vain? When the time comes, the tip will not know how much they will reward.

Xue Baochai hurriedly said, "You don't need to arrange a girl for me, I don't need it."

"Oh?" Hua Yuyan glanced at him with a smile, and the other sons also looked at her with weird eyes.

Xue Baochai hurriedly explained: "I want to be responsible for everyone's safety and not be distracted."

The others were relieved and thanked her one after another.

The woman in the yellow shirt also said coldly: "I don't need it either."

Those princes whispered after hearing this:

"This little white face is not a good girl, isn't it the Rabbit?"

"But everyone went to him before and didn't see any reaction from him."

"I don't like you guys. I mostly like Jia Baoyu's goods. Don't even mention it. The jade powder makeup is really a good skin."

"It makes sense. He doesn't care about anyone, but sits at the same table with Jia Baoyu."


Song Qingshu almost didn't laugh. With the skill of the girl in the yellow shirt, he could naturally hear these murmurs, and his face was freezing cold.

He couldn't help adding fuel to the fire and said: "I don't need a girl to accompany me. I will put them in the same room later, so that the red sleeves will not cost money." He said, pointing to the yellow shirt woman. Xue Baochai.

The other princes looked at each other one after another, with such an expression as expected.

"Get out!" The woman in the yellow shirt was also very direct, and she rushed away after she answered him.

Xue Baochai glared at him with a blushing face: "Baoyu, don't mess around."

In the end, the wish was naturally not fulfilled. Xue Baochai and him were alone. As for the girl in the yellow shirt, she was nowhere to be seen. I don’t know if she went back to the inn or went elsewhere to relax. The other boys, one by one, returned to the room with their arms around the young and beautiful girls. .

The happiest thing was Xue Pan, who followed Hua Yuyan back to her room, and her saliva almost fell to the ground along the way.

Song Qingshu took an opportunity and said to Xue Baochai: "I think you'd better go and see your brother to avoid anything."

Xue Baochai was startled and couldn't help asking: "Do you think there is a problem with this oiran too?" She knew the virtues of her brother. With so many Toshihikos left, the oiran chose the most sloppy one, which is no problem.

Song Qingshu rolled his eyes and said, "You can see it, and you still leave your brother alone with her?"

Xue Baochai's face suddenly appeared embarrassed: "What if we think too much about one thing, if they are in the room...doing...doing things that are difficult, I've bumped into how decent they are in the past!"

"Uh, Sister Bao, you are from the Imperial City Division. Haven't seen this kind of thing?" Song Qingshu looked at her in surprise.

Xue Baochai's face blushed: "No, you accompany me over."

Song Qingshu immediately shook his head: "I don't know how to martial arts. I'm clumsy. I used to be easily spotted."

Xue Baochai grabbed his hand: "I will take you over!"

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