Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2084: Proud killer

Hua Yuyan said proudly: "I am the daughter of Shuiyue Dazong!" When Shuiyue Dazong was mentioned, her tone was full of reverence, and she was obviously quite proud of her identity.

"Shuiyue Dazong?" A trace of confusion flashed in Xue Baochai's eyes, and then he was surprised, "Are you from Dongying?" If you change to someone from the Southern Song Dynasty, I'm afraid that you probably haven't heard of the name of Wateryue Dazong, but she is the Imperial City Division. The person who was originally responsible for the intelligence of the Southern Song Dynasty had naturally heard of the top experts around Temujin.

"Why do Shuiyue people appear here?" Suddenly a voice came from behind him.

Feng Nu looked back abruptly, and she was secretly relieved when she discovered that it was Jia Baoyu. She was also a little strange. She just clearly saw him here, but why always accidentally forget that there is someone else here?

Song Qingshu was in a bad mood at this time. It was not the first time he heard the name Shuiyue Dazong. The last time he was in Xiangyang, Huang Rong was taken away by his servant Lin and given that kind of shameless medicine.

Although to a certain extent, I would also like to thank him for the medicine... But this is not the point, the point is that Lin Shi's actions are too despicable.

Now Feng Nu is also here to play these conspiracies and tricks, isn't it all under the Shuiyue sect?

Seeing that it was Jia Baoyu, Feng Nu relieved her heart. According to the information, he did not know martial arts, and he had been in close contact before and could not feel the slightest internal force fluctuation from the opponent.

"Our master invites all the princes to be guests north, so I was sent to greet her." Fengnv replied with a smile. Now the situation is set, and she doesn't mind enjoying the leisure of the winner.

Song Qingshu frowned, and then it became clear: "It turns out that Xu Liewu is so unconfident that he sent his subordinates to get rid of other competitors first."

Feng Nu had a look of fear, and hurriedly said: "Of course not, the prince Tianzong, a wise talent, and a wise martial artist, where are you dudes who are his opponents."

Song Qingshu couldn't help wondering her attitude: "Listen to you, it seems to be afraid of him?"

Feng's face changed, and she said solemnly: "The prince is invincible, and the subordinates of us are convinced, and our tone will naturally be respectful."

Song Qingshu nodded: "Understood, I want to come here with Xu Liewu's pride and disdain to do such a thing, it should be Shuiyue Dazong arbitrarily call the shots, send you to deal with other candidates, and sell Xu Liewu a good one."

Seeing him talk freely, without showing any fear, Feng Nu couldn't help being very annoyed: "Why do you have so many questions? To be clear about your situation, you are now my prisoner!"

Xue Baochai couldn't help looking at him with a worried look, for fear that he would provoke Feng Nu to become angry.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Just now you clearly said that you invited us to be a guest, but now you have revealed your true colors."

"You talk too much," Feng Nv said with a sullen face, approaching her with a knife, "it's better to tie it up."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "I'm so calm, don't you wonder where my confidence comes from?"

"Where do you come from?" Feng Nu tightened the knife in her hand, she actually wanted to ask this question a long time ago.

Song Qingshu suddenly sighed for a long time: "If you don't come out again, I will be killed by this angry woman."

As soon as his voice fell, the window of the room was slammed open, and a figure rushed in, but the sword light was faster than the figure, a sword overflowing with cold light!

The sword light flew, "Swipe", and three swords were pierced in an instant.

These three swords are not only urgent and fast, and the stabbing parts are all the key points of Feng's girl. His swordsmanship may not be regarded as the ultimate, but the shots are fierce and vicious. Few people in the world can match it. His eyes are There was also a cruel, beast-like blue light flashing, as if his greatest hobby in his life was killing, and his purpose of survival was only to kill.

His posture of swinging the sword is also very peculiar. From the elbow above, it seems that he hasn't moved. He just stabs the sword out with the strength of his wrist. When it's not necessary, he never wants to spend more energy.

Feng Nu exclaimed, her body was shielded by two long and one short Japanese swords in her hands.

Song Qingshu looked at it and nodded secretly. This Shuiyue Dazong is worthy of being the number one master of Dongying, and the disciples under the seat are so demeanor of everyone.

It's just that her first opportunity has been lost, and the sword of Zhongyuan Shihong is too fast and too cruel, she has avoided the seven swords, but the eighth sword can no longer escape.

A blood flower bloomed on her chest, Feng Nu screamed, her wrist raised, and several cold stars shot at Song Qingshu who was on the side.

Zhongyuan frowned a little red brow, obviously after a great struggle in his heart, he just turned his sword back in front of Song Qingshu, and lowered a few cold lights one by one.

Feng Nu took this opportunity to throw a smoke bomb, and quietly escaped when the room was filled with smoke and a little red of Zhongyuan's sight was blocked.

Song Qingshu was able to keep her naturally, but he didn't make a move, and there was no need to expose himself for this.

When the smoke in the house cleared, Zhongyuan Yihong stared at the hidden weapons on the sword, and sighed with regret: "It really is not interesting to save people."

Song Qingshu knew his subtext, if it weren't for saving him, she would never have given Feng Nu a chance to escape, she couldn't help but smiled: "Then a charming little beauty, are you willing to kill?"

Zhongyuan Yihong licked her lips, and there was a glimmer of excitement in her eyes: "She is a master, and the master is more pleasant to kill."

Song Qingshu was speechless for a while, this person is really a pervert: "It's just that her master is Shuiyue Dazong, you can't beat it."

Zhongyuan Yihong frowned: "I heard that Shuiyue Dazong is the best master of the East, and the Shuiyue sword technique is unpredictable. I am a little curious, whether it is his sword speed or mine.

Song Qingshu couldn't help wondering: "You know Shuiyue Dazong? Are you so clear about his martial arts skills?"

Zhongyuan Yidian proudly said: "As a killer, it is natural to investigate well-known masters in the world in advance, so as not to encounter the target one day and have no way to start."

"Oh?" Song Qingshu suddenly became curious, "Are you going to pick it up no matter which master it is?"

Zhongyuan's red eyes bloomed with a group of brilliant lights: "The higher the martial arts, the more interested I am."

Song Qingshu became more curious: "If there is a task for you to assassinate Song Qingshu, where do you plan to start?"

Zhongyuan Yihong's breath was suffocated for an instant, and after a long time he muttered, "I won't accept the task of assassinating him."

"Why?" Xue Baochai couldn't help asking.

Zhongyuan Yihong replied: "I can't beat him."

"Huh?" Xue Baochai did not expect such a sincere answer.

Her attitude was a bit stinging to Zhongyuan Yihong’s self-esteem, which made him feel a little embarrassed and angry: "If Song Qingshu is so easy to kill, those big people will not be so troubled. I am a killer, not a fool, knowing the mission of killing Take it?" After speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared out of the window.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile, smiling extremely happily.

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