Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2086: Ask for

The group of golden cavalry is a large individual, and there is a sturdy aura on his body. Although they are only dozens of horses, they seem to have an aura of thousands of horses standing together, shocking the people around them to avoid it.

The woman in the yellow shirt sighed and murmured to herself: "It's no wonder that the imperial court and the Kingdom of Jin have been defeated repeatedly.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly. Looking at the attire of these knights, the loyal army he had selected and established in recent years was naturally much higher than that of ordinary knights.

Xue Pan was relatively heartless, and quietly pushed Xue Baochai: "Sister, that little white face looks whiter and tenderer than you."

Xue Baochai looked speechless: "People disguise themselves as men." She was born in Huangchengsi, how could she not see this.

"Women pretend to be men?" Xue Pan's eyes flashed in an instant, "Men's clothes are so handsome, but women's clothes are so good? But why do you think it looks familiar?"

Xue Baochai sipped: "You, do you feel familiar when you see beautiful ones?"

Song Qingshu secretly laughed, thinking that Xue Baochai had blamed her brother this time. Of course, Xue Pan looked familiar with her, because he had met her in the outer building in Lin'an. At first, Xue Pan was moved by seeing her beauty. Xin, I don't know how to rush to the hero to save the beauty, but was kicked flying by the two elders Xuan Ming.

This handsome young man is amazingly complete. She inherited the beauty of her mother, even being blue and blue. In the past two years, she has become more and more watery, even after dressing up as a men's clothing, she is still enough to make people fascinated.

"I don't want Princess Xixia anymore. This woman is soft and gentle, so she must be very comfortable to hold." Xue Pan almost slobbered out.

Xue Baochai hurriedly pulled his sleeves: "Speak down, the Kingdom of Gold is a country of tigers and wolves, but it's not easy to provoke." She shouldered the safety issues of this group of people during her trip, but she didn't want to make extravagances.

It's a pity that I'm afraid of something. The little prince of Jin Kingdom seemed to hear Xue Pan's voice, and his face suddenly became cold: "Give me your mouth!"

The two knights directly threw their whips and drew them toward Xue Pan's face. They were extremely skilled in their movements, and their wrist strength was extremely amazing. Listening to the stern sound of the whip breaking through the air, if it is compacted, there are probably not a few teeth left in a mouth. Up.

When Xue Pan saw the other party's disagreement, he shot. He was frightened and couldn't react at all. Fortunately, Xue Baochai was next to him, swinging his sword to stop the two whips.

"Your move is too harsh, right?" Xue Baochai did not look at the two knights, but directly stared at Wanyan Chongjie.

Wan Yan Chongjie said coldly: "Since he can't control his own mouth, don't blame others for him."

"Too unreasonable."

"Sure enough, it is the country of barbarians!"

"He looks pretty, but it's a pity that his heart is as poisonous as a snake and scorpion."


After the changes in Jingkang, the two countries have feuds, and they have been at war over the years. Therefore, the domestic anti-gold sentiment is high. This group of elder brothers are used to the situation in China. How can they bear such things? , So they scolded one by one.

Xue Baochai frowned, she couldn't stop the matter now.

The woman in the yellow shirt has a frosty face. The Huanyiyuan didn't know how many sisters and relatives she imprisoned, so she naturally hated the golden man.

"Noisy!" Wan Yan Zhongjie's expression was impatient, and the group of knights under his team opened their bows and arrows one by one, aiming at the Southern Song group.

The people of the Imperial City Division immediately took out the god-arm bow and confronted them. Although the golden man rode and shoots powerfully, he is not as good as the Southern Song Dynasty in terms of bow and arrow.

After Wanyan renewed the festival, Dai's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and he secretly regretted it. It was too big. If they shot at such a close distance, they would not benefit at all, and they lost the mobility and impact of the cavalry.

When the two sides were in a stalemate, suddenly a violent sound of zither sounded.

Everyone was startled, who is playing here?

Xue Baochai is proficient in rhythm, knowing that Qin Zheng's tone is sour and agitated, but this voice is more stern than ordinary Guzheng, and every sound of this Zheng sound seems to be consistent with her heartbeat. The iron zheng rang and her heart beat. The faster the zheng sound, her heartbeat gradually intensified, and her chest was throbbing, which was extremely uncomfortable.

When I listened for a little more time, a heart seemed to jump out of his cavity, and he was shocked: "If he is anxious about the sound of the Zheng, wouldn't I want to cause him to beat his heart to death?"

Looking at other people, I found that the good hands of the Imperial City Division looked painful one by one, and they could no longer hold the arch of the gods in their hands. As for those young men, they were even more unbearable, their complexions flushed, as if bleeding were bleeding. The only thing that can be done is to cover their ears, but the sound still permeates their minds.

Song Qingshu's heart moved and looked at an old man in white clothes in the Jin Guo team. Ouyang Feng is naturally the one who has this skill in playing the iron zither. It seems that he really treats Wanyan Chongjie as his granddaughter. Will accompany her to make mischief for thousands of miles.

Suddenly there was a scream, everyone only felt that their hearts lightened, a figure had already attacked Ouyang Feng.

"Huh?" Seeing the opponent's figure is weird and quick, Ouyang Feng didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly put down the Tiezheng, and in a flash, he already fought several moves.

The zheng no longer sounded, and the people on the Southern Song side were relieved one by one, as if they were all caught out of the hot water, sweating all over.

"I didn't expect this martial arts surnamed Yang to be so good." Xue Pan panted heavily, looked at two figures in the distance, and sighed at his sister.

Xue Baochai is in much better condition, and he replied: "Her martial arts are naturally excellent, so I told you not to provoke her before, you still didn't listen."

"Don't dare, don't dare." Xue Pan hurriedly shook his head.

"The old man in white should be Ouyang Feng, I don't know if she will have a problem." Although Xue Baochai's martial arts is not the top level, he was born in Huangchengsi, and at the same time he was thoughtful and his eyesight was first-class, and he quickly recognized After losing the enemy’s identity, I couldn’t help worrying.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Song Qingshu said comfortingly. Although the Huangshan girl was a bit weak on Wudang Mountain before, it was because she was facing a life-and-death struggle with great masters, and it was naturally difficult for her to intervene.

However, with her martial arts, the Lion Tumen Festival easily intervened in the battle between Zhang Wuji and Shaolin Sandu, and Zhou Zhiruo, who had a quick victory over the heroes, also separated Zhang Sanfeng and the sweeping monk. Of course, the two of them had stopped. meaning.

Therefore, the yellow jersey may not have as much combat experience as Ouyang Feng, but her strength has almost reached the level of Wujue, so self-protection is naturally no problem.

After a dozen more moves, Ouyang Feng suddenly took the initiative to jump out of the ring, waved his hand and said, "If you don't fight, you won't fight."

"Why?" The woman in the yellow shirt knew that the other party couldn't beat herself. Thinking of his reputation for Western poison, she couldn't figure out why he would keep his hand.

"You are Song Xiaozi’s woman, I don’t want him to settle the account with me in the future." Ouyang Feng curled his lips, and with his eyesight, he could naturally see that a woman in a yellow shirt disguised herself as a man. The two had met in the battle of Wudang Mountain. After fighting a few strokes, he recognized it.

"What nonsense!" The woman in the yellow shirt flushed with a flush.

"Brother Song's woman?" Wanyan Zhongjie looked at her up and down when he heard the words, "It's kind of charming, no wonder it's no wonder."

When a little sister said so, the girl in the yellow shirt almost fainted out of breath.

"But the death penalty is inevitable and the living sin cannot escape," Wanyan Zhongjie suddenly turned and pointed to Song Qingshu on the side, "Give us the surname Jia, I can consider letting you make a living."

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