Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2091: Siege

She is wearing a wide-sleeved and broad-sleeved robe, the jade belt is windy, and her jet-black hair is lined with snowy white clothing.

"There is such a stunning beauty in the world!" Xue Pan stood up instinctively, swallowing his saliva uncontrollably, and his throat slid for a while.

Xue Baochai gave his brother a disgusting look, but he also admitted that what he said was really reasonable. The beautiful eyes of the woman at the door were like two bright stars hanging in the dark night sky, full of moisture and atmosphere, quiet and pleasant. , So that all viewers think of her not only has a beautiful connotation, but also a gentle and affectionate personality.

She stands so graceful and pretty, enough to fascinate the people of the world, make life lingering, tactfully Yiyi's ecstasy feeling, but she has a dignified appearance, the most touching thing is that she provokes love and pity from her gorgeous outline and from her bones. The charming temperament does not let people connect with any words such as Feng-Sao and coquettish.

Not to mention Xue Pan, the Lu brothers, who have better concentration, also straightened their eyes. The other men were even more unbearable, and even the people on the Jin State side showed lustful expressions.

Song Qingshu frowned slightly. In fact, in terms of appearance, she may not be better than Wanyan Chongjie, the Yellow Shirt Girl, and Xue Baochai, but the lethality of standing there against men is incomparable to the three women combined.

"The little girl has seen you all." The woman pursed her lips and saluted everyone. With a frown and a smile, they both teach people to feel pity, and they can't wait to embed her beautiful jade body into her arms, love and pity.

The men in the room flushed red, their heartbeats speeded up, and their breathing became a lot heavier, as if they had managed to suppress their inner impulses.

This woman is not easy!

Song Qingshu soon noticed the strangeness. This woman is capable of fascination, and she is the most brilliant fascination. If it weren't for his cultivation knowledge far beyond ordinary people, I'm afraid he would have been caught off guard.

"My sister is still wandering the street so late, aren't you afraid of encountering bad guys?" Song Qingshu stepped forward, blocking the woman's body, intercepting the eyes of others, and Xue Pan and others were a little more sober.

The woman glanced at him unexpectedly and laughed softly: "Is the son a bad person?"

"Of course I am a bad guy, and I am the kind of big bad guy who specializes in plucking flowers." Song Qingshu smiled evilly.

The woman's expression was stagnant, thinking that when an average man sees herself, who doesn't act politely and strive for her favor, why don't you play cards according to common sense?

However, she reacted quickly: "The son is joking. I don't know how many women's deep-bowed dreamers are like a handsome character like the son. I can't cope with it. Where can I go to pick flowers."

"My sister's little mouth is really sweet." Song Qingshu looked shy and embarrassed.

"The son is really humorous." The woman was smiling, and the more doubts in her heart, why this person does not look like she is charming.

A group of people on the side looked at the two chatting with weird faces. Ouyang Feng finally couldn't see it. He coughed and asked, "What is the so-called girl here this time?" From his insight, he naturally saw it. This woman has some problems.

The woman replied: "Your friends are resting in a small temple ten miles away. Everything is fine. I specifically asked me to come over and let you know, please go there."

Hearing what she said, even those who were obsessed with her thoughts shook their hearts, Ouyang Feng coldly snorted, "Resting? I'm afraid it was caught by your people."

The woman's expression remained unchanged, and she still said with a smile: "It's not unreasonable for your Excellency to think like this."

"In that case, if you catch you, replace them." Ouyang Feng's voice just fell, and the whole person had appeared in front of the woman.

The woman seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and her sleeves stretched out, and a pair of jade rings flew out, wandering around the field like wild bees and butterflies fighting for nectar, making a harsh whistling sound, appearing and disappearing, time away and time . Sometimes if it comes from outside the nine days, sometimes it seems to come from the lowest layer of the eighteen hells.

Everyone in the field changed their colors, because the sound seemed to affect their heartbeat, and those with weaker skills felt annoyed and disgusted.

The woman and Ouyang Feng were on the verge of separation. Accompanied by Yuhuan's voice, her figure seemed to be looming, making it difficult to judge her location and orientation.

"Cui Xiuhuan Shan Yuru?" Ouyang Feng did not continue pursuing, but looked at the opponent solemnly.

"Mr. Ouyang really has good eyesight." The woman's eyes were also deeply jealous, and she had clearly recognized the identity of the other party from the toad work just now.

"Shan Yuru?" Song Qingshu frowned. How could this name be so familiar? Where did you hear it?

At this time, Ouyang Feng said: "The Destiny Cult has retired to the desert for so many years, and now he has come out of the world again. I don't know what he intends to do?"

Song Qingshu's mind flashed, and finally remembered why he felt the name was so familiar. Tianmingjiao is a branch of the Yingui school in "Overturning the Rain and Fanyun", which intends to subvert the Ming Dynasty regime. Since there is a Ming Dynasty in this world, Tianmingjiao has appeared. Not so surprising.

He looked at the woman not far away with great interest, and she was as good as the description in the book. She was obviously a demon who turned all living creatures upside down, but she looked dignified and pure, and she deserved to have practiced Mei Gong to the highest level.

"It's unavoidable to be a little boring in the desert for a long time, so I went out for a walk. Didn't Mr. Ouyang also leave the Baituo Mountain Villa for a long time." Shan Yuru's voice is gentle and beautiful, and it is difficult to make people feel sick.

"Huh!" Ouyang Feng frowned. Although he would not be fascinated by the other party's Meigong, he couldn't afford to be murderous.

"I didn't know it was Mr. Ouyang before. How offended, I hope that Mr. will not be offended." Shan Yuru explained, "We didn't hurt the companions of Mr., it was a misunderstanding."

"Are you going to do

what? "Ouyang Feng couldn't help asking.

Shan Yuru replied: "Tonight, our Destiny Sect is here to ambush a big enemy. Who would have thought that you arrived in the town first, causing your companions to ambush by mistake. I came here this time to explain. The misunderstanding in it, and can I bother to avoid it every step of the way, we have already prepared accommodation food for you ten miles away, I hope you don’t mind."

Her tone was quite sincere, but between the lines it was also mentioned that the Destiny Church came out, and this time it was arranged for a long time to fight the big rivals. If they didn't agree to leave, maybe the Destiny Church would deal with them first.

When she came here just now, it was mostly a temptation. If it hadn’t been known that there was a top expert like Ouyang Feng who asked her to cast a rat avoidance device, maybe she had already ordered her men to clear everyone in the inn.

"The big enemy? Who is the big enemy of my sister, we can help you together." Song Qingshu was curious about who they were trying to deal with.

Shan Yuru pursed his lips and smiled: "Thank you, son, for your kindness, but this is our internal matter, and it is really inconvenient for other people to intervene." Obviously, he was reluctant to disclose specific goals.

Xue Baochai had come to the woman in the yellow shirt at this time, and talked with her in a low voice: "Miss Yang, what do you think?" As for those elder brothers from the family, one by one has been fascinated to show good to Shan Yu, and there is no need to ask. They are.

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