Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2094: Wushuang City and Shuangxiu Mansion

"Goldan?" Song Qingshu, who was hiding behind the plaque, was startled. He remembered that in history, Guldan established a very strong steppe country, conquered the Western Regions and Kazakhstan, and Kangxi fought against it for decades, and finally relied on The powerful national power and the infighting in the rear of Geldan just defeated him, but it will be until the Qianlong period to completely eliminate the Zhungeer Khanate.

He also appeared in "The Deer and Ding Tale", worshipped Wei Xiaobao, and married Ake's senior sister Aqi as his wife. It's just that Ah Jiu is still a little girl in this world, so naturally he has confiscated the disciple, and that Ah Qi is still there.

Reminiscent of Shan Yuru calling him the Son of the Sun just now, Song Qingshu's heart moved. He vaguely remembered that Zhao Min had mentioned before that in his early years, Temuzhen ruled all the Mongolian tribes, and the last powerful enemy was the Naiman tribe, which belonged to the Naiman tribe. The leader was honored as Taiyanghan. Later, Taimujin was killed by Taimujin, and Taiyanghan's son escaped to the Western Regions with the remnants.

"Historically, Sun Khan’s son is out of law?" A trace of doubt flashed in Song Qingshu’s eyes. Could it be that in this chaotic world, Guldan became the son of Sun Khan?

But thinking about it, you can understand that in history, the Zhungeer tribe where Geldan belonged was a branch of the four tribes of Oala, and only after the Yuan Dynasty was destroyed by the Ming Dynasty, Mongolia was divided into Oala in the west and Tatar in the east. Mongolia is in its heyday, and naturally there is no wala.

In this world, Geerdan became a member of the Naiman tribe in the west of the Mongolian Plateau, which makes sense.

Song Qingshu remembered the file information he had previously contacted in Xixia. In recent years, Huibu and Mingjiao have been in the Western Regions and Mongolia. Both sides have suffered heavy losses. Geerdan took the opportunity to rise and became the lord of northern Xinjiang, Huibu and Mingjiao. Controlling southern Xinjiang, because of the powerful enemy of Mongolia, the three forces have formed an alliance to fight against Mongolia together.

"Tianming teaches Cui sleeve ring Shan Yuru!" The fat monk obviously recognized the other party, guarding Geldan and Young City Lord behind him, with a guarded expression on his face.

Looking at each other.

"You deserve to be the guardian of Wushuang City, Shi Wuzun, your skill seems to have improved a lot." Shan Yuru smiled slightly, as if he was sincerely admiring.

The name of Shi Wuzun, Song Qingshu, did not have any impression, but Wushuangcheng he vaguely remembered that there was a Wushuang City in "Feng Yun", and there was also a Wushuang Kingdom in "Overturning the Rain and Clouds", but he didn't know which one of them was related to.

"You don't need to perform flattery on me, I am a Buddhist man, so how can I be so easily tempted by you." Shi Wuzun shouted, as if to awaken his companion who was fascinated by the other side's flattery.

Shan Yuru smiled: "What's wrong with the people in Buddhism, even the world-zun will be seduced by the three gods, not to mention that you are a mortal, the more angry you are, the more you are tempted by me."

"Bastard!" Shi Wuzun's figure moved towards Shan Yuru and rushed over.

Shan Yu had a smile on his face and was not moved at all. Seeing that the fragrant jade was about to die, a black shadow threw out from behind her, blocked the opponent's attack, and forced the opponent back.

"This man's weapon is really strange." Wan Yan Zhongjie couldn't help but said.

Song Qingshu nodded in sympathy, his weapon was like a spear, not a spear, but a shovel, not a shovel, one was a spear and the other was a shovel, which was indeed very strange.

"Tathagata palm, but so." The man who came in forced Shi Wuzun back and said proudly.

Song Qingshu almost did not drop his chin in surprise, the palm of the Tathagata? How could he have never heard of this famous martial arts? This martial arts is even a bit strange, and mortals can really fight it?

But just now he witnessed the two fight against each other. Although Shi Wuzun's palms were good, his power was far inferior to Jianglong Eighteen Palms. He wanted to come with the same name, without the terrifying power in the legend.

"Unexpectedly, both the spears and shovel-Fei Zhanyu have also become Shan Yuru's ministers under the skirt." said the lady who had been sitting silent.

Song Qingshu didn't have a deep impression of this name. Hearing from that lady's tone, it was speculated that he should be a famous master in the Western Regions.

Zhan Yu looked at her full curve greedily, and said with a smile: "Suwen Shuang-Xiufu has been one of the most beautiful beauties in the past. If the wife and princess are willing to take off the veil, let Zhan a certain satisfaction. Fortunately, maybe Zhanmou will switch to the pomegranate dress of the wife and the princess."

His frivolous language, coupled with the lewd-evil eyes, aroused the anger of a group of people on the other side.

"Shuang-Xiu Mansion!" Song Qingshu finally learned the origins of the two mysterious masked women. In the clouds, each generation of the Shuangxiu Mansion masters are stunning beauties. They pass on females but not males, especially their cultivation techniques. It is very magical. Each generation must choose a son-in-law to join the family, and then practice the double-cultivation method together. When women practice, they must have desires and no emotions, and men must have emotions and no desires.

"Fuck, it's all crazy." Song Qingshu could only comment like this.

Double-Xiu princess Gu Zixian, ranked fourth in the top ten beauties in the world of Rain and Clouds, she really deserves her reputation when she saw it today.

The people from Shuang-Xiu Mansion seem to come from Wala. They used to have a country in the Western Regions called Wushuang Kingdom. Later, they were betrayed by Nian Liandan, who was also Wala, and colluded with outsiders to destroy the country. Therefore, they have always shouldered the heavy responsibility of restoring the country. , And at the same time thinking of finding revenge for Nian Liandan.

"Another Murong Fu." Song Qingshu shook his head. A group of women pretended to be noble all day long and did not do any business. Can they really be able to restore the country by relying solely on the double-cultivation method?

Of course, in this world, Shuangxiu Mansion did not live in the Central Plains, hiding in the Dongting Lake area. Listening to the tone of those people talking just now, Wushuang Nation should not have been destroyed.

"Is it because I killed Nian Liandan, which caused them to avoid the crisis of annihilation?" Song Qingshu's expression was a bit wonderful, and I don't know if they would recognize me as a great benefactor.

"Brother Song, you are smiling so strangely, you must be thinking something bad." Wan Yan Zhongjie on the side stretched out a small hand to touch his cheek, and said with a smile.

Song Qingshu's face was hot: "Am I smiling, don't talk nonsense."

At this time, there was a change in the field. It turned out that the young city master stood up and angrily accused: "Shameless thief, die!"

The long sword was unsheathed, and the whole person had already attacked Zhan Yu. Zhan Yu hurriedly raised his spear to meet him. While resolving the opponent's offensive, he smiled and said, "It turns out that the young city lord is also here. I almost forgot about the double-Xiufu history. The rules of marrying Wushuang City Lord and molested your fiancée are really embarrassing."

The Young City Master snorted heavily, his expression gloomy, and the sword in his hand became more and more fierce.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but sighed, why did this Young City Master's swordsmanship look so familiar with his own swordsmanship?

Zhan Yu counterattacked, and from time to time molested: "But your fiancée is really great, which man can not be tempted? The strong in this world are respected, you are not capable of holding your fiancée. what."


In recent chapters, some new characters have been added. The main reason is that there are too many masters in the Central Plains and too few masters in Mongolia, which is inconsistent with the setting of the strongest Mongolian country in the world. So it is necessary to add some masters in Mongolia to balance the strengths of both sides. In the martial arts novels, It happens that Huang Yi’s works involve a large number of Mongolian-related plots. There are many Mongolian masters in it, and the popularity is relatively good. Some characters in his books are appropriately introduced, mainly from "Fu-Yu Fanyun" and "Broken Void" and many more.

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