Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2102: Dead dao friend is not dead poor dao

"Huh?" Seeing the opponent's body turned purple, Song Qingshu's first reaction was the Huashan School's "Zixia Divine Art", but he quickly denied this speculation. Zixia Divine Art was relatively calm and peaceful, and the opponent’s technique had to be overbearing and domineering. many.

Zhong Zhongyou's moves are pressing, and the aftermath from his fists and weapons can shake the nearby tables and chairs into dust, so that Song Qingshu can only evade.

Seeing Zhongyou's majestic and predominant appearance, the Tianmingjiao everyone couldn't help but applauded for him.

On the contrary, Mrs. Shuang-Xiu and the princess looked at the field with a worried expression, for fear of something wrong with Song Qingshu.

Zhong Zhongyou was in ecstasy at this time, thinking that he really scared himself before. Although this mysterious man's martial arts is high, it is not so high as to imagine. He has just injured a number of masters, and now he must be very angry. It is probably not mine anymore. Opponent.

Thinking of this, Zhong Zhongyou's offensive became more and more fierce. He used the Heavenly Demon's hand in 72 poses to display 120% of his usual strength. The thorn in Shurangama's hand was also very strange, and he used various strange angles to the opponent's body. The key is over.

At this time, Song Qingshu was secretly amazed, thinking that the martial arts of the Demon Sect was indeed a bit magical. Although he didn't know that the opponent's attacking technique was the seventy-two style of the Heavenly Demon Hand, he could still judge that it was an extremely sophisticated set of martial arts.

Compared with the peace in the martial arts of Bai Dao, and the compassion of keeping people everywhere, the seventy-two styles of the magic hand of this day are much more vicious. Each move and each style pays attention to how to hit the enemy's vital points in the fastest and most labor-saving way.

The two types of martial arts have their own advantages. The magic gate is effective at the beginning, so the power of the first 30 years is often far more powerful than the decent disciples. However, after a few decades, the power of both parties reaches a certain level, and the magic gate is unreserved and ruthless. Spicy moves lead to less perfect rotation between moves and moves, making it easier to be taken advantage of.

Of course, there are still a few thirty years in life. To be honest, for most ordinary people, the martial arts method like magic is more effective.

With Song Qingshu's cultivation base, he naturally noticed the weaknesses in the opponent's moves. Of course, the so-called weaknesses are also relative, and they often disappear in a flash. Even a figure of the same master level can hardly take the opportunity to injure the opponent.

Zhong Zhongyou has been immersed in this martial arts for decades. Naturally, he also knows its pros and cons. How can it be easily deciphered? He has profound skills and extraordinary talents, and even hides the seventy-two types of the hands of the heavenly devil.

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The realm of Kang Long who has been concealed to be like Jianglong's eighteen palms is regretful.

Song Qingshu dodges while leading the other party to fully demonstrate martial arts. Shurangama's skill is relatively weak, but from his movement skills and moves, it can also be seen that he cultivates an extremely high level. Smart martial arts.

"Although the martial arts of the two look different, they seem to be somewhat similar in origin." After fighting each other for a while, Song Qingshu's heart moved.

It turned out that in the Western Han Dynasty, after Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty implemented the policy of exclusive Confucianism, the first demon sage "Tianmo" Cangzhu collected all kinds of strange books and books, and finally went to waste to save the essence and summarized into ten volumes of "Tianmo Ce".

I vaguely think of the supreme classic "Tian Mo Strategy" of the legendary magic gate. The magic gate was originally not united, but it was roughly divided into two factions and six ways, and each branch received a part of the "Tian Magic Strategy.

Because of the vastness and obscurity of "Tian Mo Ce", the people of each faction have different understandings, leading to the development of completely different miraculous skills between the factions. Just like the "Sunflower Treasure", the two masters of the Huashan School had different understandings, which finally led to Split into Qizong and Jianzong.

With Song Qingshu's current cultivation base, the problem is to start from the origin. After some battles, I noticed that Shan Yuru, Zhong Zhongyou and even Shurangama's martial arts seemed to be vaguely connected.

Thinking back to the fight with Nian Liandan, his martial arts seemed to have a similar shadow.

Counting so far, he has learned about the Huajian School, Yingui School, and Demon Xiangzong's peculiar knowledge. Shurangama studied under Pang Ban, and Pang Ban is the Demon Xiangzong.

Realizing that Zhong Zhongyou's and Shurangan's moves had begun to repeat, Song Qingshu knew that it was almost done, so he no longer tried to paddle the water.

Zhong Zhongyou and Shurangama immediately felt the change in the situation, and were shocked in their hearts: How come the opponent's skill has not weakened at all, and it is getting stronger and stronger?

However, the people outside were not clear about their situation and thought they had the advantage.

"We're here to help you!" Shuang-Xiu's wife and the princess screamed in unison, waving the long sword in their hands and attacking. The other masters of the Destiny Cult tried to stop, and the others in the Shuangxiu Palace also greeted them because Shan Yuru was adjusting. Xi, the other great masters also died and were injured, how could they stop them, mother and daughter?

Wanyan Zhongjie on the side couldn't help but curl his lips, and hummed softly: "These two women will seize the opportunity."

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Zhong Zhongyou and Shurangan had been struggling to support them, but now seeing Mrs. Shuang-Xiu and his daughter rushing over, they murmured secretly one by one.

"Evil Buddha, hold him for a while, and I will return to the Demon Master's Palace to call for help!" Suddenly, Shun Yan gave a faltering shot and jumped out of the battle circle while taking advantage of a gap.

Zhong Zhongyou was almost out of anger so that a mouthful of old blood spurted out. Thousands of grass and mud horses rushed past in his heart. The people in the Magician Palace didn't know how far away from here. When they came, he would have been cold long ago. This **** actually gave him first. sold!

It turned out that he also had a similar idea to Shurangama just now, but in front of so many people, he really couldn't hold his face. He was hesitating, but he didn't know that Shurangama had acted first.

Song Qingshu took advantage of the moment when the other party was in a state of confusion, and slapped him directly with a palm, and Zhong Youxian's blood spurted and flew back.

Originally, with Zhong Zhongyou's martial arts, it would take a lot of hands and feet to defeat him, but he didn't expect that the opponent was in chaos, and suddenly defeated like a mountain.

Song Qingshu frowned at this time. The blood spray from the other party was too abnormal. Zhong Zhongyou didn't stay in shape, and he broke through the window. Like a miracle, he suddenly accelerated and flew straight to the distance like a meteor.

"Tian Devil Escape!" Shan Yu on the side was bleak, she did not expect Zhong Zhongyou to be so determined. You must know that the demon escape method is the life-saving technique of the few top figures in the magic door. It is extremely overbearing, because it will consume the essence of the human body!

This secret method can burst out and escape at extremely fast speeds. It has to keep running for hundreds of miles. It must not stop in the middle, and the escape must follow a straight line, otherwise the true essence will be suffocated and immediately fell to the ground.

Although Song Qingshu didn't know the escape of the devil, he wanted to be similar to the "Blood-burning Dharma" of the Sun Moon God Sect, which exploded the human body's potential in a short period of time, but it would hurt the lifespan afterwards.

"Should I chase after Zhong Zhongyou Shurangama or stay here to clean up the destiny and teach these masters?" Song Qingshu had a moment of hesitation. Zhong Zhongyou had the highest martial arts, but there were more masters left in the inn.

These people are the minions of the Mongols, and many of them are top masters. Even with the strength of Mongolia, it is not easy to recruit so many masters. Take this opportunity to weaken the strength of the Mongols.

At this moment, a ringing arrow suddenly rose in the sky in the distance, and his expression changed slightly, because it was a signal agreed upon by the Golden State Mission, and it was obvious that something that could not be resolved was going on over there.

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