Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2121: On the verge of

"Who is talking nonsense!" Jin Ruoxian suddenly turned his head, staring sharply in the direction of the sound.

Song Qingshu and the others also looked over there. After seeing the situation there, they couldn't help but look weird: Dongying people are here too?

It’s no wonder that he can recognize each other’s origins at a glance. It’s that their costumes are too obvious, as if a lawnmower was pushed from their foreheads to the back of their heads. The top of their heads was bald, only a strand of hair in the middle was turned into a bun. , There is still hair between the other temples, and the hairstyle is as weird as it is.

In addition, there is a small moustache in the people, it is really blind to not be able to recognize their origin.

"Why, isn't I telling the truth?" The man sitting in the middle of the group of Dongying people sneered again and again. Although their tone was a little weird, they still used Chinese.

"Yuchi Xiusheng!" Jin Ruoxian also clearly recognized the identity of the other party, "I didn't expect Fengcheng Hideyoshi to send you only one adopted son to run for the election this time."

Song Qingshu didn't know the name of Yuchai Hidekatsu, but Hideyoshi Toyoshii's name was still heard, and he was a little bit sighed at the thought that he would participate in history and compete with these heroes on the same stage.

"Didn't Cui Yu just send your son-in-law here? It's always the wine bag and rice bag, right?" Yu Chai Xiusheng gave Cui Han a contemptuous look as he said.

"Who do you think is the wine bag and rice bag!" Cui Han couldn't help being furious. The confidant next to him wanted to show his face in front of the owner. Seeing that the owner was angry, he rushed towards Yuchai Xiusheng and raised his hand to give him a slap in the face.

"Huh!" a cold voice sounded.

"Be careful!" Fu Jun's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly reminded him.

It was a pity that it was too late. Everyone saw a flash of cold, and before they could see someone making a move, the Goryeo warrior had been split into two.

"Ah, it's killing, it's killing!" The surrounding group of people who were originally watching the drama, saw such an exaggerated and **** scene, they dared not stop one by one, they screamed and ran out.

"You haven't checked out yet!" The owner of the inn tried to keep the guests, but everyone ran out. Who could he hold?

"These damned foreigners!"

The boss wanted to cry without tears. Turning around, he wanted to find the Dongying people to settle the account, but the **** corpses on the ground were still hot, so he didn't dare to go up and touch the mold.

As for the Goryeo side, it was their people who had just died, and their faces were ugly to death. At this time, whoever went up was unlucky.

"These Dongying people are really disgusting." Seeing a lot of blood, Wanyan Chongjie is a little girl after all, so he subconsciously turned his head away and cursed secretly.

Song Qingshu's eyelids also twitched. This person is indeed a bit fucked. If you want to kill it, kill it. It must be done like this. Who is disgusting. However, the cut he had just now, regardless of speed or timing, was indeed masterful.

"Xin Yin Liu? Are you Yagyu Tajima Shou or Yanagyu Shibei?" Fu Junxu asked, staring at a samurai next to Yushiba Xiusheng with a frosty face. Xin Yinliu is the genre created by the sword sage Ueizumi Shinzuna of the East, but Shangquan Nobunaga's status is aloof, and he is very old, and his status in Dongying is similar to that of Zhang Sanfeng in the Central Plains. This person will obviously not be him.

It was his disciple Yanagyu Zongyan who got the message of Nobutsuna Uzumi, and Zongyan Yanagyu was also the grandmaster of the Eastern generation, and he was also very old, so the person in front of him could only be his son Tajima Yanagashi or grandson Jubei Yanagyu. .

"Suoga, the girl's eyesight is good, I am Yanagyu Jubei." The samurai said proudly, obviously quite proud of the surname Yanagyu.

Fu Jun's grandson said coldly: "Although my companion is a bit abrupt, but the crime is not dying, your Excellency is too cruel."

"Skills are not as good as humans, and death is not a pity." Jubei Yanagi raised his head, obviously without a trace of apology.

"These Dongying people are really arrogant." Xue Pan couldn't help muttering.

Master Lu said, "I think he did nothing wrong. After all, it was the Koreans who took the lead. If the Dongying people are not as skilled as the others, then they will be the ones who are being humiliated at this time. You must know that being slapped in public is a shame. "

The woman in the yellow shirt snorted: "Don't make trouble, be careful to burn yourself." Xue Pan and the others stopped their mouths angrily.

Song Qingshu focused his attention on the other two people beside Yusheng Jubei. One of them had messy hair. The whole person looked very decadent and a bit sloppy to some extent, but Song Qingshu did not dare to be small. Looked at him, because the sword in his hand must be faster and more profitable than Jubei Yagyu.

The other is dressed in a purple samurai robe. The whole person is much cleaner and neater. He wears a long dark blue ponytail, and his temples are hanging down to his collarbone. He looks beautiful. If you say that the scruffy man who was living in the rivers and lakes just now, it is purple. The samurai suit is more like a Pian Pianjia son, but Song Qingshu will pay attention to it. It will definitely not be his appearance, but the sword on his back. This is a sword that people can't forget at a glance, because it is very Longer than all the swords I've seen before, it's more than five feet long. It makes people wonder how the master of such a long sword can use it.

Song Qingshu did not dare to underestimate the two of them. Although the previous Yanusheng Jubei's knife was amazing, it was nothing more than that. After all, they were a little worse, but the two of them had the master's cultivation base, which made him a little stunned. Think there are so many masters in Dongying? It seems that I still underestimated them before.

"A good sentence is not as good as a human. If so, let me teach you the new Yin Liu knife technique." Fu Jun's wrist shook, and the long sword in his hand was slowly unsheathed, as if an invisible wind was blowing, like a cloud. His hair swayed freely and freely, and his whole life had a majestic and solemn beauty.

"Wow, this Korean girl is so beautiful."

"Speak down, haven't you seen her martial arts very high?"

"Chee, she fights with the Dongying people, how can we take care of us."

Xue Pan and several people started to comment on the sidelines again, and one by one sighed that although the trip was boring, the beautiful women they saw were really one after another.

Song Qingshu also secretly nodded, the appearance and temperament of this white-clothed woman was indeed extremely outstanding.

At this time, Wanyan Chongjie quietly poked his waist and said sourly: "You don't want to look at people beautiful again, so you plan to save the beauty by heroes."

Song Qingshu was speechless for a while: "Am I just like that in your eyes, let alone her martial arts, and she doesn't need someone to save her."

Judging from her breathing and her tolerance, this Korean woman is definitely a master, and she is more than enough to protect herself against that Yanagyu Jubei.

"I have long heard of the prestige of Master Yijian, and our ancestors are both known as sword masters in their respective countries. It is just that the ears are fictitious and the eyes are believable. Ms. Fu has the true story of Master Yijian. It's a bit of a fur, just for us junior disciples to have a good fight." Jubei Yanagyu did not dare to be careless, stood up and held the hilt of the knife at his waist tightly.

"Master Yi Jian? Also surnamed Fu?" Song Qingshu looked strange, staring at the two girls in white, thinking that the world was really messy enough that they even came out.

Seeing that the war was about to start, a gloomy ventriloquism suddenly came: "Who dared to make trouble in our Yipintang site?"

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