Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2130: Beauty

Song Qingshu finally understood why Yelu Nanxian commented on Xu Liewu a bit aggressively before. Now it is really arrogant to see him with his own eyes. The key is that his clamor, which is different from ordinary people, is matched with his background and self-confidence, as if to say something. It's easy.

Xu Liewu returned to his room after finishing his dispatch of troops, obviously enjoying the beautiful captive.

Thinking of him thinking about Li Qinglu and Mu Wanqing, Song Qingshu felt extremely upset, and decided to teach this arrogant prince a lesson.

The yard is very tightly guarded, and Xu Liewu’s bedroom is the most important thing. It is not an exaggeration to describe that a fly can’t fly in. All kinds of bright and dark whistles are intertwined, there is no blind spot in the line of sight, and no matter how high the martial arts is. Law did not alarm the guards to break in.

Even if people like Zhang Sanfeng and Wang Chongyang came, it was impossible to avoid the guard's eyeliner, but Song Qingshu was different. He had a special skill, that is, he could jump within a certain range regardless of space distance.

In spite of this, Song Qingshu chose a relatively weak angle carefully so as not to cause the air fluctuations to be noticed by top experts.

The whole figure gradually turned into nothingness. The next moment Song Qingshu had already appeared in the room. He hurriedly surveyed the surrounding area, and he was relieved to learn that there was no guard in the room.

Think about it, unless he is a pervert, how can he arrange for someone to peep in his sleeping room? From what he said just now, he often had in-depth and friendly exchanges with the beautiful princesses and concubines who were captives. How could it be possible to leave someone to watch?

"Mrs. Zhen, you have caused this king to suffer a lot over the years, and finally fell into the hands of this king." Xu Liewu's proud voice came from the back room.

Song Qingshu's heart moved, and he quietly approached, hiding behind a screen, and saw Madam Zhen lying on the bed, her plump and tall figure being exposed to the air without reservation. It was obvious that she was caught when she was just sent in. The maid had freshened and dressed, and the blood on her body had already been wiped clean, and she was lying on the bed weakly, looking very lazy and beautiful.

Xu Liewu condescendingly looked at his spoils, he was not in a hurry. He had experienced countless similar things over the years, and it was difficult for him to have that kind of anxious impulse, compared to simply possessing

The opponent's body, he prefers to conquer both mentally and physically.

Madam Zhen sighed faintly, her tone full of loneliness and resignation: "There is a saying here in the Han people, saying that you know you can't do it. I know there will be such a day sooner or later, but I didn't expect this day to come so soon. "

Xu Liewu couldn't help but exclaimed: "The lady is indeed a hero of the female middle school. This kind of calm attitude is not comparable to a woman, even a man."

"Thank you for the prince's praise," Madam Zhen smiled reluctantly and looked at him with big eyes, "Is the prince going to sleep with me?"

Xu Liewu asked back: "If you are me, will you sleep?"

Madam Zhen gave a wry smile: "Mostly, I can sleep."

Xu Liewu sat down by the bed and slid her fingers across the delicate skin on her cheek: "Sure enough, you deserve to be the first beauty in Hua La Zimou. Few of the concubines of this king in these years can compare to you. "

Madam Zhen trembled as she was pressed by a man's fingers, and a faint red wave appeared on her face: "Master, let go of your hands and feet for me, and let me serve you well."

"Serve me?" Xu Liewu said with a smile, "Does the madam think this king is a fool?"

"I know what the prince is worried about," Madam Zhen explained, "I have been severely injured, and I can't lift my internal strength at all. The reason why I want to untie the rope is mainly because I think I can't live long anyway. I have never lived in this life. Being approached by a man is not only the first time but also the last time in my life, it allows me to let go of my body and mind to taste the things of men and women, and not to live my life in vain."

Xu Liegu laughed and said, "Although I still don't believe it very much, but you have successfully convinced the king by what you said, no matter what, I will solve it for you."

Song Qingshu was puzzled. He listened to their conversation. Wasn't it a madam? Why was it still a virgin?

"Now that the rope has been untied, Madam will serve this king well." Xu Liewu looked at her carefully.

Madam Zhen got up from the bed and knelt down behind him, with ten slender fingers on his shoulders: "Let me squeeze the shoulders for the prince first."

Xu Liewu nodded: "It's okay, this period of time is indeed a bit laborious."

Mrs. Zhen gently squeezed it for him, despite the tricks

It was very jerky, but the strength was extremely suitable, and even Xu Liewu, who was used to enjoying it, couldn't help but snorted comfortably.

Seeing him closing his eyes, Mrs. Zhen's eyes flashed with cold, and she quietly stretched her hand to the back of her head, and took out a two-inch hairpin from her black and shiny hair.

Originally, based on the professionalism of Mongolian guards, such serious mistakes would not be made. Any woman sent to the bed will be strictly checked. Things like hairpins on the head that can be used as a murder weapon are never allowed. However, Mrs. Zhen wore the mother-in-law hairpin, which was the last line of defense she left on her body. The guards only seized the mother hairpin and did not notice the mother-in-law hairpin that she had hidden in her hair.

The hairpin is very sharp and faintly shining with blue light. It is obviously poisonous, and as long as it cuts a little skin, it can take a person's life.

A trace of determination flashed in Mrs. Zhen’s eyes, and the hairpin in her hand slammed into Xu Liewu’s neck. She knew that no matter what happened this time, she would definitely die, but she still had no regrets. If she could pull him back before she died, it would be considered Consoling the spirits of the heavens to the parents and brothers.

There was a cold snort, and when Xu Liewu raised his hand casually, Mrs. Zhen couldn't hold it, and the hairpin shot directly onto the pillar on the side, almost directly submerged in it.

Xu Liewu clasped Mrs. Zhen's neck, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes: "That's how you came to serve me?"

"You...you know martial arts?" Madam Zhen's big eyes were full of amazement. She herself was a master of Hua Lazi. Although she was seriously injured at this time, ordinary people could not hide from the attack. Thinking of being countered by him in an instant, the opponent's martial arts is truly unfathomable.

"If this king didn't understand martial arts, he would have died in the endless assassinations of the old man in the mountains." Xu Liewu snorted and wanted to break her neck directly, but she could see her eyebrows like spring mountains and eyes like spring mountains. Qiu Shui's plump and well-proportioned body now looked extremely moving when lying on the bed, and he couldn't help but hesitate. It would be a shame to kill like this.

At this moment, Song Qingshu made a move. At that moment, he saw that Xu Liewu had the cultivation base of a master, and he didn't dare to care.

Xu Liewu's face changed drastically in an instant, he directly grabbed the woman in his hand and threw it behind him, then immediately rolled a lazy donkey, hiding aside and drew a silver gun in an instant.

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