Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2136: Fox Fake Tiger (Part 2)

"How powerful." Fang Yeyu sneered, completely disbelief of her nonsense. He also participated in the previous action of arresting her outside the hall. Although Madam Zhen's martial arts is good, her strength is limited.

"I can leave safely from the old man in the mountain and the Shuiyue Dazong, what do you think?" Madam Zhen stood with her hands in her hands, she was a bit of a superior demeanor, but her face was a little hot, thinking he wouldn't blame me.

"Pretend to be a **** and play a ghost." Fang Yeyu snorted coldly and waved his hand. Five Mongolian warriors on the side quickly surrounded her and attacked her.

Zhalanding, Hua Zhaao and others hurriedly reminded: "Be careful!" The handsome men died under the siege of these five people before, but it was a pity that they were seriously injured at this time, and they were unable to help.

Madam Zhen also jumped in her heart. Hua Lazmo had been fighting with the Mongols for a long time, how could she not recognize these five people? They are the five evil spirits of the golden, wood, water, fire and earth in the ten evil gods of the magician palace, although they are not as good as the top ten The first two evil gods are extinct, but they are also first-class masters. On weekdays, even if she is not injured at all, she can only avoid her edge in the face of five people teaming up. What's more, if she is injured now, I am afraid that she will be sacked and killed within three moves.

When I was at a loss, a voice suddenly came from my ear: "reach out and hit them."

I don't know why, when she heard this sound, her panicked heart instantly calmed down, and she waved her hand instinctively. She herself felt that her move was weak and weak, but she knew that since the other party asked for such a request, there must be his reason.

Several screams sounded, and when Madam Zhen recovered her senses, she found that the five evil gods of wood, water, fire, and earth had fallen to the ground and lost their breath.

At this time, even she was shocked, and it took a long time to react and withdraw her hand, coughing lightly to cover up the embarrassment in her heart.

The people on the Mongolian side were also in an uproar. I didn't expect that the five men who were aggressive in the first second would all die in the next second.

Even Fang Yeyu was dumbfounded. Even if he faced the five evil gods teaming up, it would take a lot of effort. Who knew that Madam Zhen would solve it by raising her hand?

The key is that he didn't even see how the opponent made the move. From his point of view, the opponent's move is average in terms of strength and speed. How could it be possible to achieve such a high power?

"Do you see how she did it?" Fang Yeyu asked the people around him in a low voice.

Hong Yan Hua Jieyu and White Haired Liu Shaozhi frowned: "We don't understand, could it be that she used some malicious hidden weapon?"

"I didn't hear the sound of the hidden weapon breaking the wind." Fang Yeyu shook his head, denying this guess.

A burly man on the side said, "Let us brothers try her fiction."

Fang Yeyu was overjoyed: "Of course I can rest assured when you go out, but I still pay attention to her use of poison." He thought carefully, and from the beginning he was thinking about how Madam Zhen silently killed the five masters and eliminated hidden weapons. Then the only possibility is to use poison.

The big man nodded and walked silently to the direction where Mrs. Zhen was. At the same time, there was another man who passed by, and his looks were as good as him.

Song Qingshu in the dark noticed that the two of them were between 60 and 70 years old. They had a gloomy face, a tall stature, and a high and crooked nose. They were not like people from the Central Plains. In addition, the two of them were almost exactly the same. The twin brothers immediately realized that they should be the Montessori twins among the eight Temujin guards mentioned by Mrs. Zhen.

Since he was a guard, why didn't he stay with Temujin and instead send him out to perform the mission? It seemed that the rumors that Temujin had practiced magic skills were indeed true, and he was already confident enough to ensure safety.

After taking a closer look, Song Qingshu noticed that the two of them breathed smoothly and walked lightly. Obviously, their skills were already perfect. The Hua Lazimo master who was seen on the road before died under the two of them, which is not wrong.

Seeing the Montessori twins approaching, Madam Zhen oozes a cold sweat from her temples. She can barely deal with one person on weekdays, but when the two of them work together, she has no life.

The main reason is that the two are twin brothers, who are best at fighting together. There is no shortage of couples in the world who use two swords together, but no matter how close the relationship is, it is not as close as the telepathy that comes out of the mother’s womb. Together, they are definitely not the same. It is as simple as adding one to two, and it will exert several times the power of a single player. Many famous Western masters obviously have better martial arts than any of them, but in the end they all died under the joint efforts of the two.

"Take hairpins and throw them away!"

The warm voice came from her ear again, and Madam Zhen's flustered eyes immediately cleared and calmed down. When she just escaped from the Mongolian Hall, she picked up a maid’s hairpin and coiled up her beautiful hair. She didn’t expect this to happen. It's useful again soon.

"But there is only one hairpin, but they have two of them." Taking off the hairpin, Mrs. Zhen hesitated, but the closer the two got closer, she didn't dare to hesitate anymore and threw it directly at Mengda.

See throw

The hairpin that came over was light and fluttering, and Mengda couldn't help but show contempt. He raised his hand and brushed it casually, while the other hand covered Madam Zhen's entire head in the air.

Meng Er has sealed all her evasive routes. The two are worthy of twin brothers, and they cooperate seamlessly with each other.

Suddenly, the hairpin flying in the air broke into two parts with a crisp sound, and then suddenly accelerated, splitting into two and blasting away at the two of them. The Montessori brothers' complexion changed drastically, and they hurriedly stopped in front of them. In front of the hairpin, the palm of his hand was like tofu, instantly pierced, and then pierced through their throats in their shocked and terrified eyes.

Before the five evil gods fell, a group of people in Mongolia was in an uproar. Now that the two demons of Montessori were killed, the group of people was silent. The scene in front of them is really incredible.

Madam Zhen's heart moved, and she took a step slowly, because she had just killed a few masters in an instant. At this time, she seemed to have an invisible coercion, and the Mongolian warriors involuntarily took a step back.

Even Fang Yeyu and the red face and white hair also stepped back subconsciously. Madam Zhen couldn't help but feel very happy. When have you been so proud of all these years?

At this time, the spies sent by Fang Yeyu to investigate before also came back, and whispered: "Little magician, the prince's mansion is indeed messed up, and now the masters under his command are moving around, as if searching for something." In such a short time, he said. It is impossible to rush back to inquire, but can only find a high place to look at and report the situation of the Mongolian embassy.

Fang Yeyu's expression changed. It was really the same as Mrs. Zhen described before. Could it be that the prince really...

Thinking of this, he dared not delay, and hurriedly waved his hand: "Retreat!" The other Mongolian warriors hurriedly followed him and disappeared cleanly.

Song Qingshu hesitated for a moment, and did not continue to take action. There are so many Mongols that it is not so easy to kill. Moreover, counting the time, the large troops sent by Xu Liewu will arrive soon. The most urgent thing is to put Hua Lazi first. The model person takes away and talks about it.

Zalanding and his party saw the Mongols walking away in horror, and they surrounded Madam Zhen with surprises: "Madam has such a skill, we never knew it."

Madam Zhen smiled shyly and did not respond to them. Instead, she knelt down on one knee in the direction of Song Qingshu: "My benefactor saved us this time. He is the benefactor of the entire Huarazimo. From now on, you can speak as long as we have something. , It must be served with both hands."

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