Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2138: Real purpose

Song Qingshu has a black line: "No, you got it wrong."

Although Mrs. Zhen didn't think there was any problem with her hearing, she now worships the other person as a god. When he said this, she pressed down the doubts in her heart.

Song Qingshu coughed slightly and introduced the identities of the two parties to each other. Zalanding didn't take it seriously when he saw this beautiful little girl, but when he heard that the other party could represent the Kingdom of Jin, he instantly put away his contempt. Feelings.

Even in Tianzhu, he also heard that Mongolia’s biggest enemy on the Central Plains is the Kingdom of Jin. Coming to Xixia on this trip, catching the line of the Kingdom of Jin is one of his primary goals.

Wan Yan Chongjie curled her lips, thinking that being a mascot was almost the same, where could represent the Kingdom of Jin, but she also understood that Song Qingshu did not want to stand on the stage, so she acquiesced in all this.

While introducing the two sides, Song Qingshu sent someone to invite Geldan to come over. He did not call Xixia and Qing people again. It was the result of careful consideration. Now Xixia is too close to Mongolia, and it is not suitable for the time being under the threat of Mongolian soldiers. Openly broke with Mongolia; in the Manchu and Qing Dynasty, he didn't want to expose his relationship for the time being.

Zalandin on the side was overjoyed when he heard the words. Although the Kingdom of Jin was strong, it was too far away from Huarazim. Some of it was too far to quench its thirst. However, the Junggar Khanate was different. There are many more places to cooperate.

Mrs. Zhen blinked her eyes and looked at Song Qingshu. At this time, she admired him so much. Not only is martial arts such a high level, but also has such a wide network of contacts. It is easy to summon the senior officials of Jin Guo and Zhungar. His martial arts and ability, failing to do this is a strange thing.

Noting the look in her eyes, Wanyan Chongjie suddenly felt a sense of crisis, and hurriedly inserted between the two, separating her gaze: "How on earth are you together?"

Madam Zhen immediately noticed her hostility. How smart she is. She immediately understood the reason and thought that a character like En Gong would inevitably attract the best women in the world. Realizing this, she didn't have anything in her heart. Jealousy, on the contrary, feels right.

Because Hua Lazmo still relied on Jin Guo's help, she didn't argue with Wan Yan, but smiled slightly and silently stepped aside.

Wan Yan was taken aback for a while, the other party was so embarrassed that she felt a little bit too much in her heart.

Song Qingshu didn't notice that the two women's thoughts had changed a lot at this moment. Instead, he told himself about what had just happened.

Hearing that the Mongols tried their best to raid the embassy in Huarazimo, Wanyan Chongjie couldn't help but shoot the case: "These Mongols are too rampant!"

"Whoever allows the Mongolian army to ramp up the world and destroy countless countries, this gives them confidence," Song Qingshu reminded, "You must not be careless about the defense work on your side. You may not be allowed to attack you by the Mongols."

"Don't worry, what I brought out this time are all the elites of the Loyalty Army, not to mention Mr. Ouyang, the Mongols will die one by one." Wan Yan Zhongjie snorted.

Song Qingshu secretly nodded, it is indeed reassuring to have Ouyang Feng here, not only his martial arts, but also his good use of poison, no matter how many Mongolian masters come, it is useless.

It didn’t take long for Gordan to bring people. He was originally on this trip to find allies. The two sides hit it off. Although Zalandin’s current power is weak, it has been proved that he can create enough for Mongolia. Trouble, not to mention the Mughal dynasty of Tianzhu behind him.

After some discussions, several people confirmed military, political, and commercial cooperation. The materials and ordnance of the Kingdom of Jin could flow into the Huarazim through the Junggar Khanate, and the Huarazim would combine the products and specialties of Tianzhu and Western countries into green onions. Ling entered the Junggar Khanate.

After signing the covenant, Geldan and the others returned to their residence, worried that there would be an accident on the road, Song Qingshu also asked Wanyan Chongjie to send the Golden Kingdom warrior to escort.

Nowadays, the people of Mongolia are going all over the city, but this is the capital of Xixia after all. It would be shameful to let them do such a domineering blessing. So Yelu Nanxian and Li Qinglu led the Yipintang people everywhere to block them, and the two sides fell into a stalemate for a while, Song Qingshu Let Zalanding take this opportunity to leave.

Now that the covenant has been signed, and the purpose of this trip has been mostly completed, Zalanding had no reason to stay, and immediately led his men to leave the capital of Xixia overnight.

Song Qingshu was chatting with Wanyan Chongjie at the embassy. Suddenly someone told someone to see him. When that person came in, he couldn't help but startled: "Why didn't you leave?"

The person here is charming, beautiful like a peach and plum, and his skin is extremely white. Who is it if it's not Mrs. Zhen?

Mrs. Zhen bowed and explained: "If the Mongols learn that the prince has escaped from the city, it is definitely easier to chase him in the wild than to kill him in the city, so I must continue to stay in the name of the Huarazimian mission. In the city, it caused the illusion that he was still here, paralyzed the Mongols, and bought enough time for the prince and them."

Wan Yan Chongjie couldn't help saying: "But in this way, don't you stay here and die?" Staying here is weak, and facing the powerful Mongols, they are no different from sending them to death.

"According to what you said is good, the prince dies for the confidant, the prince treats us not badly, and it is Hua Lazmo's last hope, in order to cover his smooth departure, all the sacrifices are worth it." Madam Zhen smiled. "It's not just me, but Shan Chayue also voluntarily stayed and cooperated with me."

"That person was badly injured. I thanked God for not breathing. I couldn't run. But you are different. You are the number two character in Hua Lazmo, and you are so beautiful. Are you really willing to stay and die?" Wan Yan Repeatedly asked.

"I might have hesitated before changing it, but now..." Mrs. Zhen didn't say anything, but looked at Song Qingshu aside with a smile.

Wanyan Zhongjie's small mouth suddenly pursed, and he snorted and turned away. It was only a long time since he didn't see him. There was another woman who was sticking upside down. Is this guy a human-shaped spring medicine.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly. There was really no way to explain this kind of thing to her. After Yan Chongjie left, he faintly looked at the tall and plump woman in front of him: "You should stay here not just to buy time for your prince." Right."

Mrs. Zhen smiled, and a shyness flashed in her eyes: "The son has no retribution for the great kindness of our Hua Lazimo. If the son does not dislike it, the concubine is willing to serve the son as a slave."

Song Qingshu coldly snorted: "There is a saying that is well said, the more beautiful a woman is, the more deceitful you are. What is your real purpose?"

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